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Schuster, Prof. Edgar

  • ?? ??
  • Person

Professor of eugenics (?)

Schulte, Rolfe

  • Person
  • 1949-

Schreiner, Olive

  • Person
  • 24 March 1855 - 11 December 1920

(from Wikipedia entry)

Olive Schreiner (24 March 1855 - 11 December 1920) was a South African author, anti-war campaigner and intellectual. She is best remembered today for her novel The Story of an African Farm which has been highly acclaimed ever since its first publication in 1883 for the bold manner in which it dealt with some of the burning issues of the day, including agnosticism, existential independence, individualism and the professional aspirations of women; as well as its portrayal of the elemental nature of life on the colonial frontier. In more recent studies she has also been foregrounded as an apologist for those sidelined by the forces of British Imperialism, such as the Afrikaners, and later other South African groups like Blacks, Jews and Indians - to name but a few. Although she showed interest in socialism, pacifism, vegetarianism and feminism amongst other things, her true views escape restrictive categorisations. Her published works and other surviving writings promote implicit values like moderation, friendship and understanding amongst all peoples, avoiding the pitfalls of political radicalism which she consciously eschewed. Although she may be called a lifelong freethinker in terms of her Victorian background - as opposed to mainstream Christianity - she always remained true to the spirit of the Christian Bible and developed a secular version of the worldview of her missionary parents, with mystical elements.

Karel Schoeman, the South African historian and leading authority on Schreiner's life, has written in one of his books about her that she was an outstanding figure in a South African context, although perhaps not quite the same abroad. In the Preface to the same work, Schoeman acknowledges that although The Story of an African Farm is by no means perfect, it is still unique and gripping even to the modern reader. He also outlines the basic pattern of her life which serves as a useful guide to this article, and the pursuit of further interest in the subject:

"From a chronological viewpoint, Olive Schreiner's life shows an interesting pattern. After she spent the first twenty-five thereof in South Africa ... she was in England for more than seven years, and also lived during this time in Europe. After this she lived in South Africa for twenty-four years, the time of her friendship with Rhodes, the Anglo-Boer war and her growing involvement in issues like racism and the lot of women, after which another exile followed in England for seven years; it was only shortly before her death in 1920 that she returned to South Africa" (Olive Schreiner: A Life in South Africa 1855-1881, Human & Rousseau, Cape Town, 1989). Olive Emilie Albertina Schreiner (1855-1920) was the ninth of twelve children born to a missionary couple at the Wesleyan Missionary Society station at Wittebergen in the Eastern Cape, near Herschel in South Africa. Her parents, Gottlob Schreiner and Rebecca Lyndall, married in England in 1837. She was named after her three older brothers, Oliver (1848-1854), Albert (1843-1843) and Emile (1852-1852), who died before she was born. Her childhood was a harsh one as her father was loving and gentle, though impractical; but her mother Rebecca was intent on teaching her children the same restraint and self-discipline that had been a part of her upbringing. Olive received virtually all her initial education from her mother, who was well-read and gifted.[clarification needed] Her eldest brother Frederic Samuel (1841-1901) obtained a BA at London University and founded New College in Eastbourne in 1873/4. He remained as headmaster until late 1897 but continued to run the junior school until 1901. He died in 1901 at the Grand Hotel in Eastbourne and was interred in the town.

When Olive was six, Gottlob transferred to Healdtown in the Eastern Cape to run the Wesleyan training institute there. As with so many of his other projects, he simply was not up to the task and was expelled in disgrace for trading against missionary regulations. He was forced to make his own living for the first time in his life, and tried a business venture. Again, he failed and was insolvent within a year. The family lived in abject poverty as a result.

However, Olive was not to remain with her parents for long. When her older brother Theophilus (1844-1920) was appointed headmaster in Cradock in 1867, she went to live with him along with two of her siblings. She also attended his school and received a formal education for the first time. Despite that, she was no happier in Cradock than she had been in Wittebergen or Healdtown. Her siblings were very religious, but Olive had already questioned the Christianity of her parents like many learned Victorians, and it was the cause of many arguments that she had with her family.

Therefore, when Theo and her brother left Cradock for the diamond fields of Griqualand West, Olive chose to become a governess . On the way to her first post at Barkly East, she met Willie Bertram, who shared her views of religion and who lent her a copy of Herbert Spencer’s First Principles. This text was to have a profound impact on her. While rejecting religious creeds and doctrine, Spencer also argued for a belief in an Absolute that lay beyond the scope of human knowledge and conception. This belief was founded in the unity of nature and a teleological universe, both of which Olive was to appropriate for herself in her attempts to create a morality free of organized religion.

After this meeting, Olive travelled from place to place, accepting posts as a governess with various families, later leaving them because of personal conflict with her employers. One issue which always surfaced, was her unusual view of religion. Her apostasy didn't sit well with the traditional farm folk she worked amongs.

Another factor was that she was somewhat unconventional in her relationships, for she was uncertain as to how to relate sexually to her male employers in many cases, and men in general. During this time she met Julius Gau, to whom she became engaged under doubtful circumstances. For whatever reason, their engagement did not last long and she returned to live with her parents and then with her brothers. She read widely and began writing seriously. She started Undine at this time. As in the case of her later husband, Cronwright, she may have been attracted to Gau, as other men, for his dominant personality, maturity and physicality...However, her brothers’ financial situation soon deteriorated, as diamonds became increasingly difficult to find. Olive had no choice but to resume her transient lifestyle, moving between various households and towns, until she returned briefly to her parents in 1874. It was there that she had the first of the asthma attacks that would plague her for the rest of her life. Since her parents were no more financially secure than before and because of her ill-health, Olive was forced to resume working in order to support them.

Over the next few years, she accepted the position of governess at a number of farms, most notably the Fouchés who provided inspiration for certain aspects of The Story of an African Farm, which she published under the pseudonym “Ralph Iron,” as well as a small collection of stories and allegories called Dream Life and Real Life.

However, Olive’s real ambitions did not lie in the direction of writing. She had always wanted to be a doctor, but had never had enough money to pay for the training. Undaunted, she decided that she would be a nurse as that did not require her to pay anything. By 1880, she had saved enough money for an overseas trip and she applied to the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh in Scotland. In 1881, she traveled to Southampton in England. Once there, she was never to realize her dream of becoming a medical practitioner, as her ill-health prevented her from completing any form of training or studying. She was forced to concede that writing would and could be her only work in life.

Despite that, she still had a passion to heal society’s ills and set out to do with her pen what she could not with pills. Her Story of an African Farm was acclaimed for the manner it tackled the issues of its day, ranging from agnosticism to the treatment of women. It was also the cause of one of her most significant and long-lasting friendships, as the renowned sexologist Havelock Ellis wrote to her about her novel. Their relationship soon developed beyond intellectual debate to a genuine source of support for Schreiner.

She finally met him in 1884 when she went with him to a meeting of the Progressive Organisation, a group for freethinkers to discuss political and philosophical views. This was one of a number of radical discussion groups to which she was to belong and brought her into contact with many important socialists of the time. A friendship as influential as that with Ellis was with Edward Carpenter, the founder Socialist and gay rights activist, which, as Stephen Gray shows, remains hardly explored.[3] In addition to the Progressive Organisation, she also attended meetings of the Fellowship of the New Order and Karl Pearson’s Men and Women's Club, where she was insistent on the critical importance of woman’s equality and the need to consider men as well as women when looking at gender relationships.

However, her own relationships with men were anything but happy. She had refused a proposal from her doctor, Bryan Donkin, but he was irritatingly persistent in his suit of her. To make matters worse, despite her reservations about Karl Pearson and her intentions just to remain his friend, she soon conceived an attraction for him. He did not reciprocate her feelings, preferring Elizabeth Cobb. In 1886, she left England for the Continent under something of a cloud, traveling between Switzerland, France and Italy before returning to England. During this time, she was tremendously productive, working on From Man to Man and publishing numerous allegories. She also worked on an introduction to Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Given the situation in England, it is perhaps unsurprising that Schreiner chose to return to South Africa, sailing back to Cape Town in 1889. The return home was unsettling for her - she felt extremely alienated from the people around her, but at the same time experienced a great affinity for the land itself. In an attempt to reconnect with her surroundings, she became increasingly involved in local politics as well as produced a series of articles on the land and people around her, published posthumously as Thoughts on South Africa. Through her work with local politics she became intimate friends with Emily Hobhouse and Elizabeth Maria Molteno, influential women activists with similar opinions on civil and women's rights.

