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Heller, Jeanette

  • Person
  • 1911-2008

Jeanette Heller (1911-2008), dancer and performing arts worker, spent forty-five years in show business. Born in Paris, Ontario on 14 April 1911, Heller was the only girl in a family of seven children born to Samuel Heller, an immigrant from Lithuania who worked in the scrap metal business and served in WWI, and his Canadian-born wife Lena (Davis) Heller.
Her family moved to Toronto in 1921 and she first took dance classes at Lansdown Public School. Her first dance job was in a line at the Royal York Hotel by Hylda Parker. Heller left school at 16 years of age to perform small parts in pantomime and vaudeville shows at the Royal Alexandra Theatre in Toronto.

In the early 1930s, she moved to New York, and danced for eight years travelling across North America as a Roxyette, the precursor to S.L. "Roxy" Rothafel's Rockettes, at Radio City Music Hall. Her stage names included Jeanette Hallen and Jeanette Mansfield.
From about 1941 until 1945, Heller returned to Toronto to take care of her mother while her brothers were fighting in World War II. During this time, she worked in the circulation department at the ‘Globe and Mail.'

After her brothers returned from war, Heller resumed her career as a dancer working contracts across the United States and during this time became an American citizen. Heller spent 1946 as a United Service Organizations (USO) troupe dancer performing in American army and navy hospitals. In 1947, she went to Japan as part of a United Service Organizations (USO) troupe to entertain the occupation forces, and then to Korea during the Korean War in the early fifties. In 1967 and 1947 Jeanette performed on the CNE Grandstand. During the 1950s, she also danced in Scandinavia, the Middle East, Cuba – in Havana with Lou Walters before the revolution - and in various European capitals.
After retiring from in the late fifties, Heller remained in New York and began a second career in wardrobe and show production. She worked for the American Ballet Theatre, the American Repertory Company including acting as the wardrove supervisor for the European tour for the State Department, fashion shows at the Waldorf-Astoria, and Broadway shows such as ‘Guys and Dolls,’ ‘the King and I,’ and ‘Annie.’ She also worked in television, working on soap operas such as ‘All My Children’ and ‘One Life To Live,’ as well as ‘the Dick Cavett Show’ and ‘the Ed Sullivan Show,’ and involved other productions including ‘Sesame Street’ and the 1957 CBS Cinderella television special with Julie Andrews. Heller as also involved in the filming of the 1963 romantic comedy ‘The Thrill of It All.’

In 1975, Heller returned to Canada, commuting from Toronto to Florida during the winter for nine years to work as a wardrobe manager. After working for nearly two decades at the Jackie Gleason Theatre in Miami, Heller retired at the age of 82 in 1993. In 2001, she moved into the Toronto Performing Arts Lodge. She performed one last time as a Rockette during the 2006 Guinness World record for the longest kicking line at the Humming Bird Centre. In 2008, the ‘Limelighters’ documentary by David Hansen dedicated an episode to Heller. She died on 16 October 2008.

Hellenic Heritage Foundation Greek Canadian Archives

  • Corporate body
  • 2012-

"The Hellenic Heritage Foundation Greek Canadian Archives (HHF GCA) grew out of the Greek Canadian History Project (GCHP)—a joint initiative launched by Athanasios (Sakis) Gekas and Christopher Grafos in 2012. The GHCP’s mission was to preserve and facilitate access to historical materials illuminating aspects of Greek immigrants’ varied experiences in Canada.

Over the next decade, Gekas, Grafos, Kali Petropoulos (the GCHP’s Public Relations Coordinator), and dozens of community volunteers organized memorable events, exhibitions, and historical walks. The project’s success inspired further investment. On September 22, 2021, York University announced that it had received a $1.4-million gift from the Hellenic Heritage Foundation to aid in preserving, cataloguing, digitizing, and teaching Greek Canadian history. The GCHP acquired a new name, and the HHF GCA was born."

Hefferon, D.C.

  • 1286845
  • Person
  • 1933-

Dennis Charles Hefferon (1933- ) taught at the Osgoode Hall Law School and was active in the affiliation agreement that saw the school relocate on the York University campus in 1968. In 1970 he also began teaching in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York. He left the University in 1988. In addition to his teaching activity, Hefferon was interested in planning issues and has supplied legal advice to the City of Toronto on questions involving development. He was a member of the Metropolitan Toronto Planning Board. Hefferon was the legal counsel to the Province of Manitoba on question involving development and planning. He has also served the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, where he has developed ideas on the teaching of law in Canada. In addition, Hefferon has written several articles and co-authored works including, 'Cases and material on Property Law', 'Cases and materials on real estate transactions' (1976-1977), 'Cases and materials on land use planning' (1976-1977), and others.

Hecht, Mary, 1931-

  • Person

Mary Hecht, artist, was born in New York, NY, June 23, 1931 and moved to Canada in 1970. Her education and training in drawing, painting, and sculture resulted in a B.A. in fine arts (University of Cincinnati, 1952) and an M.A. in sculpture (Iowa State University, 1957). She has worked as a magazine illustrator and has taught at McLaughlin College, York University. She has exhibited her cast metal sculptures regularly in the United States since 1961 and in Canada since 1971. She has also been very active in the Jewish community and interfaith conferences about religion and art. She has won several awards including the Individual Artist' Grant, Ontario (1975); Arts Council (1979); Excaliber Bronze Award, National Arts Club, New York NY (1983).

Hawkins, John

  • Person
  • 1944-2007

Havelock Ellis, Henry

  • Person
  • 2 February 1859

(from Wikipedia entry)

Henry Havelock Ellis, known as Havelock Ellis (2 February 1859 – 8 July 1939), was a British physician, writer, and social reformer who studied human sexuality. He was co-author of the first medical textbook in English on homosexuality in 1897, and also published works on a variety of sexual practices and inclinations, including transgender psychology. He is credited with introducing the notions of narcissism and autoeroticism, later adopted by psychoanalysis. He served as president of the Galton Institute and, like many intellectuals of his era, supported eugenics.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Hassel, John

  • Person
  • 1937-2021

Harrison, Mary St Leger Kingston

  • Person
  • 4 June 1852 - 1931

Lucas Malet was the pseudonym of Mary St Leger Kingsley (4 June 1852 - 1931), a Victorian novelist.

She was born in Eversley, Hampshire, the daughter of Charles Kingsley (author of The Water Babies). In 1876, she married William Harrison, Minor Canon of Westminster, and Priest-in-Ordinary to the Queen.

Harrison, Frederic

  • Person
  • 18 October 1831 - 14 January 1923

Frederic Harrison (18 October 1831 - 14 January 1923) was a British jurist and historian. Born at 17 Euston Square, London, he was the son of Frederick Harrison (1799-1881), a stockbroker and his wife Jane, daughter of Alexander Brice, a Belfast granite merchant. He was baptised at St. Pancras Church, Euston, and spent his early childhood at the northern London suburb of Muswell Hill, to which the family moved soon after his birth. He received a scholarship to Wadham College, Oxford in 1849. It was at Oxford that he was to embrace positive philosophy, under the influence of his tutor Richard Congreve and the works of John Stuart Mill and George Henry Lewes. Harrison found himself in conflict with Congreve as to details, and eventually led the Positivists who split off and founded Newton Hall in 1881, and he was president of the English Positivist Committee from 1880 to 1905; he was also editor and part author of the Positivist New Calendar of great Men (1892), and wrote much on Comte and Positivism. For more than three decades, he was a regular contributor to The Fortnightly Review, often in defense of Positivism, especially Comte's version of it.

