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Fundraising banquet for PAK in Toronto

Fundraising banquet for PAK in Toronto. Round tables with guests sitted around them fill the hall and the guests at the VIP table on the left stand behind their seats while they all observe a speech. Γεύμα για την συγκέντρωση χρημάτων για το ΠΑΚ στο Τορόντο. Στρογγυλά τραπέζια γεμίζουν την αίθουσα με τους προσκεκλημένους καθισμένους στις θέσεις τους. Αριστερά στο τραπέζι των επισήμων οι προσκεκλημένοι στέκουν όρθιοι, ενώ όλοι παρακολουθούν μια ομιλία.

Presentation for Polytechnic Institute – Banner reads “Bread, Education, Freedom” – Greek Community of Toronto

Gathering at the Greek Community of Toronto for a tribute to the events of the Polytechnic Institute. Speakers on stage during presentation. The banner behind them reads “Bread, Education, Freedom”. Συγκέντρωση στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων της Ελληνικής Κοινώτητας Τορόντο για την επέτειο του Πολυτεχνείου. Πάνελ ομιλητών στη σκηνή κατά τη διάρκεια παρουσίασης με φόντο πανό που αναγράφει "Ψωμί, Παιδεία, Ελευθερία".

Demonstration outside of the Federal Parliament in Ottawa. The last demonstration before fall of the Junta in Greece.

Demonstration outside of the Federal Parliament in Ottawa. The last demonstration before fall of the Junta in Greece. Protesters holding signs that read "Nato Guns Killing Greek Youth", "Yaros", "Greece for Greeks", "PAK" in English and "Glory to dead students" in Greek. Διαδήλωση έξω από το Κοινοβούλιο στην Οττάβα. Η τελευταία διαδήλωση πριν την πτώση της Χούντας στην Ελλάδα. Οι διαδηλωτές κρατούς πλακάτ που αναγράφουν στα αγγλικά "Τα όπλα του Νάτο σκοτώνουν την ελληνική νεολαία", "Γυάρος", "Η Ελλάδα στους Έλληνες", "ΠΑΚ" και "Δόξα τους νεκρούς φοιτητές" στα ελληνικά.

George Homatidis and Peter Belegris at Quouinta Café

George Homatidis (black suit) is standing behind Peter Belegris who is having his coffee beside a young woman at Quouinta Café. Ο Γιώργος Χωματίδης (μαύρο κοστούμι) στέκεται όρθιος πίσω από τον Πήτερ Μπελεγρή που πίνει τον καφέ του δίπλα από μια νεαρή κοπέλα στο καφέ "Κουίντα".

Owners of Lucky smoke, newspaper store

Owners of Lucky smoke, newspaper store. The Man in the photo is nicknamed “Laki”. Οι ιδιοκτήτες του καταστήματος εφημερίδων "Lucky Smoke". Ο άνδρας στη φωτογραφία έχει το ψευδώνυμο "Λάκης".

Mikis Theodorakis, Aphrodite Manou and George Papadatos outside the Trojan Horse Coffee House

The music composer Mikis Theodorakis in front of the Trojan Horse coffee house looking at the camera and holding a paper bag. With him the singer Aphroditi Manou, George Papadatos and a man with a black suit. Ο μουσικοσυνθέτης Μίκης Θεοδωράκης έξω από το καφέ "Δούρειος Ίππος" κοιτάζει το φακό κρατώντας μια χάρτινη σακούλα. Μαζί του η τραγουδίστρια Αφροδίτη Μάνου, ο Γιώργος Παπαδάτος και ένας άνδρας με μαύρο κοστούμι.

Demonstration in front of the United States Consulate to increase arms against Turkey

Demonstration on Danforth in favor of increasing arms against Turkey for a balance of powers in the Mediterranean. Protestors holding posters with the slogan for Demonstration that read “Hands off Greece”. Διαδήλωση στην Ντάνφορθ υπέρ της αύξησης των όπλων ενάντια στην Τουρκία για ισορροπία δυνάμεων στη Μεσόγειο. Οι διαδηλωτές κρατούν πλακάτ με το σύνθημα της διαδήλωσης στα αγγλικά "Κάτω τα χέρια από την Ελλάδα".

