- 2015-031/051(01)
- File
- 1968-1977
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines. Primarily includes clippings containing images of works of art.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines. Primarily includes clippings containing images of works of art.
Advertising and illustrations : [clippings]
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines, newspapers, and brochures.
Alcobaça ; Batalha ; Portugallo Lisbona
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of sketches, notes, correspondence and other material related to Luigi Nasato's mosaic work for St. John Bosco Church (a.k.a. S. Giovanni Bosco) in Toronto.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Angelo della resurrezione : St. John Bosco
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of one painting and 3 drawings created by Luigi Nasato for St. John Bosco Church (a.k.a. S. Giovanni Bosco) in Toronto, ON.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of photographs of works of art--primarily religious in subject matter--in Treviso and Aquileia, Italy.
Archeologia restauri-falsari e varie
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings, drawings, sketches, primarily religious in nature, created or compiled by Luigi Nasato. Includes preliminary drawings for work created by Nasato at St. John Bosco (a.k.a. S. Giovanni Bosco) Church in Toronto, ON.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artistic works, some or all of which were completed by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album containing photographs of Nasato and his family on a vacation to Haliburton, Ontario, as well as photographs of works of art.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artworks and travel photographs of Venice, Italy.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of manuscript notes, clippings and pamphlets pertaining to art history, artistic materials and suppliers, as well as correspondence and other records related to Nasato's employment with Douglas Aircraft.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of unbound published volumes of reproductions of artworks by Fattori, I Ciardi, Piero Della Francesca, and Modigliani.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of photographic negatives of artworks.
Arte moderna e antica a gruppi di pittori
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings and prints of modern and ancient works of art, primarily European.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings, prints, calendars, and stamps containing reproductons of artworks by Spanish, North American, European, and Asian artists.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings, printouts and photocopies of scholarly and journalistic articles written about Luigi Nasato.
Articles on Nasato : articoli nei giornali dove parlano dei miei mosaici
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings featuring Nasato's work as a mosaicist.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Series consists of materials pertaining to the artistic life and career of Luigi Nasato. Includes drawings, sketches, paintings, technical drawings, art objects, and other material created or compiled by Nasato, including extensive artwork related to his role as a mosaicist for various churches in and around Toronto, Ontario. Series also includes: notes on art history and artistic technique created by Nasato as both a student and professional artist; product catalogues and price lists; invoices and other financial documents; and other material.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artistic and design projects, some or all of which were completed by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. File also includes a sketch and an announcement of Nasato's funeral.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of printouts and photographs of artistic projects completed by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. File also includes some sketches and notes. Most images are identified. Some of the artistic works represented date to the 1940s.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of photographs of artistic and design projects, some or all of which were completed by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Also includes pamphlets, clippings, and correspondence related to projects created by Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artistic and design projects, some or all of which were completed by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artistic works, some of which were completed by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artworks, primarily Christian iconographic sculptures.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of colour printouts of images of religious artworks completed by Luigi Nasato--including his work at St. John Bosco, St. Clare, and Our Lady of the Airways churches. File also includes matted photographs taken while Nasato was employed by Conn-Arts studio.
Artworks, Church of Our Lady of Sorrows
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings and paintings created by Luigi Nasato while under commission to create artwork for the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Toronto, ON.
Artworks, Our Lady of the Airways Church
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings created by Luigi Nasato while under commission to create artwork for Our Lady of the Airways Church in Mississauga, ON.
Artworks, St. John Bosco Church
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings created by Luigi Nasato while under commission to create artwork for St. John Bosco Church (a.k.a. S. Giovanni Bosco) in Toronto, ON.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings created by Luigi Nasato, Sylvia Nasato, and Alex von Svoboda. Includes: pannelli per tavolini moderni; disegno di un scheletro (Sylvia Nasato); studio per un set di vasi per ceramica; disegni per ricama; studio di cavaliere moderno per mosaico; disegni antichi; disegni vari; disegni ovali per mosaico; studio per un arlecchino; disegno del cervo; pannello esquimese; pannello astratto; teste di cavalli (Alex von Svoboda); disegno per il paesaggio di Silvia; fuoco; Youngest Daughter Sleeping; fuoco per Cushing; and other unidentified works.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, sketches, and paintings created by Nasato over the course of his career. Includes studies for work at St. John Bosco, Our Lady of the Airways, St. Jane Frances, and other churches, as well as technical drawings created by Nasato while studying at Central Technical School in Toronto, ON. File also includes large-scale photographs of some of Nasato's church commissions.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, sketches, and paintings created by Nasato over the course of his career. Includes studies for commissioned work at St. John Bosco, Our Lady of the Airways, St. Jane Frances, and other churches, as well as technical drawings created by Nasato while studying at Central Technical School in Toronto, ON. File also includes large-scale photographs of some of Nasato's church commissions.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings, primarily acrylic on board, created by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and religious imagery.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings, primarily acrylic on board, created by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and religious imagery.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings, primarily acrylic on board, created by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and religious imagery.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings, primarily acrylic on board, created by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and religious imagery.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of miscellaneous drawings and paintings, primarily acrylic on board, created by Luigi Nasato over the course of his career. Subject matter includes landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and religious imagery.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines. Primarily includes clippings containing images of works of art.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Biographical and administrative records