Among his contemporaries at Wadham were Edward Spencer Beesly, John Henry Bridges, and George Earlam Thorley who were to become the leaders of the secular Religion of Humanity or "Comtism" in England. He received a second class in Moderations in 1852 and a first class in Literae Humaniores in 1853. In the following year he was elected a fellow of the college and became a tutor, taking over from Congreve. He became part of a liberal group of academics at Oxford that also included Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, Goldwin Smith, Mark Pattison and Benjamin Jowett.

As a religious teacher, literary critic, historian and jurist, Harrison took a prominent part in the life of his time, and his writings, though often violently controversial on political, religious and social subjects, and in their judgment and historical perspective characterized by a modern Radical point of view, are those of an accomplished scholar, and of one whose wide knowledge of literature was combined with independence of thought and admirable vigour of style. In 1907 he published The Creed of a Layman, which included his Apologia pro fide mea, in explanation of his Positivist religious position. In 1870 he married Ethel Berta, daughter of William Harrison, by whom he had four sons. George Gissing, the novelist, was at one time their tutor; and in 1905 Harrison wrote a preface to Gissing's Veranilda. One of his sons was killed in World War I.

Harris, H. S. (Henry Silton), 1926-.

  • Person
  • 1926-

H. S. (Henry Silton) Harris, author and educator, was born on April 11, 1926 in Brighton, England. He received his B. A. in Philosophy from Oxford University in 1949, completed his M. A. in 1952 and his Ph. D. in 1954 at the University of Illinois. Following a teaching career there and at Ohio State University (1951-1961), Harris joined the Philosophy Department at York University in 1962. He served as Academic Dean of Glendon College, 1967-1969. He retired from York in 1994. Harris was a prolific author and an acknowledged authority on the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel. He is the author of several books, articles and book chapters on Hegel including "Hegel's Development I: Toward the Sunlight (1770-1801)", published in 1972; "Hegel's Development II: Night Thoughts (Jena 1801-1806)", published in 1983; and "Hegel's Ladder: A Draft of a Commentary on Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit", published in 1985. In addition, Harris prepared several translations of Hegel's works to which he added textual notes and introductions, including "First philosophy of spirit," (1979), "Lectures on the philosophy of religion," (1984- ) and "Encyclopedia of logic with the Zusatze," (1991).

Harris, Frank

  • Person
  • 14 February 1856 - 27 August 1931

Frank Harris (February 14, 1856 - August 27, 1931) was an editor, journalist and publisher, who was friendly with many well-known figures of his day. Born in Ireland, he emigrated to America early in life, working in a variety of unskilled jobs before attending the University of Kansas to read law. He eventually became a citizen there. After graduation he quickly tired of his legal career and returned to Europe in 1882. He travelled on continental Europe before settling in London to pursue a career in journalism. Though he attracted much attention during his life for his irascible, aggressive personality, editorship of famous periodicals, and friendship with the talented and famous, he is remembered mainly for his multiple-volume memoir My Life and Loves, which was banned in countries around the world for its sexual explicitness.Married three times, Harris died in Nice at age 75 on August 27, 1931, of a heart attack. Harris was not cut out to be a lawyer and soon decided to turn his attention to literature. He returned to England in 1882, later traveling to various cities in Germany, Austria, France, and Greece on his literary quest. He worked briefly as an American newspaper correspondent before settling down in England to seriously pursue the vocation of journalism.

Harris first came to general notice as the editor of a series of London papers including the Evening News, the Fortnightly Review and the Saturday Review, the last-named being the high point of his journalistic career, with H. G. Wells and George Bernard Shaw as regular contributors.

From 1908 to 1914 Harris concentrated on working as a novelist, authoring a series of popular books such as The Bomb, The Man Shakespeare, and The Yellow Ticket and Other Stories. With the advent of World War I in the summer of 1914, Harris decided to return to the United States.

From 1916 to 1922 he edited the U.S. edition of Pearson's Magazine, a popular monthly which combined short story fiction with socialist-tinted features on contemporary news topics. One issue of the publication was banned from the mails by Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson during the period of American participation in the European war. Despite this Harris managed to navigate the delicate situation which faced the left wing press and to keep the Pearson's functioning and solvent during the war years.

Harris became an American citizen in April, 1921. In 1922 he travelled to Berlin to publish his best-known work, his autobiography My Life and Loves (published in four volumes, 1922-1927). It is notorious for its graphic descriptions of Harris' purported sexual encounters and for its exaggeration of the scope of his adventures and his role in history. A fifth volume, supposedly taken from his notes but of doubtful provenance, was published in 1954, long after his death.

Harris, Emmylou

  • Person
  • 1969-

Emmylou Harris is an American Country singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer, record artist. and arranger. Harris composes country, bluegrass, folk, Americana, alternative country, gospel, and world music. She is a member of the American Acadamy of Arts and Sciences. She has been the recipient of many music awards, including 12 Grammy awards, Polar Music Prize, and a Billboard Music Award.

Hardy, G.G.

  • Person

May be G.H. Hardy.

Hard Ryde

  • Corporate body

Hard Ryde is a Canadian bluegrass band comprised of "Doug DeBoer (guitar and vocals), Will Meadows (mandolin and vocals), Rich Koop (bass), Nathan Smith (fiddle), and Marc Roy (guitar and vocals)." Mariposa Festival Program, 2011, p.47

Harbron, Tom

  • Person
  • 1887-1949

Tom Harbon, an administrative medical officer, joined RAMC in Darlington in northern England in 1909. He immigrated to Toronto from Britain in 1912. Despite never completing high school, he joined the local militia, the 13th Cavalry Field Ambulance, and in 1916, he was promoted from non-commissioned rank to quartermaster becoming one of the very few World War I medical corps officers who was not a doctor or surgeon.

As a part of the Canadian Army Medical Corps, he was in charge of administering the military hospitals in the large Toronto Military District of 1917-1919. In 1919, Tom officially enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force at Givens Street Barracks in Toronto, retaining his rank of Captain and still being based at the Training depot. He remained there until demobilisation in July 1920.

In 1921, he married Sarah Lilliane Peace whom he met in 1917 at Knox College building on Spadina Avenue which was converted into a military hospital. The same year, he bought a defunct company called Diamond Cleaners and Soaps Ltd. and ran the business which manufactured and sold industrial cleaning material in bulk to hospitals and other institutions.

Harbron, Sheila E.

  • Person
  • 1926-2005

In 1950, Harbron married Sheila E. Harbron (1926-2005), a resident of Toronto and a descendent of the United Empire Loyalists (Joseph Ryerson) and of John Pritchard (one of the original settlers in Rupert's Land).

