Consists of : The Ring ; The Vision ; Encounter a Stranger ; Naughty Song ; Ambiguity ; Cry in Vain ; Courts of Princes ; The Child ; Caged and Bound ; Hand in Gloves ; The Last Party ; The Journey.
Consists of Prelude : Paradise Lost ; Meeting-of-Rivers ; Microchips and Bullock Carts ; Charms ; Sadhu ; Three Peas ; Trident ; Taste of Sea ; Los Ojos de Beatriz ; Utopia of a Tired Man ; Journey Over Sands ; Postlude : Prayer.
Series consist of video cassettes of films screened at the Desh Pardesh festival or an affiliated event; commercial shorts created specifically for the festival; and audio and video recordings of various events, workshops and performances at Desh Pardesh.
Series consists of video cassettes and audio cassettes submitted to Desh Pardesh for consideration, including material from: film makers; spoken word and performance artists; comedians; dancers and choreographers; musicians and vocalists. For the most part, these tapes contain audition material, and it does not appear these materials were actually used or screened in the Desh Pardesh festival proper.
Series consists of the agendas, minutes and administrative records and reports of the Desh Pardesh Board of Directors.
Series consists of agendas, minutes, submissions, evaluations and biographical information created and accumulated by members of the programming committee of Desh Pardesh, in the course of their activities soliciting, evaluating and organizing workshops, seminars, dance, music and theatre performances, literary readings, art exhibits and film screenings.