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Series consists of biographical and administrative records pertaining to the life and achievements of Luigi Nasato. Includes: plaques and certificates; birth, marriage, citizenship, immigration and other governmental records; communion and educational documents; biographical statements and resumes; personal and professional correspondence; clippings and articles about Nasato and kin; Nasato's obituary; and other material.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of records pertaining to events and accomplishments in the life of Luigi Nasato. Includes: lists of completed artworks and resumes; biographical statements; educational records and transcripts from Canada and Italy; a photograph of a collage depicting "Soldat d'Italia Istrana," with legend; letters of reference; correspondence with the Camera di Commercio Industria, Artigianato, Agricoltura in Treviso, Italy, regarding an award granted to Nasato; records related to the Monumento ai Caduti--a mosaic created by Nasato and gifted to the city of Istrana, Italy--including invoices, notes, and correspondence with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Toronto, and the Consolato Generale d'Italia regarding customs clearance.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of records pertaining to events and accomplishments in the life of Luigi Nasato. Includes: clippings from the "Golden Age Academy 'Artistic Calendar'"; biographies; records pertaining to work Nasato performed at St. John Bosco Church (a.ka. San Giovanni Bosco), Toronto; clippings from Trevisani nel Mondo; tracings; and photocopied images of mouldings designed by Nasato for Classic Mouldings, Inc. in Weston, Ontario.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File includes biographical records pertaining to the life of Luigi Nasato. Includes Nasato's obituary in the Toronto Star, biographies, educational records, lists of completed projects, records related to Nasato's work for Conn-Arts Studio and Douglas Aircraft, employment records, and other materials.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, sketches, tracings, clippings, notes, and printouts created or compiled by Luigi Nasato. Includes preliminary drawings and other material related to his work for St. Andrew's Church.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines. Primarily includes clippings containing images of works of art.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a framed diploma of merit and gold medal awarded to Luigi Nasato by the Camera di Commercio Industria, Artigianato, Agricoltura, Treviso.
Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Treviso records and other material
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of: correspondence with the Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato Agricoltura Treviso and Trevisani del Mondo; a banner from the Commune di Istrana; Nasato's employment contract with De Montford Studio, Toronto; a letter from The Liturgical Conference, Washington, DC, regarding the exhibition of Nasato's work; and a letter to Nasato from former Canadian Secretary of State, John Roberts, congratulating Nasato on achieving Canadian Citizenship.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a photocopy of Luigi Nasato's Canadian Citizenship certificate, originally dated 27 October 1976. Also includes two photocopies of a letter from the Chiesa Arcipretale di S. Giovanni Battista in Istrana, Italy, originally dated 19 July 1951.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings created by Luigi Nasato for the Cathedral of the Transformation in Markham, ON.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of carbon paper transfers of drawings, invoices and correspondence created by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of postcards and greeting cards, mostly blank, collected by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of postcards and greeting cards, mostly blank, collected by Luigi Nasato.
Cena da Angelo sulla terrazza ; Andrea[?]-Claudine Daniela Maristella[?]-Sofia ecc.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, sketches, paintings, tracings, photographs, photocopies, and notes created or compiled by Luigi Nasato. Includes: notes on a variety of artistic materials, techniques, and styles; drawings of miscellaneous subject matter; and photographs of members of Nasato's family.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of notes, drawings, and sketches pertaining to Nasato's work as a ceramics and mouldings designer with Classic Mouldings, Inc. in Weston, Ontario.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of notes, drawings, and sketches pertaining to Nasato's work as a ceramics and mouldings designer with Classic Mouldings, Inc. in Weston, Ontario.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of notes, drawings, and sketches pertaining to Nasato's work as a ceramics and mouldings designer with Classic Mouldings, Inc. in Weston, Ontario.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of notes, drawings, and sketches pertaining to Nasato's work as a ceramics and mouldings designer with Classic Mouldings, Inc. in Weston, Ontario.
Certificates and plaques, various
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of: a certificate, signed by former Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, congratulating Nasato on his 75th birthday; 2 certificates and a plaque from Associazione Trevisani nel Mundo; a medallion from Regione del Veneto; and a certificate of thanks from S. Elisabetta Church, Istrana.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Chiesa di S. Giovanni Bosco : parole
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings and tracings of words created by Luigi Nasato while employed as an artist by St. John Bosco church, Toronto, Ontario.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of photocopies of four children's books originally published between 1981 and 1993: The Good Hearted Youngest Brother (Severo; Good, 1981); Ladder to the Sky (Esbensen; Davie, 1989); The Blue Raven (Harrison, 1989); The Best Loved Plays of Shakespeare (Mulherin; Frost, 1993).