Sheila E. Harbron (1926-2005), married John D. Harbron in 1950. Born in Toronto, she was a descendent of the United Empire Loyalists (Joseph Ryerson) and of John Pritchard (one of the original settlers in Rupert's Land). Her mother, Letitia Matheson Lester (1896-1982), was the daughter of Rev. John R. and Dr. Elizabeth B. Matheson. Her father was Egerton H.H. Lester. Sheila Harbron graduated from the University of Toronto with a B.A. in 1948 and a B.Ed. in 1976. She was a teacher and a researcher with a particular interest in local history and genealogy. In 1998 she was awarded the Volunteer Service Award for her fifteen years' work for the Governor Simcoe Branch United Empire Loyalists.

Harbron, Sarah Lilliane

  • Person
  • -2006

Sarah Lilliane Harbron, dietician, graduated from Lillian Massey in 1912 and was a pupil of Ms Violet M. Riley. She was one of the first college-trained dietitians (University of Toronto) in Ontario. She served as an organizing dietitian during the First World War in the Soldiers’ Civil Re-establishment Commission, Department of Militia, for returned and crippled soldiers in military hospitals. Harbron also supervised the menus for all of the Military Hospitals Commission’s western Canadian units.

In 1917, Harbron opened the first working women’s cafeteria in Toronto in the old YWCA building in downtown Toronto which was used by young business women. In mid-1918 she established the YWCA’s national working camps for women workers on farms. In 1921, she married Tom Harbron who she met in 1917 at Knox College building on Spadina Avenue which had been converted into a military hospital.

During the Second World War, she was the Director of the National Board of the YWCA and helped the organization of the Farm Service Force camps for teenage girls who were harvesting crops in the Niagara Peninsula. She continued to be an active member of the North Toronto YWCA Board.

Harbron also served as the first woman alternate delegate to the Toronto Synod of the church of England and in 1954 she was vice chairman of the advisory council.

Harbron, John D.

  • Person
  • 1924-2015

John Davison Harbron (1924- ) is a journalist, author, a founding professor of York University's Atkinson College, and former lieutenant commander in the Royal Canadian Navy. Harbron was born and raised in Toronto. He completed his graduate studies at the University of Havana and returned to further his studies at the University of Toronto, receiving an M.A. in history in 1948. After teaching at the Canadian Services College, Royal Roads, Victoria (1948-1951), he served in the Canadian Navy in the Korean War. Harbron worked for several business and daily newspapers including service as the Canadian editor of Business week (1956-1960), Canadian correspondent for The Miami Herald (1976-1999), editor of Executive magazine (1961-1966), associate editor of the Toronto Telegram, (1966-1971), and foreign analyst for Thomson Newspapers (1972-1990). He was a founder and first vice president of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies (1976-1990) and became a senior research associate there in 1990. Harbron is the author of several books including Communist ships and shipping (1963), This is Trudeau (1968), Canada without Quebec (1977), C.D. Howe (1980), Spanish foreign policy since Franco (1984), The longest battle, the Royal Canadian Navy in the Atlantic: 1939-1945 (1993), Canadian yesterdays (2001), and Trafalgar and the Spanish Navy: the Spanish achievement at sea (2004). Harbron is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (London) and has received a number of honours, including the Spanish Order of Isabella the Catholic (1969), the Maria Moors Cabot Medal for Latin American Journalism (1970) from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, New York, the Queen's Silver Jubilee Medal (1977), and an honorary D.Litt from York University for his contributions to Atkinson College as well as his academic work in Latin American studies.

Harbinger Community Services

  • Corporate body
  • 1971-[198-]

Harbinger Community Services was a health clinic and referral service established at York in 1971. It was formerly called the York Student Clinic which itself was a merger of 1 Road 1 and the Birth Control Centre. Harbinger offered counselling and referral services in the area of drug awareness and intervention, birth control, sexuality problems, suicide and women 1 s self- help. Funded by the York Student Federation, it ceased to exist in the early 1980s.

Hanford, Caitlin

  • Person
  • 1954-

“Caitlin Hanford is an American and Canadian country and bluegrass singer and a music teacher. She is a member of the group Quartette and also the band The Marigolds. She is the ex-wife of musician Chris Whiteley.”

Hammond, Marie-Lynn

  • Person
  • 1948-

Marie-Lynn Hammond is a Canadian singer-songwriter. Hammond is a co-founder of the Canadian folk group "Stringband".

Hamilton, Arthur S.

  • Person
  • [20--?]

Arthur S. Hamilton was from Rochester, New York.

Hallé, Charles, 1819-1895

  • Person
  • 11 April 1819 - 25 October 1895

(from Wikipedia entry)

Sir Charles Hallé (11 April 1819 – 25 October 1895) was an Anglo-German pianist and conductor, and founder of The Hallé orchestra in 1858.
Hallé was born Karl Halle on 11 April 1819 in Hagen, Westphalia. After settling in England, he changed his name to Charles Hallé.

His first lessons were from his father, an organist. As a child he showed remarkable gifts for pianoforte playing. He performed a sonatina in public at the age of four, and played percussion in the orchestra in his early years. In August 1828 he took part in a concert at Cassel, where he attracted the notice of Spohr.

He then studied under Christian Heinrich Rinck at Darmstadt, Germany in 1835, and as early as 1836 went to Paris, where for twelve years he often assoociated with Luigi Cherubini, Frédéric Chopin, Franz Liszt and other musicians, and enjoyed the friendship of such great literary figures as Alfred de Musset and George Sand. He had started a set of chamber concerts with Jean-Delphin Alard and Auguste Franchomme with great success.

He had completed one series of them when the revolution of 1848 drove him from Paris, and he settled, with his first wife and two children, in London.

He conducted elsewhere in the country also, as well as performing as a pianist. He was the first pianist to play the complete series of Beethoven's piano sonatas in England. Hallé's piano recitals, given at first from 1850 in his own house, and from 1861 in St James's Hall, Piccadilly, were an important feature of London musical life, and it was due in great measure to them that a knowledge of Beethoven's pianoforte sonatas became general in English society.

At the Musical Union founded by John Ella, and at the Popular Concerts from their beginning, Hallé was a frequent performer.
He moved to Manchester in 1853 to direct Manchester's Gentleman's Concerts, which had its own orchestra and in May 1857 was asked to put together a small orchestra to play for Prince Albert at the opening ceremony of the Art Treasures of Great Britain, the biggest single exhibition Manchester had ever hosted. Hallé accepted the challenge and was so happy with the results that he kept the group together until October, forming the fledgling Hallé Orchestra.

He then started a series of concerts of his own, raising the orchestra to a pitch of perfection quite unknown in England at that time. Hallé decided to continue working with the orchestra as a formal organisation, and it gave its first concert under those auspices on 30 January 1858.

The orchestra's first home was the Free Trade Hall. By 1861 the orchestra was in financial trouble (it performed only two concerts that year), but has survived under a series of accomplished conductors.
Funerary monument of Sir Charles Hallé, Weast cemetery.

In 1888, Hallé was married for a second time to the violinist Wilma Neruda, widow of Ludvig Norman and daughter of Josef Neruda, members of whose family had long been famous for musical talent.

