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Brian Wright-McLeod fonds
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“The creation story” and planting and garden calendar for 1987

File contains a print of “The Creation Story” by John Sawatise Thomas (Akwesasne Mohawk) courtesy of Akwesasne Museum, Hogansburg NY. It also contains several paragraphs of text explaining the print as well as an outline of important dates for above-ground/root crops and seed beds, as well as important resources for seeds. Poster was printed by Imprimerie La Renaissance, Inc., Ste. Foy (Quebec City), 1986.

“We decided that our Indian people are more important to us than long jail terms.” - Carter Camp, Wounded Knee, 1973

Item contains the following text: “We are grateful to Bruce Carter for the woodcut on which this poster is based. This poster is one of a series of 13 published by AKWESASNE NOTES. Reprints on heavy poster paper of this poster, or any in the set, are available from AKWESASNE NOTES, Mohawk Nation, via Rooseveltown, N.Y. 13683.”

10 years : International Indian Treaty Council

Item contains the following text: “Attend the 10th annual Treaty Council Conference and Celebration, Sisseton, South Dakota, nearest airport: Fargo, North Dakota. Mobridge, South Dakota – 1974 M. Vignes. International Solidarity Day – June 30, Commission: religious freedom, human rights laws - treaties and agreements - International Covenant on the Rights of Indigenous People, land struggles - water rights - fishing rights, self-government - sovereignty – self-determination, political prisoners, Indigenous struggle and peace/disarmament movements, Indian ideology/philosophy, culture/art/liberation - media.”

2005 CD project

File includes a record manufacturing and royalty agreement, correspondence, notes, album listings and liner notes, and promotional material from Arbor Records Ltd.

500 Nations

Item consists of miniseries with seven episodes titled the Ancestors, Mexico, Clash of Culture, Invasion of the Coast, Cauldron of War, Removal, Roads Across the Plains, and Attach on Culture.

500 Years of Native Music

Item contains the following text: “Brian Wright-McLeod, Presenter, The Encyclopedia of Native Music. When They Awake (documentary, Pedro Marcellino/Herman Farahi). Kim Wheatley, Dancer/Storyteller, August 6, 1 pm, 3 pm. Jimmy Dick, Hand Drum, August 7, 1 pm, 3 pm).


File contains correspondence which includes a promotional pamphlet and describes the world music art agency plans to tour Canada in 2003 and 2004.

A photo essay documenting The Longest Walk ‘78

Item contains the following text: “Gallery of the American Indian Community House, 386 West Broadway/2nd floor/New York City/212-226-8826. This exhibition is partially sponsored by N.Y. State Council on the Arts. Printed on Mohawk Vellum. Photo by Bannon.”

Aaron Peters

File contains a flyer, correspondence sharing updates about the artist, a biographical sheet, clippings, lyric sheets, and a photograph.


File contains correspondence from Abee describing their musical journey including the creation of a demo tape.

Aboriginal Statistics Program

File contains an information package created by Statistics Canada (Government of Canada). It includes “Aboriginal statistics at a glance: 2nd edition,” a newsletter, population data wheels, information about the program, and a fact sheet for Ontario.

Aboriginal Voices

File contains entire copies of the magazine (Sept./Oct. 1995, Oct./Nov./Dec. 1996, April/May/June 1997) which contain articles authored by Brian Wright-McLeod.

ACT I.V. and Native Earth Performing Arts Inc. present The Rez Sisters

Item contains the following text: “By Thompson Highway. Directed by Larry Lewis. With Anne Anglin, Gloria Eshkibok, Gloria Miguel, Monique Mojica. Stage manager Joseph Boccia. Set and costume design Marilyn Bercovich. Lighting design Patsy Lang. Margaret Cozry, Rene Highway, Muriel Miguel, Sally Singal, David Tomlinson. Native Canadian Centre, 16 Spadina Road (North of Bloor), 922-7616. Sunday Matinee 2:30 PWYC. Previews: November 18-23.

AFN: Health

File contains two publications from the Assembly of First Nations: “First Nations Health Priorities to Reducing Problematic Opioid Use: Discussion Document: A First Nations Specific Opioid Strategy” and “Health Matters: A publication of the AFN Health Sector” (Winter 2018/2019).

Al Jewer

File contains a biographical sheet, flyers, clippings, an album track sheet, music review and interview opportunities for Laughing Cat Records, and a press release.


File contains a music order form for music by Anakwad (also known as Frank Montano).

Andrea Menard

File contains two media kit which include clippings, a biographical sheet, and promotional material.

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