Her involvement with Cape politics led her into an association with Cecil John Rhodes, with whom she would soon become disillusioned and against whom she would write her bitterly satirical allegory Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland. This disillusionment began with his support of the “strop bill” that would allow black and coloured servants to be flogged for relatively small offenses.

Her opposition to the “strop bill” also brought her into contact with Samuel Cronwright, a politically active farmer. They were of the same mind on the “Native Question” and on Rhodes, and Schreiner soon fell in love with him. During a brief visit to England in 1893, she discussed with her friends the possibility of marrying him, although she was concerned that she would find marriage restrictive. She put aside these doubts, however, and they were married in 1894, after which they settled at Cronwright’s farm.

The next few years were difficult and unsettled ones for them. Schreiner’s worsening health forced the couple to move constantly, while her first and only child, a daughter, died within a day. This loss was only worsened by the fact that all her other pregnancies would end in miscarriages. However, she found solace in work, publishing a pamphlet with her husband on the political situation in 1896 and Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland the next year. Both of these isolated her from her family and the people around her, and she was given to long spells of loneliness during that period of her life. hen Woman and Labour was finally published in 1911, Schreiner was severely ill, her asthma worsened by attacks of angina. Two years later, she sailed alone to England for treatment, where she was trapped by the outbreak of World War I. During this time, her primary interest was in pacifism - she was in contact with Gandhi and other prominent activists like Emily Hobhouse and Elizabeth Maria Molteno - and she started a book on war, which was abbreviated and published as The Dawn of Civilisation. This was the last book she was to write. After the war, she returned home to the Cape, where she died in her sleep in a boarding house in 1920. She was buried later in Kimberley. After the death of her husband, Samuel Cronwright, her body was exhumed. Olive Schreiner, along with her baby, dog and husband were buried atop Buffelskop mountain, on the farm known as Buffelshoek, near Cradock, in the Eastern Cape.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Scholte, Kirsten

  • Person

Kirsten Scholte is a Canadian folk, rock, country, bluegrass, and celtic singer from Ontario. "While attending Humber College for a Contemporary Music Performance Degree, she began piecing together her band, The Fancys, and has been performing live." Mariposa Festival Program, 2011, p. 50

Schingh, Denis

  • Person
  • 1959-

Schindeler, Frederick Fernand

  • Person
  • 1934-

Frederick F. Schindeler (1934- ) is an educator and municipal politician. Born in Stettler, Alberta, Schindeler received a BA from Bethel College in Minnesota (1957); BD from Baptist Seminary in Louisville Kentucky (1959) and a MA and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Toronto (1961, 1965). as an alderman in the Borough of North York (1970-1972). He is the author of Responsible Government in Ontario (1969). Ministry of State, Urban Affairs, Ottawa Director General 1974; IBR 1969-1973; Ave Maria, College of the Americas, San Marcos Nicaragua Executive Director of Development

Schiller, Ferdinand Canning Scott

  • Person
  • 16 August 1864 - 6 August 1937

(from Wikipedia entry)

Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller (August 16, 1864 - August 6, 1937) was a German-British philosopher. Born in Altona, Holstein (at that time member of the German Confederation, but under Danish administration), Schiller studied at the University of Oxford, and later was a professor there, after being invited back after a brief time at Cornell University. Later in his life he taught at the University of Southern California. In his lifetime he was well known as a philosopher; after his death his work was largely forgotten.

Schiller's philosophy was very similar to and often aligned with the pragmatism of William James, although Schiller referred to it as "humanism". He argued vigorously against both logical positivism and associated philosophers (for example, Bertrand Russell) as well as absolute idealism (such as F.H. Bradley).

Schiller was an early supporter of evolution and a founding member of the English Eugenics Society. Born in 1864, one of three brothers and the son of Ferdinand Schiller (a Calcutta merchant), Schiller's family home was in Switzerland. Schiller was educated at Rugby and Balliol, and graduated in the first class of Literae Humaniores, winning later the Taylorian scholarship for German in 1887. Schiller's first book, Riddles of the Sphinx (1891), was an immediate success despite his use of a pseudonym because of his fears concerning how the book would be received. Between the years 1893 and 1897 he was an instructor in philosophy at Cornell University. In 1897 he returned to Oxford and became fellow and tutor of Corpus for more than thirty years. Schiller was president of the Aristotelian Society in 1921, and was for many years treasurer of the Mind Association. In 1926 he was elected a fellow of the British Academy. In 1929 he was appointed visiting professor in the University of Southern California, and spent half of each year in the United States and half in England. Schiller died in Los Angeles either August 6, 7, or 9th of 1937 after a long and lingering illness.

Schiller was a founding member of the English Eugenics Society and published three books on the subject; Tantalus or the Future of Man (1924), Eugenics and Politics (1926), and Social Decay and Eugenic Reform (1932). In 1891, F.C.S. Schiller made his first contribution to philosophy anonymously. Schiller feared that in his time of high naturalism, the metaphysical speculations of his Riddles of the Sphinx were likely to hurt his professional prospects (p. xi, Riddles). However, Schiller's fear of reprisal from his anti-metaphysical colleagues should not suggest that Schiller was a friend of metaphysics. Like his fellow pragmatists across the ocean, Schiller was attempting to stake out an intermediate position between both the spartan landscape of naturalism and the speculative excesses of the metaphysics of his time. In Riddles Schiller both,

(1) accuses naturalism (which he also sometimes calls "pseudometaphysics" or "positivism") of ignoring the fact that metaphysics is required to justify our natural description of the world, and
(2) accuses "abstract metaphysics" of losing sight of the world we actually live in and constructing grand, disconnected imaginary worlds.
The result, Schiller contends, is that naturalism cannot make sense of the "higher" aspects of our world (freewill, consciousness, God, purpose, universals), while abstract metaphysics cannot make sense of the "lower" aspects of our world (the imperfect, change, physicality). In each case we are unable to guide our moral and epistemological "lower" lives to the achievement of life's "higher" ends, ultimately leading to skepticism on both fronts. For knowledge and morality to be possible, both the world's lower and higher elements must be real; e.g. we need universals (a higher) to make knowledge of particulars (a lower) possible. This would lead Schiller to argue for what he at the time called a "concrete metaphysics", but would later call "humanism".

Shortly after publishing Riddles of the Sphinx, Schiller became acquainted with the work of pragmatist philosopher William James and this changed the course of his career. For a time, Schiller's work became focused on extending and developing James' pragmatism (under Schiller's preferred title, "humanism"). Schiller even revised his earlier work Riddles of the Sphinx to make the nascent pragmatism implicit in that work more explicit. In one of Schiller's most prominent works during this phase of his career, “Axioms as Postulates” (1903), Schiller extended James' will to believe doctrine to show how it could be used to justify not only an acceptance of God, but also our acceptance of causality, of the uniformity of nature, of our concept of identity, of contradiction, of the law of excluded middle, of space and time, of the goodness of God, and more. In Riddles, Schiller gives historical examples of the dangers of abstract metaphysics in the philosophies of Plato, Zeno, and Hegel, portraying Hegel as the worst offender: "Hegelianism never anywhere gets within sight of a fact, or within touch of reality. And the reason is simple: you cannot, without paying the penalty, substitute abstractions for realities; the thought-symbol cannot do duty for the thing symbolized".

Schiller argued that both abstract metaphysics and naturalism portray man as holding an intolerable position in the world. He proposed a method that not only recognizes the lower world we interact with, but takes into account the higher world of purposes, ideals and abstractions. Schiller also developed a method of philosophy intended to mix elements of both naturalism and abstract metaphysics in a way that allows us to avoid the twin scepticisms each method collapses into when followed on its own. However, Schiller does not assume that this is enough to justify his humanism over the other two methods. He accepts the possibility that both scepticism and pessimism are true.