The same year, he was knighted; and in 1890 and 1891 he toured with his wife in Australia and elsewhere. In 1891, he also helped to found the Royal Manchester College of Music, serving as head and chief professor of pianoforte.

He died at Manchester on 25 October 1895, and was buried in Weaste Cemetery, Salford. Lady Hallé, who from 1864 was one of the leading solo violinists of the time, was constantly associated with her husband on the concert stage until his death.
He was twice married : first, on 11 Nov. 1841, to Desirée Smith de Rilieu, who died in 1866 ; and, secondly, on 26 July 1888, to Madame Wilma Neruda, the distinguished violinist.
Hallé exercised an important influence in the musical education of England; if his piano playing, by which he was mainly known to the public in London, seemed remarkable rather for precision than for depth, for crystal clearness rather than for warmth, and for perfect realization of the written text rather than for strong individuality, it was at least of immense value as giving the composer's idea with the utmost fidelity. Those who were privileged to hear him play in private, like those who could appreciate the power, beauty and imaginative warmth of his conducting, would have given a very different verdict; and they were not wrong in judging Hallé to be a man of the widest and keenest artistic sympathies, with an extraordinary gift of insight into music of every school, as well as a strong sense of humour. He fought a long and arduous battle for the best music, and never forgot the dignity of his art. Although his technique was that of his youth, of the period before Liszt, the ease and certainty he attained in the most modern music was not the less wonderful because he concealed the mechanical means so completely.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Hall, Granville Stanley

  • Person
  • 1 February 1844 - 24 April 1924

Granville Stanley Hall (February 1, 1844 - April 24, 1924) was a pioneering American psychologist and educator. His interests focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory. Hall was the first president of the American Psychological Association and the first president of Clark University. Born in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Hall graduated from Williams College in 1867, then studied at the Union Theological Seminary. Inspired by Wilhelm Wundt's Principles of Physiological Psychology, in 1878 he earned his doctorate in psychology under William James at Harvard University, the first psychology doctorate awarded in America After Hall graduated with his doctorate, there were no academic jobs available in psychology, so he went to Europe to study at the University of Berlin, and spent a brief time in Wundt's Leipzig laboratory in 1879.

He began his career by teaching English and philosophy at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and then teaching history of philosophy at Williams College in Massachusetts. Following successful lecture series and Harvard and Johns Hopkins University, Hall secured a position in the philosophy department at Johns Hopkins, teaching psychology and pedagogy. He remained at Johns Hopkins from 1882-1888 and, in 1883, began what is considered by some to be the first formal American psychology laboratory. There, Hall objected vehemently to the emphasis on teaching traditional subjects, e.g., Latin, mathematics, science and history, in high school, arguing instead that high school should focus more on the education of adolescents than on preparing students for college.Hall was deeply wedded to the German concept of Volk, an anti-individualist and authoritarian romanticism in which the individual is dissolved into a transcendental collective. Hall believed that humans are by nature non-reasoning and instinct driven, requiring a charismatic leader to manipulate their herd instincts for the well-being of society. He predicted that the American emphasis on individual human right and dignity would lead to a fall that he analogized to the sinking of Atlantis.

Hall was one of the founders of the child study movement. A national network of study groups called Hall Clubs existed to spread his teaching. But what he is most known for today is supervising the 1896 study Of Peculiar and Exceptional Children which described a series of only child oddballs as permanent misfits. For decades, academics and advice columnists alike disseminated his conclusion that an only child could not be expected to go through life with the same capacity for adjustment that siblings possessed. "Being an only child is a disease in itself," he claimed.

Hall argued that child development recapitulates his highly racialized conception of the history of human evolutionary development. He characterized pre-adolescent children as savages and therefore rationalized that reasoning was a waste of time with children. He believed that children must simply be led to fear God, love country and develop a strong body. As the child burns out the vestiges of evil in his nature, he needs a good dose of authoritarian discipline, including corporal punishment. He believed that adolescents were characterized by more altruistic natures and that high schools should indoctrinate students into selfless ideals of service, patriotism, body culture, military discipline, love of authority, awe of nature and devotion to the state and well being of others. Hall consistently argued against intellectual attainment at all levels of public education. Open discussion and critical opinions were not to be tolerated. Students needed indoctrination to save them from the individualism that was so damaging to the progress of American culture.

Hall coined the phrase "storm and stress" with reference to adolescence, taken from the German Sturm und Drang movement. Its three key aspects are conflict with parents, mood disruptions, and risky behavior. As was later the case with the work of Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget, public interest in this phrase, as well as with Hall's originating role, faded. Recent research has led to some reconsideration of the phrase and its denotation. In its three aspects, recent evidence supports storm and stress, but only when modified to take into account individual differences and cultural variations. Currently, psychologists do not accept storm and stress as universal, but do acknowledge the possibility in brief passing. Not all adolescents experience storm and stress, but storm and stress is more likely during adolescence than at other ages.

Hall had no sympathy for the poor, the sick or those with developmental differences or disabilities. A firm believer in selective breeding and forced sterilization, Hall believed that any respect or charity toward those he viewed as physically, emotionally, or intellectually weak or "defective" simply interfered with the movement of natural selection toward the development of a super-race.


  • Person
  • 11 April 1819 - 25 October 1895

Sir Charles Hall

Haldar, Meghna

  • Person
  • fl. 2000-2008

Haldane, Louisa Kathleen "Maya"

  • Person
  • February 1863-10 December 1961

Born ca Feb 1863, Marylebone district, London. Died 10 Dec 1961.
Married in 1891. Wrote "Friends and Kindred: Memoirs of Louisa Kathleen Haldane". "Louisa 'Maya' Haldane was the widow of physiologist John Scott Haldane, and the mother of J. B. S. Haldane and Naomi Mitchison. In these memoirs she gives a remarkably detailed account of the life of the well-to-do in the second half of the nineteenth century - in Ireland, Scotland and the Continental spas as well as in England - as seen through the eyes of a growing girl and an independently-minded young woman. The story continues up to the time of the First World War, with chapters focusing on particular topics: her education, her husband's early career, the position of servants in town and country, a young lady's wardrobe. We are reminded graphically of the high feeling that ran in the country during the Boer War, Queen Victoria's Jubilees and her funeral, all of which are still vivid in Mrs Haldane's memory. This fascinating material is informed and enlivened by a certain dry wit, nowhere more telling than in personal anecdote: particularly in the account of her father's experiences when, during a sea voyage for his health - always precarious through excessive perusal of medical literature - he unexpectedly found himself obliged to take over the duties of British Consul in Samoa. The author's objective irony, together with her remarkably clear and detailed memory for people and places, helps to re-create an ambience and moral climate of a now remote era."

Haldane, John Scott Haldane

  • Person
  • 2 May 1860 - 14/15 March 1936

John Scott Haldane CH FRS (2 May 1860 - 14/15 March 1936) was a Scottish physiologist famous for intrepid self-experimenting which led to many important discoveries about the human body and the nature of gases. He also used his son J. B. S. Haldane as a guinea pig, even when he was quite young. Haldane locked himself in sealed chambers breathing potentially lethal cocktails of gases while recording their effect on his mind and body.

