Stop Spadina Save Our City Co-ordinating Committee fonds
- F0417
- Fonds
- 1961-2005
The fonds consists of agendas of meetings of SSSOCCC, correspondence and reports of organizations that pre-dated Stop Spadina, records relating to Metropolitan Toronto Council, the City of Toronto Council and city departments, and the Province of Ontario, including correspondence with politicians, speeches, minutes of meetings, transportation studies of Toronto and other jurisdictions, and related material. There are financial records and receipts from Stop Spadina, briefs presented by it and others to the Metropolitan Toronto Council Transportation Committee and Executive Committee, reports on planning from city and metropolitan departments (Roads, Public Works, etc.), membership applications and membership lists of Stop Spadina, press releases and newspaper clippings, newsletters of Stop Spadina and community groups, brochures, leaflets and related paraphernalia from Stop Spadina. There are audio recordings of Stop Spadina meetings, interviews with news media, speeches and lectures, and of meetings of city and metropolitan councils. There is also a filmed statement by Jane Jacobs and Marshall McLuhan on Spadina titled, 'The burning would,' (1970).
Stop Spadina Save Our City Co-ordinating Committee