Presentation for Polytechnic Institute – Banner reads “Bread, Education, Freedom” – Greek Community of Toronto

Presentation of the Greek Community of Toronto for Polytechnic uprising. Artists playing music on stage with a banner on the background that reads “Bread, Education, Freedom”. Συγκέντρωση στην αίθουσα εκδηλώσεων της Ελληνικής Κοινώτητας Τορόντο για την επέτειο του Πολυτεχνείου. Καλλιτέχνες παίζουν μουσική στη σκηνή με φόντο πανό που αναγράφει "Ψωμί, Παιδεία, Ελευθερία".

Lampros Vasiliou singer-President-owner of Avli Coffee House

Lampros Vasiliou, singer and owner of Avli Cafe-Restaurant, singing at Trojan Horse Coffe House. He also sang at the Trojan house when he was a waiter. Ο Λάμπρος Βασιλείου, τραγουδιστής και ιδιοκτήτης του καφέ-εστιατορίου "Αυλή", τραγουδά στο καφέ "Δούρειος Ίππος". Επίσης τραγουδούσε στον Δούρειο Ίππο όταν ήταν σερβιτόρος.

Steve Arvanitis – Deceased – at a Greek Community of Toronto meeting

Steve Arvanitis in a beige suit speaking into the microphone with his hands in his pockets at a Greek Community of Toronto meeting. Ο Στηβ Αρβανίτης με μπεζ κοστούμι μιλά στο μικρόφωνο έχοντας τα χέρια στις τσέπες, σε μια συνέλευση της Ελληνικής Κοινότητας Τορόντο.

Nikos Touliatos (organizing of the Olympic ceremony in Athens 2004) and Sakis Nikolaou (bass player – musician)

On the left Nikos Touliatos is sitting and holding a cigarette beside the bass player Sakis Nikolaou (black pants). Two posters on the wall read "Esperides". Ο Νίκος Τουλιάτος κρατά τσιγάρο καθιστός δίπλα στον μπασίστα Σάκη Νικολάου (μαύρο παντελόνι). Φόντο δύο αφίσες που αναγράφουν στα αγγλικά "Εσπερίδες".

Antonis Michailidis singing

Antonis Michailidis singing in the microphone with eyes closed. Behind him the blurry figure of Sophia Papazoglou looking at him. Ο Αντώνης Μιχαηλίδης τραγουδά στο μικρόφωνο με κλειστά μάτια. Πίσω του θολή η εικόνα της Σοφίας Παπάζογλου που τον κοιτάζει.

The owners of Lyra Coffee House

Doulis Karadimas (white sweater) and Armando (vest) standing in front of the main entrance. On the door a poster with the name of the establishment and under it another poster that reads "celebration of E.A.M." Οι ιδιοκτήτες του Λύρα καφέ Ντούλης Καραδήμας (λευκή μπλούζα) και Αρμάνδος (γιλέκο) στέκουν έξω από την κεντρική είσοδο. Στην πόρτα διακρίνεται διαφημηστική αφίσα του μαγαζιού και από κάτω αφίσα που αναγράφει "γιορτασμός του Ε.Α.Μ.".

Two followers of the Trojan Horse Vasilis Charalampidis and Nikos Kalamaries

Vasilis Charalampidis on the left holding an unknown object. Beside him Nikos Kalamaries wearing a scarf and smiling at the camera while having a good time at the Trojan Horse Coffee House. Αριστερά ο Βασίλης Χαραλαμπίδης κρατά άγνωστο αντικείμενο στο χέρι. Δίπλα του ο Νίκος Καλαμαριές με κασκόλ κοιτάζει και χαμογελά στην κάμερα. Διασκεδάζουν στο καφέ "Δούρειος Ίππος" ενώ πίσω τους διακρίνονται άλλοι θαμώνες.