Haldane visited the scenes of many mining disasters and investigated their causes. When the Germans used poison gas in World War I Haldane went to the front at the request of British secretary of state, Lord Kitchener and attempted to identify the gases being used. One outcome of this was his invention of the first gas mask. His son, J. B. S. Haldane became equally famous, both by extending his father's interest in diving and as a key figure in the development of the modern evolutionary synthesis. Haldane was born in Edinburgh. He was the son of Robert Haldane and the grandson of the Scottish evangelist James Alexander Haldane. His mother was Mary Elizabeth Burdon-Sanderson, the daughter of Richard Burdon-Sanderson and the granddaughter of Sir Thomas Burdon. His maternal uncle was the physiologist John Scott Burdon-Sanderson. He was the brother of Elizabeth Haldane, William Stowell Haldane and Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane.

Haldane attended Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh University and the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. He graduated in medicine from Edinburgh University Medical School in 1884.

He married Louisa Kathleen Trotter in 1891 and had two children; the scientist J. B. S. Haldane and the author Naomi Mitchison.

Haig-Brown, Celia

  • Person
  • 1947-

Celia Haig-Brown is a Euro-Canadian ethnographer, researcher, professor, and university administrator based at York University. She is best known for her research working with former students of the Kamloops Indian Residential School, updated in 2022 with Indigenous collaborators and published as "Tsqelmucwílc: The Kamloops Indian Residential School, Resistance and a Reckoning." Her research and scholarship focuses on the indigenization of education in the Canadian context and interrelations between Euro-Canadian and Indigenous Haig-Brown has also directed and co-produced film documentaries, including Peq'ilc: Coming Home (2011), Cowboys, Indians and Education: Regenerating Secwepemc Culture (2012), and Listen to the Land (2018). Her most recent project, Rodeo Women: Behind the Scenes, a documentary on the role women play in the rodeo circuit.

Haig-Brown completed a BA in Zoology and English at the University of British Columbia in 1968. She completed her teaching certificate (Science and English) in 1970 at the University of British Columbia. She later completed a MA in Curriculum and Instruction in 1986, writing a thesis "Invasion and Resistance: Surviving the Kamloops Indian Residential School" which would later form the basis for her 1988 monograph "Resistance and Renewal: Surviving the Indian Residential School." Her PhD in Social Foundations of Educational Policy from UBC was completed in 1991. Her thesis, "Taking Control: Power and Contradiction in First Nations Adult Education" would later form the basis for a 1995 monograph published by UBC Press.

She served as a researcher, curriculum developer and instructor in several educational programs tied to Indigenous education and adult learning facilities in British Columbia before joining the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University in 1990. She taught various courses on feminist pedagogical practices, educational theory and practice, social issues in education, and gender equity in teacher education. She later joined York University in 1997 and taught graduate courses in the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and the School of Women's Studies in the area of feminist research methods, decolonization, indigenization of school curriculum, Indigenous pedagogies, land-based pedagogy; and the Indian Residential Schools and the impact of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission and undergraduate courses on the foundations of education and models for education.

Beginning in about 2007, Haig-Brown shifted into roles in university administration, university governance, and research ethics. She served on York University's Senate, chairing from 2009-2010. She served as a member of numerous committees related to research ethics, and York's' Indigenous Research Ethics Board. From 2013-2015, she served a three year term as Associate Dean, Research and Professional Learning within the Faculty of Education. From 2015-2020, Haig-Brown served a five-year term as Associate Vice-President Research for the university.

Beginning in the early 2000s, Haig-Brown began developing her research outputs as documentary films, many in partnership with her niece Helen Haig-Brown. In 2008 she produced and co-directed with Helen Haig-Brown "Pelq'ilc: Coming Home", a film focusing on the place of education in renewing Indigenous culture and tradition. The piece focuses on the children and grandchildren of residential school survivors first interviewed by Haig-Brown for her MA thesis.

In 2012 she produced and co-directed with Helen Haig-Brown "Cowboys, Indians and Education: Regenerating Secwepemc Culture" which again focused on the experience of children and grandchildren of former Kamloops Indian Residential School students working on traditional knowledge revitalization efforts.

In 2018 she produced and directed "Listen to the Land" a documentary focusing on the experience of members of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach and their complex relationship with the land and contemporary economic realities of mining exploration in the territory.

Haig-Brown was made a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 2022. She retired from York University in January 2024.

Haddon, Dr. Alfred C.

  • Person
  • 24 May 1855 - 20 April 1940

Alfred Cort Haddon, Sc.D., FRS, FRGS (24 May 1855 - 20 April 1940, Cambridge) was an influential British anthropologist and ethnologist. Initially a biologist, who achieved his most notable fieldwork, with W.H.R. Rivers, C.G. Seligman, Sidney Ray, Anthony Wilkin on the Torres Strait Islands.

He returned to Christ's College, Cambridge, where he had been an undergraduate, and effectively founded the School of Anthropology. Haddon was a major influence on the work of the American ethnologist Caroline Furness Jayne.

In 2011, Haddon's 1898 The Recordings of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits were added to the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia's Sounds of Australia registry. The original recordings are housed at the British Library and many have been made available online. Alfred Cort Haddon was born on 24 May 1855, near London, the elder son of John Haddon, the head of a firm of typefounders and printers. He attended lectures at King's College London and taught zoology and geology at a girls' school in Dover, before entering Christ's College, Cambridge in 1875.

At Cambridge he studied zoology and became the friend of John Holland Rose (afterwards Harmsworth Professor of Naval History), whose sister he married in 1883. Shortly after achieving his Master of Arts degree, Haddon was appointed as Demonstrator in Zoology at Cambridge in 1882. For a time he studied marine biology in Naples. A.C. Haddon
NC: "Zoologist and Ethnologist. Author of "History of Anthropology" etc."

Hackett, Arthur

  • Person

Arthur Hackett was a director of the YMCA and vice president of William R. Orr Co. Hackett and was interested in establishing a second university in the Toronto region. He served on the Organizing Committee of York University in 1958-1959.

Gzowski, John

  • Person

Gutsell, Bernard V.

  • Person

Bernard V. Gutsell (professor, publisher, and editor) was born in Dover, England in 1914. He graduated from King's College, University of London with a degree in geography in 1937. He held positions with the British Admiralty Hydrographic Office, Map Library (War Office), and Intelligence Branch of the Assistant Chief, Air Staff (RAF). In 1942 he initiated the transfer of maps from the War Office to geography departments in universities in Britain, which developed into the map depository program after becoming government policy. In 1947, he sat on a committee that established the Map Library Group.

In 1948, Gutsell immigrated to Canada where he joined the Geographical Bureau (later known as the Geographical Branch) in Ottawa and became Head of Publications. There he met his wife, Barbara. In 1965, Bernard and Barbara Gutsell began The Cartographer, a private journal publishing papers on cartography. The journal would eventually become Cartographica, one of the foremost journals in its field. In 1965, Gutsell was invited to join York University where taught courses on cartography while continuing the journal. During his tenure at York University, he helped to establish the CCA (Canadian Cartographic Association). Gutsell retired from teaching in 1979 when he also transferred ownership and copyright of Cartographica to the University of Toronto Press.

