Varpu Lindstrom fonds Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
2009-025/001(02) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Gustafsson Gunnar and Aino Item Aug. 1978
2009-025/001(11) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Ikonen Aatu Item 24-27 June 1978
2009-025/001(13) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Kerkko Charles Item 2 Oct. 1978
2009-025/002(01) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Keto Reino Item 10 Nov. 1978
2009-025/002(03) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Nissila Niilo Item 19 Sept. 1978
2009-025/002(07) Research projects : Polyphony - Finns in Ontario project and Multicultural History Society of Ontario research : Interview : Paivio Jules Item 24 Jan. 1980
2009-025/003(06) Research projects : Terveisia Ruusa-tadilta photograph book : Funding applications, bios, CVs and correspondence File 1981, 1984
2009-025/003(08) Research projects : Terveisia Ruusa-tadilta photograph book : Photographs : archival research, copies and notes File 1982-1983
2009-025/003(09) Photographs : archival research, copies and notes File 1982-1983
2009-025/004(02) Research projects : Terveisia Ruusa-tadilta photograph book : Translations [of book text] File [ca. 1983]
2009-025/004(03) Research projects : Terveisia Ruusa-tadilta photograph book : Complete text manuscripts File [ca. 1983]
2009-025/005(03) Research projects : Terveisia Ruusa-tadilta photograph book : RUUSA : photographs - Canada until WWII File
2009-025/005(05) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Lindstrom-Best, Varpu : Defiant sisters : thesis Item Nov. 1986
2009-025/006(01) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Pertti Kaski photograph collection : Northern Quebec File [192-]
2009-025/007(02) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Martin Hendrickson : Muistelmia-Kymmenvuotisesta Raivaustyostani, Fitchburg, Mass. File 1909
2009-025/007(03) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Oskari Tokoi : Maan-Pakolaisen Muistelmia, Helsinki File 1947
2009-025/007(06) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Yhteiskunnalle Omistettu Elama, Oma Makikossa : Miina Sillanpaan Elaman and Ja Tyon Vaiheita File 1947
2009-025/007(07) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : VL - defiant domestics - lectures File 1983-1987
2009-025/007(08) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Theatre : misc. information File 1979
2009-025/007(11) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Tyokansan Nuoli II File 1910
2009-025/007(19) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Research notes for Saywell's paper File 1972-1973
2009-025/008(04) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : The forgotten strike : 1912-1913 [Timmins] in the Porcupine camp File [198-]
2009-025/008(05) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Ruoskija : Timmins, hand-written newspaper File 1912-1915
2009-025/008(06) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Timmins research File 1998
2009-025/008(15) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Timmins history : keynote address File 2004
2009-025/008(18) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Vapaus : notes from microfilm File 1921-1925
2009-025/008(19) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Sakenia : "Nainen ia Tyo" File 1911-1912
2009-025/009(05) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : First press : copies - miscellaneous File 1980
2009-025/009(07) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Edna Ferber : "Every other Thursday" File
2009-025/009(08) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Jackson funeral home records File
2009-025/009(12) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Finn forum '84 : archival holdings File 1984
2009-025/009(13) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : William Hoglund : articles and bibliography File 1964
2009-025/009(16) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Mauri Jalava : articles File 1979-1982
2009-025/009(17) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Pentti Jarvenpaa, M.A. Toronto : "Economic and socio-cultural integration [of Finnish immigrants in Metropolitan Toronto]" File 1972
2009-025/009(18) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Raivaaja Kymmenen Vuotta File 1915
2009-025/009(20) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Thunder Bay : contacts and correspondence File 1983
2009-025/009(22) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Sisu : information File 1981
2009-025/009(29) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : William Eklund : review of Raivio and articles File 1975, 1979
2009-025/010(15) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Finnish language studies File 1993
2009-025/011(01) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : MHSO, MSRS and LOGS File
2009-025/011(07) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Alanen, Arnold : Terra article File 1982
2009-025/011(13) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Copper Cliff : St. Timothy's Lutheran Church File
2009-025/011(15) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Canadan Uutiset - notes File
2009-025/011(20) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : The Finnish Experience : The Lakehead University Review File Spring 1976
2009-025/011(21) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : F.O.C. Committees of Investigation - minutes and information File 1921, 1924
2009-025/011(28) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Tuberculosis File 1911
2009-025/012(02) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : A.F Tanner : Avioelaman Uudistus File 1911
2009-025/012(04) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Toronto : James Lindala family information File
2009-025/012(06) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Juhanes Hanikainen : Kulkurin Matkakirja File
2009-025/012(13) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Sault Ste Marie : St. Mary's Lutheran Church File 1905-1978
2009-025/012(14) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Satu Repo : articles File 1975, 1979
2009-025/012(22) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Montreal : Finnish National Society : minutes and correspondence File 1930
2009-025/012(23) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Montreal : Montreal Suomi Society calculations File
2009-025/013(05) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Osmo Lahti Ladysmith coal miners File 1985, 1988