George Kipouros current Dean of the University of Saskatechewan

George Kipouros (with glasses), current Dean of the Univesity of Saskatechewan, looking at a sight beyond the photographic lens with interest, while sitting beside two older men looking in the same direction. Ο Γιώργος Κηπουρός (με γυαλιά), εν ενεργεία Πρύτανης του Πανεπιστημίου Σασκάτσουαν, παρακολουθεί με ενδιαφέρον κάποιο θέαμα πέρα από τον φακό, καθισμένος δίπλα σε δύο μεγαλύτερους άντρες που κοιτούν προς το ίδιο σημείο.

A group of eight people hugging and smiling at the camera outside the Trojan Horse coffee house.

Right to left: George Papadatos, Sylvia Midler, Michalis Vitopoulos, Yiannis Markopoulos (Composer), Kosmas Marinatos. Photo taken outside of the Trojan Horse Coffee House that was located at 179 Danforth Avenue. Μια παρέα οκτώ ατόμων αγκαλιάζεται και χαμογελά στον φωτογραφικό φακό έξω από το Δούρειος Ίππος καφέ. Από δεξιά διακρίνονται οι: Γιώργος Παπαδάτος, Σύλβια Μίντλερ, Μιχάλης Βιτόπουλος, Γιάννης Μαρκόπουλος (Συνθέτης), Κοσμάς Μαρινάτος.

Demonstration for Cyprus.

A group of protestors holding posters with the picture of Archbishop Makarios. One poster reads "Smash Greek Junta". Διαδήλωση για την Κύπρο. Συγκεντρωμένη ομάδα διαδηλωτών κρατώντας πλακάτ που φέρουν τη φωτογραφία του Αρχιεπισκόπου Κύπρου Μακαρίου. Ένα πλακάτ αναγράφει στα αγγλικά "Συντρίψτε την Ελληνική Χούντα".

Demonstration of the Nuclear Disamament Network of Toronto.

Protestors march in Toronto holding banners. A red and white banner in the centre reads "Against Cruise Testing". Διαδήλωση του Δικτύου Πυρηνικού Αφοπλισμού του Τορόντο. Διαδηλωτές κάνουν πορεία στο Τορόντο κρατώντας πανό. Στο κέντρο ένα πανό με κόκκινο και λευκό χρώμα, αναγράφει στα αγγλικά "Ενάντια στις Δοκιμές Πυραύρλων Κρουζ".

Concert in support of the people of Nicaraugua. Companieros performing with Nancy White

The band Companeros performing at a concert for the support of Nicaragua at Titania Music Hall. On stage with them Nancy White on the piano and George Papadatos. Εμφάνιση του συγκροτήματος "Κομπανιέρος" στην συναυλία για την υποστήριξη της Νικαράγουα στη Μουσική Αίθουσα Τιτάνια. Μαζί τους στη σκηνή η Νάνσυ Γουάιτ στο πιάνο, και ο Γιώργος Παπαδάτος.

Ontario Parliament Demonstration – “Hands off Greece”

A group of protestors at a demonstration in front of Parliament of Ontario at Queen's Park, protest holding posters and banners. One banner reads "Hands Off Greece". Ομάδα διαδηλωτών έξω από to Κοινοβούλιο του Οντάριο στο Κουίνς Πάρκ, διαδηλώνουν κρατώντας πλακάτ και πανό. Ένα πανό γράφει "Κάτω τα χέρια απ\' την Ελλάδα"

George Papadatos, Yiannis (taxi driver) and Potis Zavitsianos in the van on the way to Chicago.

From the left Potis Zavitsianos, Yiannis (taxi driver) and George Papadatos sitting on a picnic table in a park on the way to Chicago. Από αριστερά ο Πότης Ζαβιτσιάνος, ο Γιάννης (ταξιτζής) και ο Γιώργος Παπαδάτος κάθονται πάνω σε τραπέζι πικ νικ σε ένα παρκο στο δρόμο για το Σικάγο.