After his retirement from teaching, Gutsell's editorial efforts continued. He remained editor of Cartographica until 1994. After being elected to the ICA Publications Committee, Gutsell and Roger Anson initiated the ICA Newsletter in 1983; they continued to coordinate the publication for the next 10 years.

Gutsell co-authored The American landscape: map and air photo interpretation (New York: McGraw Hill, 1974) with Calvin L. Blair. He is a founding member of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Honorary member of the Ontario Institute of Chartered Cartographers and Canadian Cartographic Association (CCA), and Honorary Life Member of the International Cartographic Association (ICA). He died in Guelph, Ontario, on 4 March 2010.

Gutkind, Erik

  • Person
  • 9 February 1877

(from Wikipedia entry)

Eric Gutkind (also: Erich) (9 February 1877 – 26 August 1965) was a German Jewish philosopher, born in Berlin.His parents were Hermann Gutkind and Elise Weinberg (1852–1942).

Eric Gutkind was born in Berlin and educated at the Humanistic Gymnasium and the University of Berlin. He studied anthropology with J. J. Bachofen, and also worked in philosophy, mathematics, the sciences and the history of art. Starting with a vision of history having something in common with ancient Gnosticism, he became increasingly interested in Jewish philosophy and formulated his ideas in terms of concepts drawn from the Kabbala.

Eric Gutkind belonged to a pacificist-mystical circle of European intellectuals which at different points included Walter Benjamin, Martin Buber, L. E. J. Brouwer, Henri Borel, Frederik van Eeden, Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Oppenheimer, Walter Rathenau, Romain Roland, Upton Sinclair and Rabindranath Tagore.

In 1910, he published the book "Siderische Geburt - Seraphische Wanderung vom Tode der Welt zur Taufe der Tat" (Sideric birth - seraphic peregrenation from the death of the world to the baptism of action) under the pseudonym Volker. This book served as a focal point for the pacifist-mystical circle and later became the philosophical manifesto for the New Europe Groups organized in London in the 1920s by the Yugoslavian teacher Dimitrije Mitrinović, which attracted such men as Sir Patrick Geddes, Sir Frederick Soddy and John Cowper Powys. Dimitrije Mitrinović and Gutkind published a number of articles in the literary magazine The New Age.

His second book, The Absolute Collective, published in London in 1937, was hailed by Henry Miller as "true in the highest sense, entirely on the side of life."

When he came to the United States in 1933 and began teaching at the New School and the College of the City of New York, Eric Gutkind already had an influential following. This third book, Choose Life, published in the United States in 1952, was a reinterpretation of traditional Judaism which drew to his lectures many students dissatisfied with both liberalism and orthodoxy and looking for something more concrete and dynamic than both. Gutkind sent a copy of his book "Choose Life: The Biblical Call To Revolt" to Albert Einstein in 1954. Einstein sent him a letter in response. This letter was sold at an auction for $404,000 in 2008, then for $3,000,100.00 via eBay in 2012 to an unknown buyer.

He died in Chatauqua, New York, on August 26, 1965.

For more information, see Wikipedia entry at: .

Guthrie, Arlo

  • Person
  • 1947-

“Arlo Davy Guthrie (born July 10, 1947) is an American folk singer-songwriter. He is known for singing songs of protest against social injustice, and storytelling while performing songs, following the tradition of his father, Woody Guthrie. Guthrie's best-known work is his debut piece, "Alice's Restaurant Massacree", a satirical talking blues song about 18 minutes in length that has since become a Thanksgiving anthem. His only top-40 hit was a cover of Steve Goodman's "City of New Orleans". His song "Massachusetts" was named the official folk song of the state, in which he has lived most of his adult life. Guthrie has also made several acting appearances. He is the father of four children, who have also had careers as musicians.”

Gurney, Emelia

  • Person
  • 26 July 1823 - 1896

Born Emelia Batten on 26 July 1823, she was the daughter of Rev. Ellis Batten, one of the masters of Harrow School in 1852. She was a member of the Kensington Society and her correspondence was published. Married to Russell Gurney (2 September 1804 - 31 May 1878), an English Conservative Party politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1865 to 1878. She died in 1896.

Gunning, Dave

  • Person

“Dave Gunning is a Canadian folk singer-songwriter born in Pictou County, Nova Scotia.[...] Over the span of his career, Gunning has released thirteen albums, received a Juno Award nomination and has been awarded two Canadian Folk Music Awards and recognized with eight East Coast Music Awards. He is known for the incorporation of story telling into his live show. In particular, Gunning relates anecdotes of notable characters from Pictou County and performs impressions of musicians that he has worked with over the years.”

Guillet, Edwin C., 1898-1975

  • Person

Dr. Edwin Clarence Guillet was born in 1898 in Coburg, Ontario and educated at the Coburg Collegiate Institute, the University of Toronto (B. A. 1922, Economics and Political Science) and at McMaster University (B. A. 1926, English and History; M. A. 1927, History). He taught for thirty-three years at the Lindsay Collegiate Institute, at the Central Technical Institute, and at the Eastern High School of Commerce in Toronto. During this time he was also appointed Historiographer of the Department of Education of Ontario and wrote twenty published monographs, numerous articles for Canadian newspapers, magazines, and journals, as well as his fifty volume 'Great Canadian Trials' series. Dr. Guillet died in 1975.

Grundy, Pamela

  • Person
  • 1962-

Pamela Grundy was a professional Canadian modern dancer and is currently the Development Coordinator for Dance Collection Danse. She graduated in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo in 1974 and accepted a position teaching modern dance and track and field at the University of Calgary in 1977. She trained under Judy Jarvis, Danny Grossman, Eric Hyrst, and Don Farnworth before her thirty-year association with Danny Grossman Dance Company as a featured performer, teacher, rehearsal director, assistant to Mr. Grossman, and Associate Director and from 2000-2008, Co-Artistic Director. She was also involved with the Judy Jarvis Dance and Theatre Company and Randy Glynn Dance Project. Grundy has performed with the Randy Glynn Dance Project and has also appeared in works by Claudia Mooire, Judith Miller, and Anna Blewschamp. She has also served on the Board of Directors of the Dance in Canada Association, the Dance Committee of the Toronto Arts Council, co-authored the Canadian Dancer's Survival Manual and is currently Chair of the Judy Jarvis Dance Foundation.

Grove, Bill

  • Person
  • 1952-

Grossman, Larry

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  • 1943-1997

Lawrence 'Larry' Grossman, lawyer and politician, was born 2 December 1943 in Toronto. He graduated from the University of Toronto in 1964, Osgoode Hall Law School in 1967, and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1969. In 1975, he succeeded his father, Allan Grossman, as Member of Provincial Parliament for the Toronto riding of St. Andrew-St. Patrick. They represented the riding for a combined 32 years, from 1955-1987.

