Fundos F0171 - Nancy Pocock fonds

Zona do título e menção de responsabilidade

Título próprio

Nancy Pocock fonds

Designação geral do material

Título paralelo

Outra informação do título

Título e menções de responsabilidade

Notas ao título

Nível de descrição


Código de referência


Menção de edição

Menção de responsabilidade da edição

Menção da escala (cartográfica)

Menção da projecção (cartográfica)

Menção das coordenadas (cartográfico)

Menção da escala (arquitectura)

Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

Zona de datas de criação


  • 1857, 1891-1998 (Produção)

Zona de descrição física

Descrição física

8.45 m of textual records
1 video cassette
6 audio reels
29 audio cassettes
ca. 450 photographs

Título próprio do recurso continuado

Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

Menção de responsabilidade relativa ao editor do recurso contínuo

Numeração das publicações do editor

Nota sobre as publicações do editor

Zona da descrição do arquivo

Nome do produtor

(24 October 1910 - 1998)

História biográfica

Nancy Pocock was born in Chicago on 24 October 1910 as Anne Dorothy Meek. She was raised in both Illinois and Pennsylvania but by the age of ten has settled with her family in Toronto where she lived until her death in 1998.

After graduating from Central Technical School she entered "The Grange" or the Ontario College of Art to pursue a career in design and jewellery making.
In 1930, she studied design and bench work in Paris, and upon returning to Toronto opened a studio on Gerrard Street which she shared with potter and friend Nunzio D'Angelo. Pocock was one of the founding directors of the Metal Arts Guild of Ontario and the only one to be described as a "silversmith" in its letters patent. Her work was included as part of the craft component for the Canadian Pavilion in the Universal and International Exhibition in Brussels in 1958. Pocock later moved her studio to Yorkville where she worked with her husband Jack (John) Pocock until 1970. They married on 5 March 1942.

Being of different religious backgrounds led the Pococks to search for a common religion to fulfil their needs. Nancy and Jack found spiritual fulfilment in the Canadian Society of Friends (the Quakers). Nancy Pocock joined the Peace Movement after Jack returned wounded from the Second World War in 1944. Pocock worked with Jack in planning the Grindstone Island programmes, a series of seminars devoted to tackling the problems of war through peaceful means. She was also a founding member of the Voice of Women and Project Ploughshares and was involved with the Canadian Peace Research Institute, the Canadian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and a variety of Quaker peace projects including the Canadian Friends Service Committee. She was also a Quaker representative to the Inter-Church Committee on Refugees (ICCR) and Co-ordinator of Toronto Refugee Affairs Council.

Pocock committed much of her time to working with refugees during the Vietnam War by helping American draft dodgers and deserters as well as Vietnamese refugees find homes in Canada. She visited Vietnam four times, the first time during the war as a member of a Quaker committee sending aid to Vietnam.

After the death of her husband in 1975, her work with refugees intensified and she expanded her scope of interest to include refugees from Latin and Central America. She received the Pearson Medal for her efforts and accomplishments in 1987, and numerous honourary doctorates over the years.

História custodial

Âmbito e conteúdo

Fonds contains correspondence relating to Nancy Pocock's career as a refugee worker, peace activist and jeweler as well as material relating to the Pocock family, to her personal life and publications and pamphlets collected by Pocock over the course of her career. While there was no discernable order overriding the entire fonds, a filing system was maintained for parts of certain series.

The fonds is arranged in the following series:

Zona das notas

Condição física

Fonte imediata de aquisição

Donated in 1998 by daughter Judith Pocock, Toronto, Ont.


Idioma do material

Script do material

Localização de originais

Disponibilidade de outros formatos

Restrições de acesso

Some restrictions may apply.

Termos que regulam o uso, reprodução e publicação

Instrumentos de descrição

Legacy file list available at

Materiais associados

Materiais relacionados

Ingressos adicionais

The fonds comprises the following accession: 1998-041. No further accruals are expected.

Identificador(es) alternativo(s)

Zona do número normalizado

Número normalizado

Pontos de acesso

Pontos de acesso - Locais

Pontos de acesso - Nomes

Pontos de acesso de género

Zona do controlo



Nível de detalhe


Datas de criação, revisão ou eliminação

2002/04/05 Jizi Chen:. (Creation)
2002/04/05 Awaiting review by the Data Collection Archivist
2003/04/09 Shannon MacDonald. Added URL for online finding aid. Added series info. Updated wording in accruals.
2006/12/18 Dubeau. Corrected series of typographical errors and inaccurate accrual note.
2017/11/16 last updated.
2018/03/23 added status, level of detail, & legacy file list information
2020/03/26 KCP, N. Somerset. Added subject access points.

Idioma da descrição


Zona da incorporação

Pessoas e organizações relacionadas

Locais relacionados

Géneros relacionados