File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert (taking over the second term from Margaret Schabas), Introduction to Philosophy (PHIL 1000), in winter 1997. Items in this file include syllabi, essay assignments, a Department of Philosophy faculty directory (1996-97), an exam schedule, lecture notes, a memorandum, a list of tutor duties and procedures, tutorial mark averages, and a letter from Schabas to Gilbert about the course.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Introduction to Logic (PHIL 2100), in fall 1998. Items in the file are a course outline, a mid-term exam, and corrections to examples in the course textbook.
File consists of overhead transparencies used by Gilbert in his course, Introduction to Logic (PHIL 2100).
File pertains to this course, PHIL 2200, Critical Reasoning, taught by Gilbert at York University. Records in this file are lecture notes, a make-up exam, assignments, and a course outline.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Critical Reasoning (PHIL 2200). Items in this file are a course outline, an outline of tutor duties, PowerPoint lecture slides, photocopies from course textbook "Good reasoning matters!", and diagrams.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert over several years, Reason, Rhetoric and Argument (PHIL 220.3W). Items in this file are syllabi, quizzes, an outline for written assignments, notes, handouts, a diagram, and assignment topics. Also included in the file is a syllabus for another course taught by Gilbert, Modes of Reasoning (AK/MR371), in the summer of 1978.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Gender and Sexuality (PHIL 2250) in fall 2006. Items in this file are a course outline and reading list.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Gender & Sexuality (PHIL 2250) in fall 2007. Items in this file include a course outline, a course schedule and essay guidelines.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Symbolic Logic (PH 310). Records in this file are readings, a bibliography, examinations, handouts, quizzes, a course outline and assignments.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Symbolic Logic (PH 310). Records in this file lecture notes and course readings.
File consists of photocopied book chapters from "What is Mathematical Logic?" by J.N. Crossley et al. and Gilbert's lecture notes on those chapters.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert over several years, Symbolic Logic (PHIL 3100). Items in this file are handouts, homework, quizzes, final project outlines, project topics, and a course outline. Also included is a Gilbert handout for PHIL 2100 in Oct. 1986.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert over several years, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 3220), previously Philosophy of Dispute. Items in this file are course outlines, reading lists, and correspondence pertaining to reproduction of Journal of American Forensics Association articles to be used in this class.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 3220) in fall 2006. Items in this file include a course outline, a reading list, and lecture notes.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 3220) in fall 2007. Items in this file are a course outline, reading list and a take-home final exam.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 3220) in fall 2000. Items in this file include a course outline, lecture outlines, a mid-term test, a final essay, a quiz, and overhead transparencies. Also included is a fall 1998 reading list and mid-term exam for this course.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Contemporary Philosophy: Gender and Sexuality (PHIL 4040) in fall 1999. Items in this file are journal articles, lecture notes, and an essay handout.
File pertains to this course, PHIL 4220, Topics in Argumentation Theory, taught by Gilbert at York University. Records in this file are course outlines, reading lists and lecture notes.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Topics in Argumentation Theory: Coalescent Argumentation (PHIL 4220). Items in this file are lecture notes, a course outline, and a chapter by Gilbert entitled "The Recent history of Argumentation theory".
Item is a course outline for this course, Gender & Transgender Theory (PHIL 4260), taught by Gilbert in winter 2007.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, People, Bodies and Philosophy (PHIL 4900), in 2005-2006. Records in this file are a course outline, an essay assignment, notes and a journal article.
File pertains to a graduate/undergraduate course taught by Gilbert in 2000-2001, Topics in Argumentation Theory: Emotion in Argumentation (PHIL 5524 and PHIL 4220). Items in this file are course outlines, a reading list, and a journal article.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert in 2008. Records in this file are notes, lecture notes, a handout and an e-mail.
File consists of lecture notes for a class taught by Gilbert, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 6310), in 1998.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Argumentation Theory (PHIL 6310), in 2001-2002. Items in this file are a course outline, reading schedule, and class handouts.
File pertains to this short story by Gilbert, submitted for publication in short story anthologies. Records in this file are correspondence and drafts of the story.
File consists of draft manuscripts of this short story by Gilbert.
File pertains to an article written by Gilbert entitled "Arguments & Arguers", submitted for publication to "Teaching Philosophy". Records in this file are correspondence and an article draft.
File consists of Gilbert's handwritten notes and class assignments for this course on abstract algebra.