As early as 1891 Schiller had independently reached a doctrine very similar to William James’ Will to Believe. As early as 1892 Schiller had independently developed his own pragmatist theory of truth. However, Schiller's concern with meaning was one he entirely imports from the pragmatisms of James and Peirce. Later in life Schiller musters all of these elements of his pragmatism to make a concerted attack on formal logic. Concerned with bringing down the timeless, perfect worlds of abstract metaphysics early in life, the central target of Schiller’s developed pragmatism is the abstract rules of formal logic. Statements, Schiller contends, cannot possess meaning or truth abstracted away from their actual use. Therefore examining their formal features instead of their function in an actual situation is to make the same mistake the abstract metaphysician makes. Symbols are meaningless scratches on paper unless they are given a life in a situation, and meant by someone to accomplish some task. They are tools for dealing with concrete situations, and not the proper subjects of study themselves.

Both Schiller’s theory of truth and meaning (i.e. Schiller’s pragmatism) derive their justification from an examination of thought from what he calls his humanist viewpoint (his new name for concrete metaphysics). He informs us that to answer “what precisely is meant by having a meaning” will require us to “raise the prior question of why we think at all.”. A question Schiller of course looks to evolution to provide.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Scheier, Libby

  • Person
  • 1946-2000

Libby Scheier (1946-2000) was a writer, social activist, critic and educator. Born in Brooklyn, New York, she received a BA in philosophy and French from Sarah Lawrence College in 1968 and an MA in English literature from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1971. During her years as a university student, Scheier was politically active with socialist groups including the Spartacist League. She moved to Toronto in 1975 after living in France, California and Israel and became affiliated with the Trotskyist League of Canada. Scheier’s other social activism included involvement with the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League, the Cross-Cultural Communication Centre, the Writers’ Union of Canada, the feminist caucus of the League of Canadian poets, and Women and Words.

Scheier is the author of four books of poetry, “The Larger Life” (1983), “Second Nature” (1986), “Sky: A Poem in Four Pieces” (1990) and “Kaddish for my Father: New and Selected Poems” (1999), and a book of short fiction, “Saints and Runners” (1993). She contributed book reviews and articles to publications including the “Globe and Mail”, “The Toronto Star”, “This Magazine”, “Books in Canada” and “Quarry Magazine”. Her writing also appeared in anthologies “Women on War” (1988), “Poetry by Canadian Women” (1989) and “Language in her Eye” (1993).

In addition to her work as a writer, Scheier worked as an editor and copy editor for science and literary journals in the 1970s and 1980s, including “Paragraph” and “Poetry Toronto”. She taught creative writing, Canadian literature and women's studies courses at York University from 1988 to 1994 and was the founder/director of the Toronto Writing Workshop in 1994.

Libby Scheier died in Toronto on Nov. 14, 2000.

Scarlett, Mose

  • Person
  • 1947-2019

“Mose Scarlett specialized in songs from bygone eras – jazz, blues, ragtime and swing – and always dressed the part, neatly turned out in a three-piece suit and fedora or, more informally, a waistcoat and workingman’s flat cap. Within Canadian music, he was an anachronism, a performer cheerfully out of step with the times. But that was also a big part of his charm. Blessed with a deep, resonant singing voice and a self-taught, fingerpicking guitar style often described as stride, Mr. Scarlett was similarly old-fashioned in his personal demeanour. Bruce Cockburn, who met him in 1969 when he and his then future wife, Kitty, stayed at Mr. Scarlett’s apartment in Toronto’s east end, recalls being impressed with his honesty and generosity. [...] Throughout his career, Mr. Scarlett often performed with musical partners, including initially his first wife, Anne Tener, with whom he had two daughters. In the 1970s, he played coffee houses like Toronto’s Nervous Breakdown, Fiddler’s Green, the Groaning Board and the Riverboat with harmonica player Jim McLean. And he became a mainstay of folk festivals like Owen Sound’s Summerfolk and Sudbury’s Northern Lights. His 1981 debut album, featuring six original songs, was followed by The Fundamental Things in 1995 and 2002’s Precious Seconds, which includes collaborations with guitarists Amos Garrett, Colin Linden, Jeff Healey and David Wilcox, among others.”

Sayce, Archibald Henry, 1845-1933

  • Person
  • 1845-1933

Archibald Henry Sayce was an orientalist and comparative philologist.

Sawa, George

  • Person
  • 1947-

Savage, Sir George Henry

  • Person
  • 1842-1921

(from Wikipedia entry)

Sir George Henry Savage (1842-1921) was a prominent English psychiatrist. Savage was born in Brighton in 1842, the son of a chemist. Educated at Brighton College, he served an internship at Guy's Hospital from 1861. After 1865, he was resident at Guy's; he earned his MD in 1867. He remained a regular lecturer at the hospital for decades after.

During his time as a doctor for a mining company in Nenthead, he met his wife, Margaret Walton; however, she died after a year of marriage. The couple had one child. Shortly after his wife's death, Savage accepted an appointment as an assistant medical officer at Bethlem Royal Hospital. By 1878, he had become chief medical officer at the hospital; in the same year, he joined the MCRP.

Also in 1878, Savage cofounded the Journal of Mental Science with Thomas Clouston and Daniel Hack Tuke. He published regularly in this journal until the end of his career. At Bethlem and after, he was sparing in his use of chemical sedation, although his freedom with physical restraint drew criticism from Henry Maudsley, J. C. Bucknill, and others.

Over the course of the 1880s, private practice took up more of Savage's time; he finally retired in 1888 to devote himself entirely to private practice. In 1882, he married Adelaide Sutton, the daughter of another doctor.

He drew his private clientele from wealthy or well-connected London society. Virginia Woolf saw him intermittently for a decade, and he is among the figures lampooned in the Sir William Bradshaw of Mrs. Dalloway. At the same time, he worked as a consultant for a number of asylums, and was often called in on especially difficult cases.

His major public work was Insanity and Allied Neuroses, a reference book for students; published in 1884, it was revised and reissued in 1894 and 1907. In 1909 he delivered the Harveian Oration to the Royal College of Physicians on the subject of Experimental Psychology and Hypnotism. He was knighted in 1912.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Collective)

  • Corporate body
  • 1993-

SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Centre) is the only non-profit, artist-run centre in Canada dedicated to supporting South Asian artists. For over two decades, SAVAC has increased the visibility of culturally diverse artists by curating and exhibiting their work, providing mentorship, and facilitating professional development.

Our mission is to produce programs that explore issues and ideas shaping the identities and experiences of people from the region and its diasporas. We encourage work that is challenging, experimental and engaged in critical discussions that offer new perspectives on the contemporary world.

SAVAC develops and produces a range of contemporary visual art interventions and programs. We work without a gallery space, and typically in collaboration with other artist-run centres, public galleries and visual arts organizations. This unique, collaborative model allows for SAVAC to play a vital role in Canada’s visual arts ecology by expanding the frameworks that support culturally diverse perspectives in art.

1987 Khush: South Asian Gay Men of Toronto is founded. Khush has an active membership of around 100 people, with a mandate to “educate South Asian gay men and the wider gay community about South Asian culture, as well as to forge connections amongst the South Asian community, South Asian cultural producers/artists, and the gay community”.

1988 Khush and Gay Asian Toronto organize “Unity Among Asians,” a conference for Asian lesbians and gay men in North America.

1989 Members of Khush organize SALAAM TORONTO, a one-day celebration at the 519 Community Centre, featuring arts, literature, food, culture, games, and performance, drawing a crowd of around 800 people.

1990 Khush hosts Khalla (later to become Desh Pardesh), a three-evening event of video and film, music and dance, hosted at Euclid Theatre, “intended to provide a forum for South Asian artists” aiming to “incite dialogue […] and to begin an interrogation of what South Asian culture is”. (Clara Thomas Archives)

1990 Festival undergoes name change from Khalla Festival to Des/Pardes or Desh Pardesh.

1992 Desh lengthens and broadens programming, funding and staffing, and includes film/video, poetry/fiction, theatre/performance, dance, live music, DJs, non-fiction/criticism/journalism, visual art/photography.