Vasilis Voutsinos (white) sitting and waiting at the Airport for Manos Loizos

Beside him a man in a black sweater and on the right a woman with her hand over her mouth sitting beside a man with his jacket on his shoulder. Ο Βασίλης Βουτσινός (λευκό) καθισμένος στο περβάζι του Αεροδρομίου Πήρσον περιμένοντας τον Μάνο Λοΐζο. Δίπλα του ένας ανδρας με μαύρο πουλόβερ και δεξιά μια γυναίκα που ακουμπά το πρόσωπό της με το χέρι της δίπλα από έναν άνδρα με ριγμένο σακάκι στους ώμους.

Greek Community of Toronto Meeting November 4 1980 : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the Greek Community of Toronto meeting held on November 4, 1980. Topics include discussions about fundraising, and a vote to ratify a resolution to change some wording in the Greek Community of Toronto's constitution. There is also a discussion around the practice of Women's Auxiliary/Philanthropic organizations (Φιλοπτωχος) in the churches collecting money from congregations, and whether this is appropriate or not.

Greek Community of Toronto Meeting November 4 1980 : Side A

Recording of a Greek Community of Toronto meeting held on November 4, 1980. Topics of discussion include the lack of participation of Greek Orthodox clergy from Saint Demetrios church in community events. Also discussed is a complaint about the rude/inappropriate behaviour of some Greek language newspaper journalists when they attend events. This discussion also includes concern for the Community's reputation over what is written in the Free Speech (Ελεύθερος Τύπος) newspaper.

Mixtape of Greek songs: Side A

Mixtape of Greek songs, including "Ο Σκλάβος/ O Sklavos" sung by Γιώργος Νταλάρας/Giorgos Dalaras and Βασιλική Λαβίνα/Vasiliki Lavina, "Που Ειναι Ο Θεος/ Pou Enai O Theos" sung by Λιτσα Σακελλαριου/ Litsa Sakellariou, "Aν Ηξερα Αναγνωση Αραφη/ An Ixera Anagnosi Grafi" by Μανωληs Μητσιαs/Manolis Mitsias, and "Η Μπαλάντα του Ξεσηκωμού/I Mpalanta Tou Xesikomou" by Θάνος Μικρούτσικος/Thanos Mikroutsikos. Recording ends at around 13 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto meeting : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the Greek Community of Toronto meeting where participation in Youth Centre activities is discussed. Discussion among attendees also includes references to funding Greek language newspapers. Recording ends at 13 minutes and 25 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto meeting : Side A

Recording of a Greek Community of Toronto meeting. Topics of discussions include activities organized for children at the Community's Youth Centre, such as basketball, soccer, and Greek folk dance classes. There is also discussion around who is allowed to join these activities, particularly if those from outside the Greek and/or Greek Orthodox Christian community should be allowed to participate. Recording ends at around 31 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto Meeting April 8 1980 : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the Greek Community of Toronto meeting held on April 8, 1980. Discussion continues to center around the missing funds that were meant to go towards earthquake relief in Thessaloniki, and reactions from regional societies and the Greek community at large. Recording ends at around 30 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto Meeting April 8 1980 : Side A

Recording of a Greek Community of Toronto meeting held on April 8, 1980. Discussion primarily centers on the topic of missing funds that were meant to go towards earthquake relief in Thessaloniki, the actions taken by Executive Committee members to locate the funds and rectify the situation, and the fallout from this occurrence with the rest of the Greek community in Toronto.

Greek Community of Toronto meeting : Side A

Recording of a meeting with executive members of the Greek Community of Toronto surrounding the events related to missing funds that were raised for the Thessaloniki earthquake relief, including what happened when the money was deposited at the bank, as well as reactions from outside the Greek community, including Toronto Star reporter Joe Serge contacting one of the members for their side of the story.