File pertains to Gilbert's academic writing, including conference and other draft papers and published journal articles. Items in this file are the following: "What is an Emotional Argument? Or Why Do Argument Theorists Quarrel with their Mates?" (1994), "Multi-Modal Argumentation" (1994) "Emotional Messages" (1998), "Prolegomenon to Pragmatics of Emotion" (1997), "Emotion, Argumentation & Informal Logic" (2001), "Getting Good Value: Facts, Values, and Goals in Computational Linguistics", "Let's Talk: Emotion and the Pragma-Dialectic Model" [ca. 2003].
File pertains to Gilbert's SSHRC funding and related expenditures. Records in this file are travel grant notice, monthly and summary financial statements, memoranda, invoices, and a letter.
File pertains to Gilbert's work as Undergraduate Programme Director for the Department of Philosophy.
File consists of memoranda, an agenda and drafts pertaining to the development of a Department of Philosophy affirmative action plan.
File consists of a letter and a press release pertaining to The Colbert Agency Inc. Also included is a letter from Denise Bukowski of the Bukowski Agency declining Gilbert as a client.
File consists of correspondence and a signed memorandum of agreement pertaining to Gilbert's representation by The Helen Heller Agency for his non-fiction works.
File consists of Gilbert's notes on linear algebra.
File consists of salary statistics, a memorandum and a letter pertaining to York faculty salaries and anomaly adjustments.
File consists of newspaper clippings and cartoons pertaining to the topic of argument.
File pertains to Gilbert's participation as an instructor in the Summer Institute on Argumentation and its opening conference, held at McMaster University (10-21 June 1991). Records in this file are a conference program, notes, an instructor list, a syllabus, correspondence, e-mail, and speaking notes.
File pertains to this manuscript by Gilbert, co-authored with Simon R. Fodden, and his efforts to publish the book, as well as workshops conducted by Gilbert and Fodden on this subject. Records in this file are correspondence, a prospectus, sample chapters, outlines, a workshop handout, pamphlets, notes, an agreement of employment, and a newspaper advertisement.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, "Advanced Argument". Records in this file are a course outline, lecture notes and a magazine article.
File pertains to a paper written by Gilbert entitled "A Theory of Argument". Records in this file are notes and draft papers.
File pertains to Gilbert's work as guest editor of a part of an 1995 issue of the journal "Argumentation" entitled "Dimensions of Critical Reasoning: Expanding the Horizons. Records in this file are correspondence, abstracts, editor's proofs, and a copy of the journal issue.
Item is an article written by Gilbert and published in "Teaching Philosophy" (June 1995, 18:2)
File consists of newspaper and magazine articles about or that mention Gilbert.
File consists of a list of Gilbert's articles sent out for publication as well as correspondence, author guidelines and a publishing agreement about a book review written by Gilbert for the journal "Dialogue".
File pertains to a course taken by Gilbert entitled "Philosophy of Asia and Africa". Records in this file are course handouts, an examination paper, notes, and a paper by Gilbert entitled "The Nyaya-Vaisesika System: A Survey".
File consists of a letter sent to Gilbert and a CV for Shlomo Avayou.
File consists of correspondence, a signed memorandum of agreement and notes pertaining to the work of the Julian Bach Literary Agency Inc. to find publishers for Gilbert's books "How to Win an Argument", "Arguing with Lawyers" and "Office Party".
File consists of Gilbert handwritten and typescript notes on a fictional character named Barry Farber, as well as newspaper clippings.
File consists of Gilbert's handwritten notes, draft manuscripts and excerpts pertaining to a book about his Barry Farber (sometimes Ferber) character.
File consists of full or partial manuscripts (version 1/1) of a novel project by Gilbert about the title character, Barry Ferber.
File consists of full or partial manuscripts (version 1/2) of a novel project by Gilbert about title character Barry Ferber.
File consists of a paper written by Gilbert entitled "Modalizing BATNAS" as well as correspondence and a reader review pertaining to his submission of this paper to "Negotiation Journal" at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard University.
Item is a letter from the Rockefeller Foundation's Bellagio Study and Conference Center to Gilbert regarding his application to its residency program to write a manuscript, "Emotion and Argument".
File consists of pamphlets and memoranda pertaining to York University faculty benefit plans.
File consists of handwritten notes and two student papers written by Gilbert entitled "An explication and defense of Van Iten's interpretation of Berkeley" and "Berkeley: Ontology or Epistemology".