At Queens’ Park, he held numerous Cabinet portfolios: Minister of Consumer and Commercial Relations (Sep. 1977-Oct. 1978); Minister of Industry and Tourism (Oct. 1978-Feb. 1982); Minister of Health (Feb. 1982-Jul. 1983); Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics (Jul. 1983-May 1985); Minister of Education and Colleges & Universities (May-June 1985); Provincial Secretary for Social Development (May-June 1985); Government House Leader (May-June 1985).

Following the resignation of Ontario Premier Bill Davis on 8 October 1984, Grossman campaigned to become leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario but lost to Frank Miller on the third ballot at the January 1985 Party Convention. Following the May 1985 Ontario general election and the formation of an NDP-Liberal coalition government, the Progressive Conservatives became the Official Opposition and Frank Miller resigned as Party Leader. Grossman succeeded Miller and became leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario and Leader of the Official Opposition in November 1985.

He resigned from politics following the Ontario general election of September 1987. Following his exit from politics, he resumed his legal career and served on corporate and charitable boards of directors including the Canada Post Corporation, Stadium Corporation of Ontario, CFMT-TV, Doctor's Hospital, and B'Nai Brith Canada.

Additionally, he was a frequent public speaker, giving talks on topical issues such as politics, education, insurance, financial institutions, and health care. He was the Barker Fairley Distinguished Visitor for 1993 at University College at the University of Toronto. He served as an adviser to Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leader Mike Harris during the Ontario general elections of 1990 and 1995. He was also an avid baseball and Toronto Blue Jays fan and authored the book "A baseball addict's diary : the Blue Jays' 1991 rollercoaster" (Toronto: Penguin Books, 1991). Larry Grossman died in Toronto on 22 June 1997.

Grossman, Danny

  • Person
  • 1942-2023

Daniel (Williams) Grossman was an American dancer, choreographer and instructor. His company, the Danny Grossman Dance Company, performed the majority of his choreography. His works are also included companies such as the National Ballet of Canada, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens, and the Paris Opera Ballet. His choreography, set to a variety of music with a preference for jazz, appealed to a broad audience through a distinctive movement idiom, directness of purpose, theatricality and a humanistic viewpoint. His social activist upbringing in San Francisco acted as the inspiration for the majority of his works. Danny Grossman died on 29 July 2023.

Born on September 13, 1942, in San Francisco, his parents influenced his participation in social activism. At ten years of age, he walked his first picket line. As a student, he took part in the Berkley student demonstrations of the 1960s.

Grossman was first introduced to dance in grade school through folk dancing. In high school, he was a dancing cheerleader with friend Margaret Jenkin. He also studied dance with her under Welland Lathrop.

While attending the San Francisco Community College in 1960, he was mentored by Gloria Unti. During this time, he was also a dancer for Unti and Lathrop’s companies. By 1962, Grossman decided to leave college, move to New York City, and train with Gertrude Shurr and May O’Donnell. A summer session at Connecticut College, the home of the American Dance Festival, he met David Earle, the future founder of the Toronto Dance Theatre (TDT), and Paul Taylor at There, Taylor invited Grossman to join his company.
From 1963 to 1973, Grossman toured with the Paul Taylor Dance Company (PTDC). Grossman used the stage name Daniel Williams as Taylor wanted a more American-Ohio, middle-class sounding name on his roster of performers. During this time, Grossman was also known as Dynamo Danny, a nickname started by Taylor.

In 1973, invited to teach summer school at TDT and then offered a contract as a dancer for a year, Grossman moved to Canada. He then joined the York University Faculty of Dance as an Adjunct Professor. As a part-time professor, Grossman also worked at the TDT as a guest artist and choreographer. In 1975, Grossman met Judy Henton and choreographed Higher, a duet for the two of them. It's successful premier at the Burton Auditorium influenced Grossman’s decision to form his own company.

While getting DGDC off the ground, Grossman and his dancers were employed by the TDT. During the off-hours, Grossman worked on, choreographed for, and practised with his company. In 1976, Grossman choreographed three works: National Spirit, his first anti-establishment political statement about patriotism; the Couples Suite; and Triptych, a trio about abuse which projected hopelessness and despair. The first two were brought into the TDT’s repertoire. The same year, Grossman undertook a residency at the Performing Arts Workshop with Gloria Unti and taught a residency at Simon Fraser where her met Judy Jarvis with whom he would later choreograph Bella. He completed his first solo in 1977: the Curious School of Theatrical Dance, a paranoiac dance to death and redemption for a crippled harlequin set to music by Francois Couperin.

In 1978, when Grossman left TDT to work on his company full-time, he also received the Jean A. Calmers Award. He explored issues of homosexuality on stage with Nobody’s Business (1981) and again with Passion Symphony (1998), a pro-gay marriage piece. In 1982, Grossman choreographed Endangered Species which portrayed a post-apocalyptic world where the dancers fought against military oppression. In 1986, Grossman choreographed Hot House: Thriving on a Riff for the National Ballet of Canada.
Funding to develop new works and pay for company operations started to decline in the 1990s. By 2008, Grossman stopped creating works for his company and would shift its focus from performance to teaching.

Involved in community governance, Grossman participating in activities such as the 1994 Dance/USA National Task Force on Dance Education, the Board of Toronto arts Council as Co-Chair of the dance committee, the Artsvote campaign to education votes and politicians about issues in the cultural sector, and the Dance 2020 workgroup to set priorities and visions for the future of the Toronto dance community.

Grossman, Allan, 1910-1991

  • Person
  • 1910-1991

Allan Grossman (1910-1991), politician, was born and educated in Toronto. Prior to his entry into Toronto's municipal politics in 1951 he was in the insurance business. In 1955 he won election to the Ontario Legislature as a Progressive Conservative for the Toronto riding of St. Andrew-St. Patrick, holding that seat in four subsequent elections. In 1960 he was named minister without portfolio, only the second Jewish person to be named a cabinet minister in Canada. He later served as minister of Correctional Services, Trade and Development, Revenue, and Provincial Secretary for Resource Development. Following his retirement from politics in 1975, Grossman was named chair of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board in 1976, resigning from that post in 1985. He also served as president of the Jewish Immigrant Aid Services of Canada, president of the Toronto Lodge, B'nai B'rith, and served on the boards of several charities.

Grosney, Paul, 1923-.

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Paul Grosney was a jazz trumpeter and big band leader. He was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on February 10, 1923. Grosney, the son of Russian immigrants, studied music and played hockey in his hometown before relocating at age 19 to New York City where he worked with legendary vibraphonist Red Norvo. Grosney served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during the Second World War. In 1948 he joined Canadian saxophonist and band leader Georgie Auld and then drummer Buddy Rich on tour. In Toronto he played with Bert Niosi at the Palais Royale. From 1948 to 1959, Grosney led bands in Winnipeg clubs, notably the Rancho Don Carlos, where he played with a number of film and music legends, including Doris Day, Bob Hope, Sammy Davis Jr., the Andrews Sisters, and Louis Armstrong. In 1959, he returned to the Toronto scene and led groups in a number of jazz venues; he also played in groups such as Trump Davidson's Orchestra and the Harvey Silver Dixieland Band. Grosney served as music director for the Bourbon Street and Basin Street clubs in the 1970s and 1980s, and in the 1990s he was part of the Canadian Tribute To Glenn Miller band led by Don Pierre. As well, Grosney put out a number of recordings under his own label, "Leo". Paul Grosney passed away in Toronto on May 17, 2003 at the age of 80.