Lecture on Public Library usage by Ms. Avrami : Side A

Lecture on public library usage by Greek community members delivered by Ms. Avrami. Lecture includes references to demands for books in Greek at certain branches. Recording ends at around 28 minutes and 30 seconds. The rest of the recording is from a PASOK meeting, ending at around 31 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Interview with Mr. Iakovidis about the Alexander the Great exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the presentation by Mr. Iakovidis on the upcoming Alexander the Great exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum. Discussion includes references to the Greek Diaspora at large and maintaining connections to Greece. There are also references to the situation in Cyprus, as well as the events of November 17 at the Athens Polytechnic. There is also a reference to an embargo against Turkey that the speaker urges Greeks in Canada to also maintain. Recording ends at around 31 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Recording of Toronto PASOK holiday function and songs by Mikis Theodorakis : Side B

Recording of songs by Mikis Theodorakis sung by Maria Farantouri, including "Καρτέρεμα/Karterema", "Αυγή/Avgi", "Πράσινη μέρα/ Prasini mera", "Συλλείτουργο/Sillitourgo", and "Το νερό/To nero". At around 22 minutes and 21 seconds there is a recording of a discussion about the aims and philosophies of PASOK, as well as contemporary Greek politics among Toronto chapter PASOK members.

Mixtape of English songs : Side B

Recordings of various songs by Pink Floyd, including "Chapter 24" "Matilda Mother", "Arnold Layne", "Candy and a Currant Bun", "It Would be So Nice", "Paint Box" and "Julia Dream". Recording ends around 23 minutes and 20 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Pascuale et los hermanos Foncea : Side A

Recording of various unidentified people speaking and leaving messages for family member and friends in Spanish. These individuals are possibly Chilean. Recording ends at around 16 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Interview with an unidentified man and speech from a PASOK event : Side A

Recording of an interview with an unidentified man about Greek language newspapers in Toronto and their role in the Greek Diaspora. Discussion also covers his role in PASOK and his opinions on Greece's membership in NATO. Interview ends at around 21 minutes and 33 seconds. The rest of the recording is from an NDP election night party that starts at around 22 minutes and 40 seconds. Recording ends at around 28 minutes and 30 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto discussion and live community events : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the discussion among Greek Community of Toronto members related to making a decision to bring forward legal proceedings to stop the sale of property by the Archbishop that had been promised for use by the community for an old age home. The recording of the discussion ends at around 12 minutes and 08 seconds. The rest of the recording consists of an event that commemorated the 20th anniversary of the Kastorian regional society (ends at 22 minutes and 40 seconds), and another event welcoming a new parish priest to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church in Scarborough, Ontario. Recording ends at 30 minutes and 30 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto discussion and live community events : Side A

Recording of a discussion among Greek Community of Toronto members related to making a formal decision to bring forward legal proceedings to stop the sale of property by the Archbishop that had been promised for use by the community for an old age home. Recording ends at around 30 minutes. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Orthodox clergy meeting : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the event with the Greek Community of Toronto and the Greek Orthodox Diocesan Council of Canada. Recording of the event ends around 25 minutes. The rest of the recording is Greek music, which ends at 30 minutes and 55 seconds. The remainder of the recording is blank.

Greek Orthodox clergy meeting : Side A

The first 6 minutes of the recording are songs in Greek, including "Δεν ήσουν κύριος/Den eisoun kyrios" by Δουκισσα/Doukissa and part of "Αν είναι η αγάπη αμαρτία/ An Ine I Agapi Amartia" by Τζένη Βάνου/Tzeni Vanou. The rest of the recording is from a meeting with the Greek Community of Toronto and the Greek Orthodox Diocesan Council of Canada to discuss problems among Greek-Canadians. Discussion mostly centres around the role of the Greek Orthodox Church in the Greek Canadian diaspora and its relationship to Greek identity and language, especially among the younger generations. Speakers at the event include Bishop Sotirios, and Fr. Andreou, among others.