1993 Desh is established as a permanent organization with a small membership fee and working board.

1993/94 A group of visual artists who had been working together to curate the visual arts component of Desh, come together to form South Asian Visual Arts Collective (later to be named the South Asian Visual Arts Centre, or SAVAC)

1994 Desh and ASAAP (Alliance for South Asian AIDS Prevention) are incorporated as non-profit organizations.

1997 SAVAC is formally established as an artist-run centre, working in close collaboration with Desh.

2001 Desh Pardesh festival and its administrative body are closed, due largely to the financial crisis.

2001 SAVAC is provincially incorporated.

2004 SAVAC celebrates its 10th anniversary.

2008 SAVAC changes its name from South Asian Visual Arts Collective to South Asian Visual Arts Centre to more accurately reflect its organizational purpose and structure as an artist-run centre. In this year, SAVAC also becomes federally incorporated and celebrates its 15th anniversary.

2009 SAVAC is awarded charitable status.

2013 SAVAC is awarded multi-year the Ontario Trillium Foundation funding for a project that will involve the creation of an archive that traces the history of SAVAC as an organization, and the people and groups that preceded it.

2014 SAVAC celebrates 20 years of existence and 10 years of Monitor: South Asian Experimental Film + Video program.

For more information see: .

Satory, Stephen

  • Person
  • 1947-

Sargeant, E.B.

  • Person
  • fl. 1904-1905

Author of "Illustrated handbook to the city and cathedral of Peterborough."

Saorise Adair, Erin

  • Person
  • 1991-

“Songwerinadairriter, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and composer, Erin Saoirse Adair, has become a prominent and popular voice on the national folk scene, with widespread praise for her accessible and deeply relevant songs. In the time-honoured tradition of topical song writing, her work deals with social justice, the environment, sex positivity, worker’s rights, alcoholism, mental health, sexual assault and more. She sings frankly, but often with disarming humour. Co-founder and former member of the feminist folk trio, Three Little Birds, nominated for a 2012 Canadian Folk Music Award, Erin already has a lot of stage experience under her young belt, and it shines brightly in her strong performances.”

Sander, Heidi

  • Person

Heidi Sander (1967-), freelance researcher, writer, photographer and teacher, was born and raised in the Kitchener-Waterloo region of Ontario. She completed a Bachelor of Independent Studies with a concentration in Communication and Public Relations at the University of Waterloo and received a Masters of Environmental Studies degree at York University with a concentration in Environmental Literature and Writing in 2004. She is the author of a newspaper column on nature trails for the "Globe and mail" and the "Record" as well as numerous travel and culture related articles in various magazine. Under the pseudonym, Katherine Jacob, she is the author of a Canadian bestselling travel guide series including the titles "44 country trails," "Bruce Peninsula trails," "Grand River country trails," "The best of the Bruce trails" and "Trails of the Oak Ridges Moraine." Sander has traveled extensively and is a member of the Society of American Travel Writers (SATW). She received an Award of Excellence from the Waterloo Region Foundation for her books and "Trail markers" column.

Samuel J. Zacks Art Gallery

  • Corporate body
  • 1970-

The Samuel J. Zacks Gallery was opened in 1970 and dedicated to Zacks, an industrialist, philanthropist and member of the Board of the Art Gallery of Ontario. The Gallery has exhibited works by international, Canadian and York student artists. It is staffed by student Directors.

Sampson, Peggie, 1912-2004

  • Person

Peggie (Margaret) Sampson, musician and teacher, was born on 16 February 1912 in Edinburgh, Scotland, daughter of astronomer Ralph Sampson and Ida Binney. Growing up in Edinburgh, Sampson began her study of the cello at the age of eight, studying with Ruth Waddell and later in London and Portugal with Guilhermina Suggia. In 1929, Sampson enrolled at the University of Edinburgh and took classes with Donald Francis Tovey. During the summers, she travelled to Paris to study under Diran Alexanian at the Normale de Musique and privately with Nadia Boulanger. She graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Bachelor of Music degree in 1932. During the 1930s, Sampson performed in England and Holland, and she served as Tovey's teaching assistant between 1937 and 1944. Sampson studied under Pablo Casals in the 1940s and performed with the Carter Trio while also performing as a freelance cellist in recitals throughout England.

In 1951, Sampson relocated to Canada to take a teaching position at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, where she taught music theory, history and cello. She also taught cello to private students. Sampson continued to be an active performer as a soloist as well as a member of the Corydon Trio and the University Chamber Music Group. By 1960, Sampson began to perform on the viola da gamba, and she spent a year earning her doctorate from the University of Edinburgh, studying performance and the teaching of music to young children. In 1963, she formed the Manitoba University Consort with Christine Mather. The group played in Canada at Expo '67, at the opening of the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, and toured in Europe. By the time the Consort disbanded in 1970, Sampson was performing exclusively on the viola da gamba.

Sampson left Winnipeg in 1970 to teach theory and viola da gamba at York University in Toronto and became a prominent viola da gambist during the 1970s, performing throughout Canada and in Europe. Most notably, she performed solos in Bach's "Passions", appeared at the Aldeburgh Festival, and premiered works by Bernard Naylor ("On hearing Mrs. Arabella Hunt singing", 1970), Murray Adaskin ("Two pieces", 1972), David Rosenboom ("The seduction of Sapientia", 1975) and Rudolf Komorous ("At your memory the transparent tears fall like molten lead", 1976), which were commissioned by Sampson to expand the modern repertoire for the viola da gamba. At the University of Toronto during this period, she performed with the Hart House Consort of Viols, and she taught at the University of Victoria's summer school between 1973 and 1975. Sampson formed the Quatre en Concert with Christine Harvey, Michael Purves-Smith and Deryck Aird, and they performed across Canada and in Holland between 1976 and 1978. After retiring from full-time teaching at York University in 1977, she taught part-time at Wilfrid Laurier University until 1984.

Sampson was awarded with the Canadian Music Council medal in 1985, an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Wilfrid Laurier University in 1987, and an honorary Doctor of Letters degree from York University in 1988. Peggie Sampson died on 17 May 2004.

Samantha Martin and the Haggard

  • Corporate body
  • [ca. 2012-2014]

"Samantha Martin is a Canadian singer and songwriter who has garnered critical acclaim for her blend of roots rock, blues, soul and gospel music, and exceptional vocals. […] In 2014, Martin formed the soul and blues focused band "Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar". [...] In 2018, Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar signed a record deal with Gypsy Soul Records based out of Toronto. Her record Run To Me was released on April 28th, 2018. Eleven months after releasing their recording Run to Me, the 11-piece blues/soul band was nominated for a Juno Award for Blues Album of the Year."

Samantha Martin & the Haggard

  • Corporate body
  • [ca. 2012-2014]

"Samantha Martin is a Canadian singer and songwriter who has garnered critical acclaim for her blend of roots rock, blues, soul and gospel music, and exceptional vocals. […] In 2014, Martin formed the soul and blues focused band "Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar". [...] In 2018, Samantha Martin & Delta Sugar signed a record deal with Gypsy Soul Records based out of Toronto. Her record Run To Me was released on April 28th, 2018. Eleven months after releasing their recording Run to Me, the 11-piece blues/soul band was nominated for a Juno Award for Blues Album of the Year."