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Item is an album of photographs of artistic and design projects completed or contributed to by Luigi Nasato at various churches. File also includes some sketches, notes, pamphlets and other textual material. Most photographs identified.
Cimitero Monumentale Milan ; Castelmonte
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Cimitero Queen of Haven [sic] 27 and Steeles
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of colour negatives of Queen of Heaven Cemetery, Toronto
Claudine Fantin, Elena and Luigi
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of family photographs and photographs of artwork created by Luigi Nasato for St. John Bosco Church.
Clippings, prints, and reproductions
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
Series consists of clippings, art prints and art reproductions compiled by Luigi Nasato for reference or inspiration over the course of his career. Primarily includes graphic material collected from various English-language and Italian serial publications.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of colour charts and wheels painted on board by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of personal correspondence.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of personal correspondence.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of personal and business correspondence, notes, drafts, biographies, and other materials created or compiled by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of correspondence and other material created or compiled by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of correspondence and other material created or compiled by Luigi Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of correspondence with Riccardo Masini.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, sketches, tracings, notes and clippings created or compiled by Luigi Nasato. Subject matter is miscellaneous and includes preparatory drawings for work Nasato completed at St. Nicola Church and St. Claire Church in Toronto, ON.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of clippings from Italian and Canadian magazines. Primarily includes clippings containing images of works of art.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a glazed ceramic plate, created by Luigi Nasato, with accompanying postcard.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a decorative plaque created by Luigi Nasato.
Decorative plaster relief and mold
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a plaster relief sculpture with accompanying mold.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of a pamphlet containing biographical information on Luigi Nasato's business partner, Mario Della Rossa.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File contains paintings created by Luigi Nasato while living in Argentina. Drawings include paper matting.
Disegni a matita - rossa - soffitti decorativi
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of reproductions and prints of red pencil drawings and decorative ceilings, primarily European. Some reproductions contain Nasato's annotations and sketches.
Disegni con I simboli dei mesi ; calendario del fatto per uno del Douglas
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings of astrological symbols.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of paintings, drawings, sketches, and photocopies created by Luigi Nasato. Subject matter includes: Nasato's family members, religious iconography, abstract designs, studies for mosaics, and other material.
Disegni miei per Conn-Arts Mosaic Studio
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File contains drawings, sketches, paintings, and tracings produced by Luigi Nasato for Conn-Arts Studio.
Disegni per l'altare della Madonna, St. John Bosco Church
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings created by Luigi Nasato for St. John Bosco Church (a.k.a S. Giovanni Bosco) in Toronto, ON.
Disegni per sabbia : disegni per via crucis
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of preparatory drawings for sand sculptures created by Nasato.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings, tracings, and notes created by Luigi Nasato. Miscellaneous subject matter.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File contains drawings, sketches, tracings, and notes created by Luigi Nasato. Miscellaneous subject matter.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of preparatory drawings and paintings for mosaic work completed by Nasato over the course of his career, including designs from his employment at Conn-Arts Studios. Contains studies for projects completed at St. John Bosco and St. Clare of Assisi Churches, for the Monumento ai Caduti in Istrana, Italy, and for other miscellaneous projects.
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of preparatory drawings and paintings for mosaic work completed by Nasato over the course of his career, including designs from his time employed with Conn-Arts Studios. Contains studies for projects completed at St. John Bosco and St. Clare of Assisi Churches, for the Monumento ai Caduti in Istrana, Italy, and for other miscellaneous projects.
Disegno del pellicano per Lady of Airwai [sic] Church, Mississauga
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of preliminary drawings for a fibreglass pelican, created by Luigi Nasato for Our Lady of the Airways Church, Mississauga, ON.
Disegno Don Bosco : e un reclame della compagnia Xerox
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of two large drawings on tracing paper, taken by Nasato from Xerox advertising, as part of his design for St. John Bosco Church, Toronto, ON. One tracing labelled 'Claudette Vetrata.'
Disegno per il mosaico Monumento ai Caduti
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of drawings created by Luigi Nasato for the Monumento ai Caduti in Istrana, Italy.
Documenti ; Diplomi : Scuola Commerciale a Treviso ; Istituto d'Arte di Venezia
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of original and photocopied documents pertaining to Luigi Nasato's birth, communion, education, marriage, emigration to Argentina, and identification. Includes grade reports, diplomas and translations, birth and marriage certificates, and travel and identification documents produced by government offices in both Canada and Italy, including official documents produced by the Italian Fascist Party. File also includes a 2003 letter from the Treviso Chamber of Commerce.
Documenti spediti per il [premi?] della Camera di Commercio (pagelle scolastiche - fotocopie)
Part of Luigi Nasato fonds
File consists of draft biographies, notes, and correspondence pertaining to an award granted to Luigi Nasato by the Camera di Commercia Industria, Artigianato, Agricoltura in Treviso, Italy.