File consists of quotes from Prime Minister Louis St-Laurent on various policy issues to be used in campaign materials; draft text for a pamphlet about John Diefenbaker to be used by the Liberal Party in the 1957 Canadian federal election.
File consists of
File consists of imprints of seven public addresses given by Bank of Montreal President and CEO William D. Mulholland.
File consists of memos from O'Hagan to Prime Minister Pearson.
File consists of talking points for Pearson's speech at the Liberal party nomination meeting for the riding of Algoma East.
File consists of press clippings about Matthew Barrett's wedding to Anne-Marie Sten.
File consists of the remarks given by Bank of Montreal Chairman and CEO Matthew W. Barrett at the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders in Winnipeg, MB on 24 Feb. 1998.
File consists of O'Hagan's handwritten notes about his work at the bank.
File consists of a clipping from the Woodstock Bugle about the history of baseball in Woodstock, as well as copies of O'Hagan's writings about local baseball as a young sports reporter for the Woodstock Sentinel-Review in 1946-1948.
File consists of the programme and delegation list for the Bonn Economic Summit and a visit to the Federal Republic of Germany by Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
File consists of notes and draft proposal by O'Hagan for a grant from the Canada Council to fund a memoir about his experiences working for Lester B. Pearson from 1960-1966.
File consists of an article in MacLean's magazine about Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson.
File consists of a transcript of the informal remarks given by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson at the Canadian Periodical Press Association Dinner in Ottawa, 20 January 1965.
File consists of the transcript of an interview between Bank of Montreal Chairman and CEO Matthew Barrett and journalist Sandy Ross.
File consists of clipping from Montreal Star: "Consolidation of British North America Acts" by Elmer A. Driedger.
File consists of the text of a talk given by Lloyd Axworthy, "The Accountability Deficit: The Responsibility Crisis in Canada."
File consists of DVD copies from the CBC Archives of a television program from Aug. 1973 about Lester B. Pearson, "First Person Singular". Included are episodes #1, 10, 11, 12, 13.
File consists of "Listening to Canadians", a report to the CBC Board of Directors from the Ad Hoc Committee on Stakeholder Relations.
File consists of two letters from O'Hagan to Prime Minister Jean Chretien about the appointment of CBC's new President.
File consists of memos, clippings, promotional materials, and other related records related to the preparation and launch of Canada's centennial year celebrations and Expo '67. Includes the transcript of an interview of Lester B. Pearson by Peter C. Newman; notes for remarks given by Secretary of State Judy LaMarsh to the Canadian Club of Washington on 18 Feb. 1967.
File consists of notes of references of Lester B. Pearson in Charles Lynch's book, "You Can't Print That" and Peter C. Newman's book, "Here Be Dragons".
File consists of the transcript of an interview with Bank of Montreal Chairman Matthew Barrett and J. Chatto
File consist of assorted clippings kept by O'Hagan:
- 'The Secret of Feedforward', Saturday Review, 3 Feb. 1968
- 'Anti-Ballistic Missile Debate', Foreign Affairs, April 1967
- 'The End of Culture', Commentary, Dec. 1969
- 'Missiles on the Moon?', Toronto Star, 10 Apr. 1967
- 'NORAD: The Squeeze Is On', Toronto Star, 12 Apr. 1967
- 'Defending Against Inflation', speech by Bank of Canada Governor Louis Rasminsky, 1 Nov. 1967