Salutin, Rick, 1942-

  • Person

Rick Salutin (1942- ), journalist, playwright and novelist, was born in Toronto and educated at Brandeis University, Massachusetts, in Near Eastern and Jewish Studies (B.A.), Columbia University, New York, in religion (M.A.), and undertook Ph.D. studies in philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York. After returning to Toronto in 1970, Salutin worked as a trade-union organizer and journalist and has written on a variety of issues for magazines such as Harper's, Maclean's, Toronto Life, Weekend, Saturday Night, Quest, TV Times, Today, and This Magazine, of which he was an editor and is now a contributing editor. He wrote a weekly column for the Globe and Mail between 1991 and 2010 and has been a lecturer of Canadian Studies at the University of Toronto since 1978. As a dramatist, Salutin has written and produced a series of plays including Fanshen (1972), 1837: The Farmers' Revolt (1973), which won a Chalmers Outstanding Play Award, The Adventures of An Immigrant (1974), The False Messiah (1975), Les Canadiens (1977), which won a second Chalmers Award, Nathan Cohen: A Review (1981), Joey (1981), and S: Portrait of a Spy (1984). Other titles of Salutin's novels, collections of essays and political commentaries include Marginal Notes: Challenges to the Mainstream (1984), Spadina Avenue (1985), A Man of Little Faith (1988), Waiting For Democracy: A Citizen's Journal (1989), Living in a Dark Age (1991), and The Age of Improv: A Political Novel of the Future (1995), and The Womanizer (2002). In recognition of his achievements, Salutin has been awarded many honours including the National Magazine Award for Comment and Criticism, 1981 and 1983; Toronto Arts Award for Writing and Publishing, 1991; and the National Newspaper Award for Columnist at the Globe and Mail, 1993. Salutin held the Maclean Hunter Chair in Communications Ethics at Ryerson (1993-1995) and is presently a media analyst for the CBC and a columnist for the Toronto Star.

Salmond, Prof. Charles Adamson

  • Person
  • 1853-1932

Author of Princetoniana. Charles and A.A. Hodge: with class and table tale of Hodge the Younger (1888), Eli, Samuel, & Saul a transition chapter in Ireaelitish history (1904), Exposition and defence of Prince Bismarck's anit-Ultramontane policy: showing the difference between the present state of the Romish question in Germany and Great Britain (1876), The religious question in France in the light of historic facts and of current events (1905), The parables of Our Lord (1880), A woman's work: memorials of Eliza Fletcher (1900), Our Christian passover: a guide for young people in the serious study of the Lord's Super (1830), Echoes of the war (1916).

Salmon, Beverley Noel

  • Person
  • 1930-2023

Beverley Noel Salmon, nurse, politician and prominent anti-racism and community activist, was the first Black female commissioner of the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the first Black woman elected municipally in Toronto.

Salmon graduated as a registered nurse at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto in 1953 and obtained a public health nurse certificate in 1954 from the University of Toronto. After marrying Dr. Douglas Salmon (Canada’s first Black surgeon,hospital medical staff president, and Chief of General Surgery), Salmon worked in Detroit, Michigan until 1960 and left the nursing field.

In 1975, Salmon founded the Urban Alliance on Race Relations, a non-profit organization that works with the community, public, and private sectors to provide education programs and research to address racism in society. Salmon was also a member of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. In 1985, Salmon entered municipal politics and encumbent Councillor Andrew Borins to become Councillor of Ward 8 in North York; then elected to Metro Toronto Council until her retirement in 1997. Her career also includes work with the Ontario Status of Women Council, the Toronto Board of Education, and Toronto Transit Commission board member (1989-1994) and vice-chair (1991-1994). In the 1990s, she co-founded the Black Educators Working Group with former school principal MacArthur Hunter to advocate for an inclusive curriculum, teacher training, and anti-racism policies.

Born as Beverley Bell on 25 December 1930, she is the daughter of Herbert McLean Bell Sr., who immigrated from Jamaica to enlist in the Canadian army during the First World War (he remained in Canada to own and operate an automotive repair business in Toronto for twenty-four years) and Violet Bryan, a fifth-generation Canadian of Scottish and Irish descent. Salmon’s younger brother, Dr. David Bell was Professor Emeritus and former dean of York University’s Faculties of Environmental Studies and Graduate Studies.

Her awards and achievements include the African Canadian Achievement Award for Excellence in Politics (1995), Federation of Canadian Municipalities Roll of Honour recipient (1999), an honorary doctorate from Ryerson University (1999), the Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012), the Order of Ontario (2016), and the Order of Canada (2017). She passed away on 6 July 2023.

Saleeby, Dr. Caleb William

  • Person
  • 1878 - 9 December 1940

(from Wikipedia entry)

Caleb Williams Saleeby (1878 - 9 December 1940) was an English physician, writer, and journalist known for his support of eugenics. During World War I, he was an adviser to the Minister of Food and advocated the establishment of a Ministry of Health. Saleeby was born in Sussex, the son of E. G. Saleeby. At Edinburgh University, he took First Class Honours and was an Ettles Scholar and Scott Scholar in Obstetrics. In 1904, he received his Doctor of Medicine degree. He was a resident at the Maternity Hospital and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, and briefly at the York City Dispensary.

He became a prolific freelance writer and journalist, with strong views on many subjects. He became known in particular as an advocate of eugenics: in 1907 he was influential in launching the Eugenics Education Society, and in 1909 he published (in New York) Parenthood and Race Culture.

He was a contributor to the first edition of Arthur Mee's The Children's Encyclopædia. Like Mee, he was a keen temperance reformer. Saleeby's contributions to the Encyclopedia were explicitly race realist: he saw mankind as the pinnacle of evolution, and white men as superior to other men, based on "craniometry".

He predicted the use of atomic power, "perhaps not for hundreds of years". He favoured the education of women, but primarily so they should become better mothers. In Woman and Womanhood (1912), he wrote: "Women, being constructed by Nature, as individuals, for her racial ends, are happier and more beautiful, live longer and more beautiful lives, when they follow, as mothers or foster-mothers the role of motherhood". Yet, at this time when the suffragette movement was at its peak, he also wrote that he could see no good reason against the vote for women: "I believe in the vote; I believe it will be eugenic".

During World War I, he was an adviser to the Minister of Food and argued in favour of the establishment of a Ministry of Health. Later, he moved away from eugenics, and did not publish any further writings on this subject after 1921—though he continued to write on health matters in particular. He also campaigned for clean air and the benefits of sunlight, founding a Sunlight League in 1924.

He died on 9 December 1940 from heart failure at Apple Tree, Aldbury, near Tring.
For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Sainte-Marie, Buffy

  • Person
  • 1941-

"Buffy Sainte-Marie, CC (born Beverly Sainte-Marie, c. February 20, 1941) is an Indigenous Canadian-American singer-songwriter, musician, Oscar-winning composer, visual artist, educator, pacifist, and social activist. Throughout her career in all of these areas, her work has focused on issues facing Indigenous peoples of the Americas. Her singing and writing repertoire also includes subjects of love, war, religion, and mysticism. She has won recognition, awards and honours for her music as well as her work in education and social activism. [...] In 1997, she founded the Cradleboard Teaching Project, an educational curriculum devoted to better understanding Native Americans."

Sadler, Prof. Michael Ernest

  • Person
  • 3 July 1861 - 14 October 1943

(from Wikipedia entry)

Sir Michael Ernest Sadler KCSI (3 July 1861 - 14 October 1943) was a British historian, educationalist and university administrator. He worked at the universities of Manchester and Leeds. He was a champion of the public school system. Michael Ernest Sadler, born into a radical home in 1861 at Barnsley in the industrial north of England, died in Oxford in 1943. He is the father of Michael Sadleir.

His early youth was coloured by the fact that one of his forebears, Michael Thomas Sadler, was among the pioneers of the Factory Acts. His early memories were full of associations with the leaders of the working-class movement in the north of England. Remembering these pioneers, Sadler recorded: ‘I can see how much religion deepened their insight and steadied their judgement, and saved them from coarse materialism in their judgement of economic values. This common heritage was a bond of social union. A social tradition is the matrix of education’.

Sadler’s schooling was typical of his times. It gave him a diverse background, which was to be reflected throughout his life in his interpretation of the process and content of education. When he was 10 years old, he was sent to a private boarding school at Winchester where the atmosphere was markedly conservative. Sadler recalls:

Think of the effect on my mind of being swug from the Radical West Riding…where I never heard the Conservative point of view properly put, to where I was thrown into an entirely new atmosphere in which the old Conservative and Anglican traditions were still strong.

