- ASC33162
- Item
- 1976
Part of Michael Posluns fonds
Item consists of an audio recording of a radio show hosted by Albert Angus and Bernelda Wheeler. It is called "Our Native Land" and the subtitle for this series is "Native Prisoners". It begins with a continuation of the report on discrimination faced by Aboriginal parolees, started on tape 2000-050 / 004 (10) (ASC33162). The reporter, Albert Angus, interviews Doreen Hunter, a woman who works with Aboriginal Canadian inmates, and David Rimpole, District Director of the National Parole Service, Winnipeg. Bernelda Wheeler then interviews Ronda [Sharr?] of the Native Plan, a half-way house for recent parolees, on where Aboriginal Canadian parolees usually want to resettle. This is followed by a statement from David Rimpole on what the government is willing to do to try to fix the situation and closing statements from Albert Angus and Bernelda Wheeler.