File consists of draft manuscripts and illustrations for a children's book written by Gilbert and illustrated by his son, Zachary, entitled "The Story of Bevis and Big Beard Bonzo". Included in the file is a 1992 letter from Susan Renouf of Kids Can Press.
Item is short story manuscript written by Gilbert entitled "The Story of Bevis and Big Beard Bonzo".
File consists of bibliographies pertaining to the subject of argumentation theory.
File consists of miscellaneous philosophy-related bibliographies and reading lists.
File consists of drafts of this short story by Gilbert, as well as related correspondence pertaining to his submissions to magazines.
File consists of correspondence and a synopsis pertaining to Gilbert's efforts to find a publisher for his book "The Buddy System: Moving from Conflict to Cooperation" (previously entitled "Arguing: A Philosophy of Life"). Included in the file is a royalty statement for "Yellow Angel".
File consists of Gilbert's handwritten notes and course handouts on the general subject of dispute resolution and communication, and a copy of Gilbert's paper "Effective Dispute Communication".
File pertains to Gilbert's written response, "Bucking Back: A Reply to Posner", to an article written by Judith Posner, entitled "Dirty Old Women: Buck Brown's Cartoon" and published in the "Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology". Records in this file are correspondence, article drafts and published articles.
File consists of presentation notes for this talk by Gilbert with accompanying overhead transparencies.
File pertains to the publication of Gilbert's book "Coalescent Argumentation" by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.. Records in this file include a signed contract, correspondence, and royalty statements.
File pertains to a presentation given by Gilbert entitled "Coalescent Argumentation: an overview". Items in this file are the text of the presentation and accompanying overhead transparencies. Also included is the text of a 1995 talk given by Gilbert entitled "Modes, Coalescence & Pragma-Dialectics".
File pertains to Gilbert's participation in a canoe trip on the Chapleau River in July 1985 organized by Canadian Nature Tours. Records includes brochures, maps and correspondence.
File pertains to a course taught by Gilbert, Philosophy of Science for Engineers (PHL 292S) and consists of Gilbert's lecture notes and notes on the course readings.
Item is an annotated draft paper by Gilbert.
Item is a draft paper by Gilbert.
File consists of Gilbert's undergraduate philosophy papers, written while a student at the City University of New York, Hunter College.
File pertains to a column entitled "The Computer Corner" written by Gilbert for the Writers' Union of Canada newsletter. Records in this file are copies of his columns, correspondence, and computer ads.
File pertains to Gilbert's position as the Department of Philosophy's computer coordinator. Records in this file are memoranda, a list of computing requests, computing and academic equipment plans, a document on web page management, a request form, and hardware lists.
Disks in this file consist of draft manuscripts for "First Aid", "Discovering Logic", "Buddy System" and "Cross Purposes" as well as computer backup files of notes, correspondence and other writing. Not all files are accessible in their original formats.
File consists of conference-related materials, including programs, calls for papers, registration forms, itineraries, correspondence and e-mail, pertaining to conferences attended by Gilbert, including those where he presented a paper or participated on a panel. A paper by Gilbert, entitled "Is it argument? In defense of the linguistically inexplicable", is also included in the file.
Series consists of records pertaining to Gilbert’s attendance at conferences and his professional and personal associations, as well as miscellaneous subject files. Records in these files include conference materials and papers, correspondence, and photographs.
File consists of notes, diagrams, photocopied articles, a letter, a course description, and a reading list pertaining to this course, Formal Philosophy (AS/PH 420.6). Also included is a student paper featuring an analysis of Gilbert's work.
Item is a draft article by Gilbert entitled "Take a Contradiction to Lunch".
File consists of notes and manuscript drafts pertaining to a novel by Gilbert entitled "Control".
Series consists of incoming and copies of outgoing correspondence, mostly personal, as well as Gilbert’s day planners and an address book.
File consists of a letter from George Payerle and a submission for the Writers Union of Canada newsletter.
File consists of two course evaluations of this course taught by Gilbert in winter 2010.
File pertains to Gilbert's screenplay entitled "Cross Purposes" and his efforts to find an agent and sell the screenplay. Records in this file are correspondence, shipping invoices, receipts and a script synopsis.
File pertains to a Canadian Philosophical Association meeting in May 1998 and a session discussing Gilbert's book, "Coalescent Argumentation". Records in this file are three discussion papers about the book presented at the meeting.