From this preparatory school he moved to Rugby in the English Midlands, where he spent his adolescence in an atmosphere entirely different from that of the Winchester school. His masters were enthusiastic upholders of Oliver Cromwell and the Puritan Revolution. The young Sadler soon found himself in critical revolt against the Cavalier and Anglican traditions.

He went to Trinity College, Oxford in 1880. There he soon came under the spell of leading historians such as T.H. Green and Arnold Toynbee. But it was John Ruskin who completely overwhelmed the undergraduate. Sadler has left on record how, in his second year at Trinity, a short course of lectures was announced, to be given in the Oxford University Museum by Ruskin. Tickets were difficult to get because of the popularity of the speaker. After a warm description of Ruskin’s picturesque appearance, Sadler articulates a favourite conviction when he writes:

Nominally these lectures of Ruskin’s were upon Art. Really they dealt with the economic and spiritual problems of English national life. He believed, and he made us believe, that every lasting influence in an educational system requires an economic structure of society in harmony with its ethical ideal.

That belief persisted to the end of Sadler’s life and is recurrent in his many analyses of foreign systems of education. When, in July 1882, the examinations lists were issued, Sadler had gained a first-class degree in Literae Humaniores. A month earlier he had become President Elect of the Oxford Union, a field of public debating experience that has produced many an English politician. In 1885, he was elected Secretary of Oxford's Extensions Lectures Sub-Committee, providing outreach lectures. He was a "student" (the equivalent of a fellow) at Christ Church, Oxford from 1890-95. In 1895, he was appointed to a government post as Director of the Office of Special Inquiries and Reports, resigning from the Board of Education in 1903. A special professorship in 'History and Administration of Education' was created for him at the University of Manchester.

He became Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leeds in 1911, where he now has a building named in his honour, and returned to Oxford in 1923 as Master of University College, Oxford where he continued to influence national educational policy, and promote the work of various modernist artists. Whilst in Leeds Sadler became President of the avant-garde modernist cultural group the Leeds Arts Club. Originally founded in 1903 by Alfred Orage, the Leeds Arts Club was an important meeting ground for radical artists, thinkers, educationalists and writers in Britain, and had strong leanings to the cultural, political and theoretical ideas coming out of Germany at this time.

Using his personal links with Wassily Kandinsky in Munich, Sadler built up a remarkable collection of expressionist and abstract expressionist art at a time when such art was either unknown or dismissed in London, even by well-known promoters of modernism such as Roger Fry. Most notable in his collection was Kandinsky's abstract painting Fragment for Composition VII, of 1912, a painting that was in Leeds and on display at the Leeds Arts Club in 1913. Sadler also owned Paul Gauguin's celebrated painting "The Vision After the Sermon", and according to Patrick Heron, Sadler even had Kandinsky visit Leeds before the First World War, although this claim is uncorroborated by other sources

With Frank Rutter, Sadler also co-founded the Leeds Art Collections Fund to help Leeds City Art Gallery. In particular the aim of the Fund was to bypass the financial restraints placed on the Gallery by the municipal authorities in Leeds, who had, in the opinion of Sadler, a dislike of modern art. In 1917 to 1919, Sadler led the 'Sadler Commission' which looked at the state of Indian Education.

Towards the end of the First World War, the Secretary of State for India, Austen Chamberlain, invited Sadler to accept the chairmanship of a commission the government proposed to appoint to inquire into the affairs of the University of Calcutta. Chamberlain wrote: ’Lord Chelmsford [the Viceroy] informs me that they hope for the solution of the big political problems of India through the solution of the educational problems’. After some hesitation, Sadler accepted the invitation. Under his direction the Commission far exceeded its initial terms of reference. The result was thirteen volumes issued in 1919, providing a comprehensive sociological account of the context in which Mahatma Gandhi was campaigning for the end of the British Raj and the independence of India. From the lines of inquiry pursued, it is possible to deduce a conception of expanding higher education that goes far beyond the traditional university image in its search to relate higher education to the 20th century, with its increasing availability of educational opportunities to women.

Prior to the publication of the Calcutta University Report, Sadler delivered a private address to the Senate of the University of Bombay. He put forward his personal conclusions as he surveyed The Educational Movement in India and Britain. It was a far-sighted address, characteristic of Sadler’s belief in the inter-relationship of all the various levels of education and the importance of teacher training. He warned his listeners about producing an academic proletariat with job expectations that could not be fulfilled. And finally he told the members of the Senate:

And in India you stand on the verge of the most hazardous and inevitable of adventures—the planning of primary education for the unlettered millions of a hundred various races. I doubt whether the European model will fit Indian conditions. If you want social dynamite, modern elementary education of the customary kind will give it to you. It is the agency that will put the masses in motion. But to what end or issue no one can foretell.

In 1919, Sadler was appointed a Knight Commander of the Order of the Star of India (KCSI).

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Sacks, Rick

  • Person
  • 1952-

Sabat, Marc

  • Person
  • 1965-

Ryder, Serena

  • Person
  • 1982-

“Serena Lauren Ryder is a Canadian singer-songwriter. Born in Toronto, she grew up in Millbrook, Ontario. Ryder first gained national recognition with her ballad "Weak in the Knees" in 2007 and has released eight studio albums.

Rutland, Enid Delgatty

  • Person
  • 1935-

Enid Rutland cooperated with Margaret Laurence in the production of 'The collected plays of Gwen Pharis Ringwood,' (1982).

Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970

  • Person
  • 18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970

(from Wikipedia entry)

Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, OM, FRS (18 May 1872 - 2 February 1970) was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, social critic and political activist. At various points in his life he considered himself a liberal, a socialist, and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had never been any of these in any profound sense. He was born in Monmouthshire, into one of the most prominent aristocratic families in Britain.
Russell led the British "revolt against idealism" in the early 20th century. He is considered one of the founders of analytic philosophy along with his predecessor Gottlob Frege, colleague G. E. Moore, and his protégé Ludwig Wittgenstein. He is widely held to be one of the 20th century's premier logicians. With A. N. Whitehead he wrote Principia Mathematica, an attempt to create a logical basis for mathematics. His philosophical essay "On Denoting" has been considered a "paradigm of philosophy". His work has had a considerable influence on logic, mathematics, set theory, linguistics, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science (see type theory and type system), and philosophy, especially philosophy of language, epistemology, and metaphysics.

Russell was a prominent anti-war activist; he championed anti-imperialism and went to prison for his pacifism during World War I. Later, he campaigned against Adolf Hitler, then criticised Stalinist totalitarianism, attacked the involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War, and was an outspoken proponent of nuclear disarmament. In 1950 Russell was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought."

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

The Bertrand Russell archives are held at McMaster University. See: .

Ruskin, John, 1826-1900

  • Person
  • 1819-1900

English architectural critic and author

Ruskin Literary and Debating Society

  • Corporate body
  • 1900-

The Ruskin Literary and Debating Society was established in Toronto in 1900 as a voluntary organization devoted to literature and discussion of topics of the day. The second meeting of the Society witnessed debates on government ownership of railways, canals and gas companies. James Simpson, the Toronto labour politician was a member of the Society in its first decade. While it continued to meet annually throughout the century, by the 1960s the membership began to decline, and reforms to the constitution were introduced, the result of which led to a revitalization of the society in the 1970s. In the 1980s' topics of debate at society meetings included, an elected senate for Canada, the banning of nuclear arms, the reinstatement of capital punishment, immigration laws, and the Meech Lake constitutional proposal. The officers of the Society include an honourary president, a secretary, a historian, and a critic whose role is to offer criticism of the members' debating styles, arguments and presentation. The society holds an annual banquet, and bequeaths prizes to members in the areas of best essay, and best debating skills. Each meeting of the society is presented with a programme of discussion topics.


  • Corporate body

Rudler, Frederick William

  • Person
  • 8 July 1840 - 23 January 1915

(from fonds level description of Rudler papers held at Aberystwyth University)

Frederick William Rudler was born in London on the 8th of July 1840. He began his career at the Museum of Practical Geology in 1861, where he was to remain until 1876. It was during this period, in 1869, that he accepted the role of Assistant Secretary of the Ethnological Society. He then took up a position as lecturer in natural science at the University College of Wales (Aberystwyth), and was to become one of the College's earliest professors of geology.