2009-025/013(06) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Lausuntoja Ulko suoma lais asiasta File 1924-1927
2009-025/013(08) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Miners File 1979
2009-025/013(09) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Manitoba Finns : miscellaneous information File 1915
2009-025/013(10) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : "Mad prairie mariner of Macrorie" : En Route File 1981
2009-025/013(14) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Montreal : Immigrant home information and calculations File [between 1929 and 1931]
2009-025/013(15) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Jussi Palokangas : miscellaneous documents File 1912-1945
2009-025/013(17) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Order of Runeberg File 1977
2009-025/013(25) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : A.T. Hill : manuscripts File [between 1950 and 1965]
2009-025/013(27) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Thunder Bay : general information File 1907-1910, 1937
2009-025/013(29) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Toronto : Finnish community of Toronto : maps, photographs etc. File
2009-025/013(30) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Toronto : calculations on Finns File 1913
2009-025/013(34) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : United Church : archives File 1906-1956
2009-025/013(38) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Agricola Church : Toronto File 1931-1974
2009-025/013(45) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Toveritar article : [Toveritar and the Finnish Women's Movement 1900-1930 by VL and Allen Seager] File 1985
2009-025/014(02) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Eugene Van Cleef : "Finnish Settlement in Canada" File 1952
2009-025/014(04) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Tyomies 70th Anniversary Journal : Superior, Wisconsin File 1903-1973
2009-025/014(05) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : John Wargelin : articles File 1924
2009-025/014(07) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Kotilaakari File
2009-025/014(13) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Statistics 1928-1936 : Montreal in Suomi-Seura, Jasenet File 1928-1936
2009-025/015(01) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Research cards : stats for Defiant Sisters : from Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church records, from Montreal Immigrant Home records misc. and male and female File
2009-025/017(01) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Defiant Sisters : Research cards File
2009-025/017(02) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church records : New Finland, Saskatchewan : Vol.1-11 Item
2009-025/017(07) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Original taped interview conducted by VL : Johnson, Walter : Parry Sound Item [ca. 1982]
2009-025/017(12) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Original taped interview conducted by VL : Koskinen, Rolph : Rousseau : second part of tape with Mackie, Aina : Vancouver Item 30 July 1983
2009-025/017(15) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Original taped interview conducted by VL : Punni, Lydia : Vancouver Item 26 July 1982
2009-025/017(17) Research projects : Defiant Sisters - Uhmattaret research project : Original taped interview conducted by VL : Saksinen, Emil : Parry Sound : Smith, Roy : Parry Sound Item 1980
2009-025/018(03) Research projects : Sointula, B.C. Utopian Socialist Colony (Kalevan Kansa Colonization Co.) project : Kalevan Kansan Saannot : Kalevan Kansa Colonization Company by-laws File 1901
2009-025/018(05) Research projects : Sointula, B.C. Utopian Socialist Colony (Kalevan Kansa Colonization Co.) project : Laaksonen V. J : recollections of early years of the Utopian settlement : corrections to Halminen's history of Sointula File 1951
2009-025/018(12) Research projects : Sointula, B.C. Utopian Socialist Colony (Kalevan Kansa Colonization Co.) project : Katainen, Minda : Suomalaisen vaeston toimintaa Websters Cornerissa : (Activities of Finns in Websters Corners) : include info on Kurikka and Sointula File 1971
2009-025/018(16) Research projects : Sointula, B.C. Utopian Socialist Colony (Kalevan Kansa Colonization Co.) project : Scott, Andrew : Harmony Island : Canada Journal File [199-]
2009-025/018(20) Research projects : Sointula, B.C. Utopian Socialist Colony (Kalevan Kansa Colonization Co.) project : Sointula Exhibit : Tyovaen arkisto File
2009-025/019(04) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Loyal Finns of Canada : Winnipeg chapter minutes File 1941-1948
2009-025/019(06) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Lindstrom's notes on Loyal Finns of Canada Winnipeg Chapter minutes between 1930-1933 File
2009-025/019(10) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Loyal Finns of Canada, Winnipeg branch account book File 1942-1948
2009-025/020(04) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Toronto Star (the day the Soviet Union attacked Finland) File 30 Nov. 1939
2009-025/020(08) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Memorial album of Finnish-Canadian war veterans WWII File 1946
2009-025/020(10) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Yrttimaa. The Part Played by Women in the Present Struggle in Finland File 28 Jan. 1940
2009-025/020(12) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Heroes to Enemies research papers File 1927-1965
2009-025/020(15) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Armas Holmio : Radiosaarnoja Suomeen Sotavuosina 1941-1942 File 1946
2009-025/021(03) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Women and War in Finland File 1940
2009-025/021(04) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Liekki - Sotavuodet File [between 1939 and 1946]
2009-025/021(07) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Eripainos julkaisusta : Turun Historiallinen Arkisto XX File [1998?]
2009-025/021(08) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : [Archival research notes : Finnish archives reproductions] File [between 1939 and 1943]
2009-025/021(12) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : OA/FCHS : missionaries and Native issues File 1943-1947
2009-025/021(15) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Kansallis - Seurat - Loyal Finns File 1980
2009-025/021(21) Research projects : Hero to Enemies project : Winnipeg Godmother's club : Saapuneet kirjeet File 1960
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