York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Education

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Authorized form of name

York University (Toronto, Ont.). Faculty of Education

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        Description area

        Dates of existence


        The Faculty of Education was inaugurated in 1971 and became operational in 1972 with the first courses being offered in 1973. The new faculty absorbed Lakeshore Teachers' College in 1971, accepting most of the faculty there as York teachers. The faculty currently offers programmes, combining theory and practice, in elementary, secondary and special education in both a concurrent programme (with an undergraduate degree in Arts or Science), and a consecutive (post-graduate) degree, as well as a Master of Education programme and a doctoral programme. The faculty also offers programmes in Jewish Teacher Education, Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and a number of specialized graduate diplomas. In addition the Faculty has a large in-service degree programme for professional teachers who wish to upgrade their qualifications. The Jean Augustine Chair in Education in the New Urban Environment was established in 2008) to facilitate research and activities related to education in a diverse urban society. The following individuals have served as dean of the faculty: Robert L.R. Overing (1972-1980); Joan E. Bowers, acting(1980); Andrew E. Effrat (1980-1990); Stanley Shapson (1990-1998); Jill S. Bell, acting (1998-1999); Terry Piper (1999-2001); Donald Dippo, acting (2001); Paul Axelrod (2001-2008); Alice Pitt (2008-2012); Ron Owston, interim dean (2012-).


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        Functions, occupations and activities

        Mandates/sources of authority

        Internal structures/genealogy

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        Relationships area

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        Authority record identifier

        Institution identifier

        Rules and/or conventions used


        Level of detail

        Dates of creation, revision and deletion




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