Rudler became Registrar of the Royal School of Mines in 1879, and held this position for a year. In 1880 he took up the role of President of the Anthropological Department of the British Association, and seven years later he began a two-year spell as President of the Geologists Association. In the same year he was made Curator and Librarian of the Museum of Practical Geology, and would remain so until 1902. Rudler's string of presidencies continued in 1898, when he entered into a year long period as President of the Anthropological Institute. In 1903, he was made President of the Essex Field Club, and the following year President of the S E Union of Scientific Societies.

Rudler published a great deal, and his works appear in various literary and scientific journals. He also acted as assistant editor on Ure's Dictionary of Arts and Manufacturers (1875), and contributed both to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. He died on the 23 January 1915.

For more information, see Hugh Owen Library, Aberystwyth University at:|%20F.%20W.%20%28Frederick%20William%29%20|%201840-1915 ,

Rudakoff, Judith

  • Person
  • 1953-

Judith Rudakoff, playwright, author, and professor, was educated at McGill (BA), the University of Alberta (MA), and the University of Toronto (PhD). She was the literary manager and resident dramaturge for a number of Toronto theatres including Toronto Free Theatre, Canadian Stage Company, and Theatre Passe Muraille and has worked with both new and established playwrights throughout Canada. She is the author or editor of a number of works on dramaturgy, contemporary Canadian theatre and Cuban theatre including "Fair Play: Conversations with Canadian Women Playwrights," "Dangerous Traditions: A Passe Muraille Anthology," and "Questionable Activities: Canadian Theatre Artists in Conversation with Canadian Theatre Students." She has been an Associate Professor in the Theatre Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at York University since 1989 and has lectured on topics including cultural identity and the role of archetypes in artistic creation in such diverse places as Cuba, Denmark, South Africa, England and the United States. She was awarded the Dean's Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Faculty of Fine Arts and the University Wide Teaching Prize for her work. She was also awarded the Elliott Hayes Prize in Dramaturgy for her work on South Asian choreographer Lata Pada's multidisciplinary work "Revealed by Fire."

Ruby, Clayton, 1942-2022

  • Person
  • 1942-2022

Clayton C. Ruby (1942-2022) is a lawyer and activist. Since 1976, he has been a partner with the law firm, Ruby and Edwardh, in Toronto, Ontario. Clayton Ruby received a B.A. from York University in 1963, an L.L.B. from the University of Toronto in 1967, and an L.L.M. from the University of California (Berkeley) in 1973. Since being called to the Bar in 1969, Ruby has maintained an extensive criminal, constitutional and administrative law practice and has served as counsel in numerous high profile human rights, aboriginal, and criminal cases. He is also a Bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada. In addition to his legal practice, Ruby has been a prominent member of the environment and human rights community. His memberships and affiliations include: Director of Earthroots, Director of Greenpeace Charitable Foundation, Director of the Sierra Legal Defence Fund, Director of PEN Canada, Honorary Patron of the Native Men's Residence, and Community Associate of the Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto. Ruby died in Toronto on August 2, 2022 at the age of 80.

Rubin, Don, 1943-

  • Person
  • 1943-

Don Rubin is a professor, theatre historian, writer and critic. He was born on November 25, 1942 and was educated at Hofstra University (B.A. 1964) and the University of Bridgeport (M.A. 1966). He is currently a professor of Theatre Studies at York University. He is the executive editor of the six-volume "World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre" and was the founding editor of the "Canadian Theatre Review" which he edited from 1974-1982. Under his aegis, an active theatre book publishing program grew from CTR. He is the author of "Canadian Theatre History: Selected Readings" (1996) and as a theatre critic, has written for major journals, magazines and newspapers worldwide. For several years he was a regular critic for the Toronto Star, CBC Radio and the New Haven (Connecticut) Register. He is a former president of the Canadian Centre of the UNESCO-affiliated International Theatre Institute (ITI) and served for six years as chair of the ITI's publications committee. He was a charter member of York's Faculty of Fine Arts in 1968 and was chair of the Theatre Department from 1979 to 1982.

Rubin, Anna

  • Person
  • 1946-

Rowntree, Henry Leslie, 1914-

  • Person

Henry Leslie Rowntree (1914- ), lawyer and politician, was a member of the Ontario Legislative Assembly for the riding of York West (1956-1970). He was minister of Transport (1960-1962), minister of Labour (1962-1966), and minister of Financial and Commercial Affairs (1966-1970). His riding encompassed the area surrounding Toronto International Airport (now Pearson International Airport).

Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894

  • Person
  • 5 December 1830 - 29 December 1894

(from Wikiipedia entry)
Christina Georgina Rossetti (5 December 1830 - 29 December 1894) was an English poet who wrote a variety of romantic, devotional, and children's poems. She is perhaps best known for her long poem Goblin Market, her love poem Remember, and for the words of the Christmas carol In the Bleak Midwinter.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Ross, Paula

  • Person
  • 1941-04-29-

Canadian choreographer and dancer who founded the Paula Ross Dance Company in Vancouver, B.C..

Ross, Murray G.

  • Person
  • 1910-2000

Murray George Ross (1910-2000), educator and author, was born in Canada and educated there and in the United States, receiving the Ed.D from Columbia University (1949). He returned to Canada to teach in the School of Social Work, University of Toronto and he served as vice president of that school from 1957-1960. In the latter year he was named president of York University, remaining in that position until 1970 when he became a professor of social science and president emeritus. Ross is the author of several works dealing with community organizations and higher education including, 'Community organization: theory and principles,' (1955), 'Canadian corporate directors on the firing line, '(1980), 'The new university,' (1960), 'The university: the anatomy of academe,' (1976), and a memoir, 'The way must be tried: memoir of a university man,' (1992). Ross has also served on the board of directors of several charitable and corporate bodies and has been awarded several honorary degrees from Canadian universities. He was made an Officer of the Order of Canada (1979), and of the Order of Ontario (1988), and was awarded the 125th Anniversary of Confederation of Canada Medal (1992).

Ross, John, 1777-1856

  • Person
  • 1777-1856

Sir John Ross was a British naval officer and Arctic explorer.

Rosichan, Florence

  • Person
  • 1907-1991

Florence "Faigie" Rosichan (née Hutner) was the wife of Arthur Rosichan. She received her BA in social work from the University of Toronto and her MA from Columbia University. She spent many years as the Executive Director of the United Jewish Welfare Fund in Toronto during the 1940s and 1950s.

Rosichan, Arthur

  • Person
  • [1907]-1987

Arthur Rosichan was involved in the Jewish social justice movement. He served as director and vice-president of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation, and was involved in social work activities in Buffalo and Montreal.

Ronnie Douglas Blues Band

  • Corporate body

"Ronnie Douglas is an Ojibway from the Chippewas of Rama First Nation, (located near the City of Orillia) and has been performing in clubs and on festival stages throughout Southern Ontario since the early 1990’s. A roots vocalist/guitarist in the blues tradition, he cites Howlin’ Wolf as a primary influence. Since forming the group in the mid nineties, notable festival performances include the Great Canadian Blues Festival, the Mariposa Folk Festival, the Southside Shuffle, and the Orillia Spring Blues Festival, in addition to appearances on the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN)."

Romanes, George John

  • Person
  • 20 May 1848 - 23 May 1894

(from Wikipedia entry)
George John Romanes FRS (20 May 1848 - 23 May 1894) was a Canadian-born English evolutionary biologist and physiologist who laid the foundation of what he called comparative psychology, postulating a similarity of cognitive processes and mechanisms between humans and other animals.