Interview with Mr. Andrianopoulos about the Alexander the Great Exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the question and answer session with Mr. Andrianopoulos about the logistics of the upcoming Alexander the Great Exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum. Topics include the rights over the materials, attendance estimates, advertisements and response from the press, and cultural considerations for Greek- North Macedonian relations as a result of the exhibit. The recording ends at 12 minutes and 35 seconds. The rest of the recording is bouzouki music from an unknown source that begins around 13 minutes and 17 seconds and ends around 21 minutes and 02 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Interview with Mr. Andrianopoulos about the Alexander the Great Exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum : Side A

Recording of a question and answer session with Mr. Adrianopoulos about the upcoming Alexander the Great exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum. Topics discussed include what kinds of archeological materials will be included as part of the exhibit, details about the agreement between The Royal Ontario Museum and the Greek government over the materials, as well as details about the exhibit planning process based off of previous experience with a similar exhibit held in Washington, DC. Recording ends at around 30 minutes and 30 seconds. Rest of the tape is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto council meeting : Side A

Recording of a Greek Community of Toronto council meeting held on April 11, 1980. Topics discussed include the lack of full-time parish priests at certain churches in the community, clergy salaries, and other issues related to church administration. Recording ends at around 30 minutes and 50 seconds.

Mixtape of songs in Greek and English : Side B

Continuation of the mixtape of songs by various Greek and English artists. Recording includes "When Love Comes to Town" by U2, "Να μ' αγαπάς/ Na m'agapas" by Ελένη Τσαλιγοπούλου/ Eleni Tsaligopoulou, "Χάντρα Θαλασσιά/Hantra Thalassia" by Γιάννης Κότσιρας/Giannis Kotsiras, "Κανένας δεν χαιδευη σαν εσένα/ Kanenas den haidevi san esena" by Ελένη Δήμου/Eleni Dimou, "Όλα Μου Τα Καράβια/ Ola Mou Ta Karavia" by Χάρις Αλεξίου/ Haris Alexiou, "Μια Ελλάδα Φως/Mia Ellada Fos" by Κωνσταντίνα/Kostantina, "Games Without Frontiers" by Peter Gabriel, "Free" by Stevie Wonder", and "Little 15" by Depeche Mode.

Mixtape of songs in Greek and English : Side A

Mixtape of songs by various Greek and English artists. Recording includes "Ατομική μου ενέργεια/Atomiki Mou Energeia" by Δήμητρα Γαλάνη/ Dimitra Galani, "My Baby Just Cares for Me" by Nina Simone. "It's Now or Never" by Elvis Presley, "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" by Jackie DeShannon, "Stand By Me" by Ben E. King, "I Say a Little Prayer" by Aretha Franklin, "Pouring Rain" by José Feliciano, "You Mean Everything To Me" by Neil Sedeka, "Always on My Mind" by Elvis Presley, "In the Mood" by Glenn Miller Orchestra, "Goldfinger" by Shirley Bassey, and "Save the Last Dance for Me" by The Drifters.

Greek Community of Toronto teachers' meeting : Side B

Continuation of the recording of the Greek Community of Toronto teacher's meeting. The meeting devolves into a heated discussion surrounding the Greek Community of Toronto's finances and financial management related to teachers' salaries, with accusations of mismanagement being offered from some attendees. Recording ends at 23 minutes and 7 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Greek Community of Toronto teachers' meeting : Side A

The first 10 minutes of the recording document a meeting that took place among Greek Community of Toronto language teachers. Topics of discussion include a heated debate around salaries, teacher training and credential requirements, the responsibilities of parents and Greek school principals, and discussion on pedagogy and school subjects. The next 13 minutes of the recording are from a banquet featuring religious leaders of the community held at the Polymenakion Cultural Centre at Saint Demrtrios Greek Orthodox Church on January 2, 1980. Recording ends at 23 minutes and 19 seconds. The rest of the recording is blank.

Opening of the Alexander the Great Youth Centre : Side A

Live recording of an event marking the official opening of the Alexander the Great Youth Centre at Saint John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church in Scarborough, Ontario. Speaker is then-president of the Greek Community of Toronto, Dr. Leonidas Polymenakos. Greek Community executive members and non-Greek dignitaries are participating.

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