He was the youngest of Charles Darwin's academic friends, and his views on evolution are historically important. He invented the term neo-Darwinism, which is still often used today to indicate an updated form of Darwinism. Romanes' early death was a loss to the cause of evolutionary biology in Britain. Within six years Mendel's work was rediscovered, and a whole new agenda opened up for debate. George Romanes was the last born in a line of three children in 1848, into a wealthy, well educated family. During his early life he aspired to involve himself with religion by becoming a clergyman. During Romanes's adolescent years he was influenced by extensive travel and intellectual environments. His parents soon moved from his birth place in Kingston Ontario to Cornwall Terrace in United Kingdom. This had set Romanes on the path to develop a fruitful and lasting relationship with Charles Darwin. During his youth, Romanes often traveled to and shortly resided in Germany and Italy, cultivating his fluency in both languages along the way. When Romanes decided to take up his study in science, abandoning his prior ambition to be a clergyman, he began his work on evolution. Romanes's friend, Charles Darwin, had a great influence on his studies and served as a mentor. Forging a relationship with Darwin was not difficult for Romanes with his inherited “sweetness of temper and calmness of manner” from his Father, reported in his book The Life and Letters of George John Romanes. Romanes's early education was inconsistent and was often in the public schools. Consequently, he was home schooled for half of his education. At this time he developed a love for pottery and music which he excelled at. However, his true passion resided elsewhere; he soon began his study of medicine and physiology at Cambridge University(1867-1873). Romanes was not fully educated and struggled to flourish. This did not hinder his university experience as a whole because he still remained heavily involved in extracurricular activities such as boating and debate club. Romanes was born in Kingston, Ontario, the third son of George Romanes, a Scottish Presbyterian minister. When he was two years old, his parents returned to England, and he spent the rest of his life in England. Like many English naturalists, he nearly studied divinity, but instead opted to study medicine and physiology at Cambridge University. Although he came from an educated home, his school education was erratic. He entered university half-educated and with little knowledge of the ways of the world. He graduated from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge with the degree of BA in 1871, and is commemorated there by a stained glass window in the chapel.

It was at Cambridge that he came first to the attention of Charles Darwin: "How glad I am that you are so young!" said Darwin. The two remained friends for life. Guided by Michael Foster, Romanes continued to work on the physiology of invertebrates at University College London under William Sharpey and Burdon-Sanderson. In 1879, at 31, Romanes was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society on the basis of his work on the nervous systems of medusae. However, Romanes' tendency to support his claims by anecdotal evidence (rather than empirical tests) prompted Lloyd Morgan's warning known as Morgan's Canon:

"In no case is an animal activity to be interpreted in terms of higher psychological processes, if it can be fairly interpreted in terms of processes which stand lower in the scale of psychological evolution and development".
As a young man, Romanes was a Christian, and some, including his religious wife, later claimed that he regained some of that belief during his final illness. In fact, he became an agnostic due to the influence of Darwin. In a manuscript left unfinished at the end of his life he said that the theory of evolution had caused him to abandon religion.

Romanes founded a series of free public lectures - still running today - the Romanes Lectures. He was a friend of Thomas Henry Huxley, who gave the second Romanes lecture.

Towards the end of his life, he returned to Christianity. Romanes's and Darwin's relationship developed quickly and they became close friends. This relationship began when Romanes became Darwin's research assistant during the last eight years of Darwin’s life. The association Romanes had with Darwin was essential in Darwin's later works. Therefore, Darwin confided volumes of unpublished work which Romanes later used to publish papers. Like Darwin, Romanes's theories were met with skepticism and were not accepted initially. The majority of Romanes's work attempted to make a connection between animal consciousness and human consciousness. Some problems were encountered during his research that he addressed with the development of physiological selection. This was Romanes's answer to three questions raised about Darwin’s isolation theory. The questions were: species characteristics that have no evolutionary purpose, the wide spread fact of inter-specific sterility, and the need for varieties to escape the swamping effects of inter-crossing after permanent species are established. At the end of his career the majority of his work was directed towards the development of a relationship between intelligence and placement on an evolutionary tree. Romanes believed that the further along an organism was on an evolutionary standpoint, the more likely that organism would be to possess a higher level of functioning. Romanes was the last child born of three children from George Romanes and Isabella Gair Smith. The majority of his immediate and extended family were descendant from Scottish Highland tribes. His father, Reverend George Romanes, was a professor at Queens College in Kingston, Canada and taught Greek at the local university until the family moved back to England. Romanes and his wife Ethel Mary Duncan were wed on February 11th, 1879. Both Romanes' mother and father were involved in the Protestant and Anglican Church during his childhood. Romanes was baptized Anglican and was heavily involved with the Anglican teachings during his youth, despite the fact his parents were not heavily involved with any religion. Speculated by Elizabeth J. Barns in the paper The Early Career of George John Romanes, Darwin may have been viewed as a father figure to Romanes. Darwin did not agree with the teachings of the catholic church because of the fundamental teachings were not supported by his scientific findings at the time. This could explain Romanes' conversion to agnosticism. Surely this is not the only reason for Romanes altered belief, for Romanes had to poses some element of free thinking. When Romanes attended Gonville and Caius College Cambridge, Ontario, he entered into an essay contest on the topic of “Christian Prayer considered in relation to the belief that Almighty governs the world by general laws". Romanes didn't have much hope in winning, but much to his surprise he took first place in this contest and received the Burney prize. After winning the Burney prize, Romanes came to the conclusion that he could no longer be faithful to his Christianity religion due to his love and commitment for science. This is interesting due to the fact that when Romanes was growing up, his father was a Reverend. Therefore, Romanes went into great detail about religion and how all aspects of the mind need to be involved to be faithfully committed to religion in his book Thoughts on Religion. He believed that you had to have an extremely high level of will to be dedicated to God or Christ. Romanes tackled the subject of evolution frequently. For the most part he supported Darwinism and the role of natural selection. However, he perceived three problems with Darwinian evolution:

The difference between natural species and domesticated varieties in respect to fertility. [this problem was especially pertinent to Darwin, who used the analogy of change in domesticated animals so frequently]
Structures which serve to distinguish allied species are often without any known utilitarian significance. [taxonomists choose the most visible and least changeable features to identify a species, but there may be a host of other differences which though not useful to the taxonomist are significant in survival terms]
The swamping influence upon an incipient species-split of free inter-crossing. [Here we strike the problem which most perplexed Darwin, with his ideas of blending inheritance. It was solved by the rediscovery of Mendelian genetics, and later work showed that particulate inheritance could underlie continuous variation: see the evolutionary synthesis]
Romanes also made the acute point that Darwin had not actually shown how natural selection produced species, despite the title of his famous book (On the origin of species by means of natural selection). Natural selection could be the 'machine' for producing adaptation, but still in question was the mechanism for splitting species.

Romanes' own solution to this was called 'physiological selection'. His idea was that variation in reproductive ability, caused mainly by the prevention of inter-crossing with parental forms, was the primary driving force in the production of new species. The majority view then (and now) was that geographical separation is the primary force in species splitting (or allopatry) and secondarily was the increased sterility of crosses between incipient species.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Rolnick, Neil

  • Person
  • 1947-

Rogers, George J., 1905-

  • Person
  • 1905-

George James Rogers, public relations promoter, was born in Rock Terry, Cheshire, England in June 11, 1905. He emigrated to Canada as an adult prior to 1941 at which time he joined Canadian General Electric as a promotions man and editor of in-house publications. In 1949 he removed to New York and became assistant to the chairman, American Economic Foundation. He was very active in promoting the Foundation's educational programmes and films such as In our hands, Its your decision, Backfire, and Let's face it. In 1953 Rogers formed his own public relations firm in the Midwest, American Free Enterprise Productions and began to provide corporations and the general public with media shows, such as Our job security and The Milwaukee Baby, promoting the 'American way of life' (capitalism and representative government). In addition, he provided in-house publications, annual reports and training sessions for private clients. In 1962 he moved to Canada and formed the Canadian Economic Foundation before returning to New York in 1968. Both of Rogers' enterprises proposed to alleviate labour-management conflicts through a programme of economic education directed at workers and the general public. Their message was based on an attack of government spending and socialism in North America. The Canadian Economic Foundation sought to broaden out beyond the shop floor to have its material taught in community centres and public school systems. The Canadian Economic Foundation was a profit-taking organization which also relied substantially on donations from corporations to pursue its work.

Rogers, Garnet

  • Person
  • 1955-

Garnet Rogers is a Canadian country-folk singer-songwriter from Hamilton, Ontario.

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