Grimes, David

  • Person
  • 1948-

Greer, William

  • Person

William Greer (19-) is an architect and heritage consultant. He received a Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Toronto in 1948 and a Master of Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1950. He joined the architecture firm of Shore and Moffatt in 1950, became an Associate in 1955 and entered the partnership in 1962 when the firm was reorganized as Shore and Moffatt and Partners, Architects, Engineers and Site Planners. Greer represented the firm in the joint venture activities of UPACE (University Planning, Architecture and Consulting Engineering Limited). Specific responsibilities for the UPACE Consortium included Master Planning for York University and individual building projects for York such as The Scott Library, Petrie Science Building, McLaughlin College and the Tait McKenzie Physical and Recreation Building. In 1972, Greer established a private practice as an architect and later went on to become the Chief Architect for the Toronto Historical Board in 1976. In 1992, he established his architectural heritage consultant practice and has worked on numerous projects including the Windsor Arms Hotel and the Whitney Block and Tower, Queen's Park, Toronto. In addition, he has lectured at the University of Toronto and has written articles for publications. Greer is a fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and a member of numerous associations including the Advisory Board of St. James' Cemetery and Crematorium, Ontario Association of Architects and the Canadian Association of Professional Heritage Consultants. In recognition of his achievements, he was awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Sacred Letters from the University of Trinity College, University of Toronto in 1992.

Greer Allen, Robert, 1917-2005

  • Person
  • 1917-2005

Robert Greer Allen, a writer, producer and director of radio and television drama, was born in Toronto on 19 October 1917 to Arthur Greer Allen and Eleanor Beatrice Higginbottom. He attended University of Toronto Schools between September 1932 and June 1935 and served as editor of the school journal, "The phoenix". In September 1935, Robert began his studies at Trinity College, University of Toronto, where he was an editor of the "Trinity University review", president of the Trinity College Dramatic Society, and a features editor of "The varsity". He graduated with an honours BA in political science and economy in 1939. Allen's interest in writing, specifically short stories and radio plays, flourished through his marriage to Rita Weyman in 1941. Together, Robert and Rita wrote and submitted many radio scripts for broadcast during the 1940s. In 1941, Robert enlisted as a private in the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and was later promoted to the ranks of sergeant, staff sergeant, warrant officer, lieutenant, and lieutenant colonel. His radio production career began in earnest during the war when he was seconded to the Communications Corps and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) to write and produce a radio program for the Dominion Network titled "Servicemen's forum", for which he travelled throughout Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Holland, Germany and Denmark. After the war, Robert continued his work for the CBC, becoming a producer for a variety of radio programs, including the CBC's international service, the CBC Radio Orchestra, and music and drama for CBC radio in Vancouver, between 1947 and 1952. Robert's success as a radio producer made him a desirable choice to help launch CBC television in 1952, and the Greer Allens returned to Toronto from Vancouver. As a producer, supervising producer, assistant program director, program director and supervising producer in television drama and special programs, Robert was integral to the production of much CBC original dramatic programming in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. Credited as Robert Allen, he worked as supervising or executive producer for programs including "Sunshine sketches" (1952-1953), "Playbill" (1953-1964), "General Motors theatre" (1954-1956), "Folio" (1955-1959), "Ford startime" (1959-1960), "Festival" (1960-1969), "Opening night"(1974-1975), "Performance" (1974-1976), "The great detective" (1979-1982), "Seeing things" (1981-1987), and "The way we are" (1985-1988), and became the executive producer of CBC Drama. After more than 40 years of work for the CBC, he retired in 1990. Robert Greer Allen died in Toronto on 20 August 2005.

Greer Allen, Rita, 1918-2010

  • Person

Rita Greer Allen, writer, broadcaster and artist, was born Marguerita Foulger Wayman in Erith, Kent, England, on 25 September 1918 to parents Joshua Edwin Wayman and Margaret Tilley Potts. After moving to Canada at the age of five, Marguerita, who became known as Rita Weyman, attended East York Collegiate Institute in Toronto before enrolling in a first-year pass arts program at Trinity College, University of Toronto, in 1940. Her studies were interrupted by marriage to Robert Greer Allen, a Trinity College graduate and Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps private, on 13 June 1941. For the duration of the World War II, Rita followed Robert to Halifax, Moncton, Kingston, Montreal and Vancouver and attended the Nova Scotia College of Art, Mount Allison University, and Queens University. In collaboration with Robert, who worked for Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) radio during the war, Rita wrote and submitted dramatic radio scripts for broadcast with some success, with a number of scripts broadcast on Trans-Canada Network radio program "Stage 45". In the early 1950s, the Greer Allens returned to Toronto, and Rita began her prolific freelance scriptwriting career, writing and researching her own radio scripts for the CBC, the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Though many of her scripts were adapted literary dramas, Rita was equally successful as a writer for documentary-style radio programs and educational programming for high school students. Her writing for radio included scripts for documentary series "As children see us", and dramatic adaptations of "Barometer rising" and "The Duchess of Malfi". By the mid- to late-1950s, Rita turned her attention to television, appearing as a panellist on the CBC quiz show "One of a kind" in 1958 and 1959. She also wrote dramatic scripts for television, including "The Gioconda smile", "Lord Arthur Saville's crime", and "The grass harp", but the majority of her work in the 1960s and early 1970s was for CBC television current events program "Take 30", for which she conducted interviews, researched and wrote scripts, and presented her work on-screen. In the 1970s, Rita continued to write dramatic scripts, finding success in 1976 with her original CBC television drama "The raku fire", which was directed by Rita's brother, Ronald Weyman, a successful screenwriter and director in his own right. In the late 1970s, Rita focused her attention on developing her artistic skills, particularly the practice of raku pottery, and exhibited her sculptural nudes in the early-to-mid 1980s. Her study of Jungian psychology during this period led to a collaboration with Jungian Marion Woodman, with whom she wrote "Leaving my father's house: a journey to conscious femininity" (1993). Rita Greer Allen died in Toronto on 30 May 2010.

Greentree, R.

  • Person
  • fl. 1900-1904

Nina Cust describes R. Greentree as "A young Balliol scholar who for a short time assisted Victoria Welby with her papers."

Greenstreet, W.J.

  • Person
  • fl. 1906-1912

Editor of "Mathematical Gazette" and scientific correspondent of the "Evening Westminster Gazette". "He had two inseparable friends, E F J Love and G F Stout. When in company together they drew the attention of every one who saw them. They looked more like three generations than contemporaries, Greenstreet being plainly the responsible head and Stout the cheerful but inscrutable infant, while Love appeared to be more normal and rather embarrassed by the strangeness of his companions. It was natural that such a remarkable- looking trio should receive a nickname; so they became known as the Three Graces. Too soon the inseparables were to become separated, each to make his mark in his special province; Greenstreet in Mathematics, Love in Science and Thermodynamics, and Stout in Classics and Philosophy." (Obituary by I F S Macaulay). His wife drowned in 1903 trying to save her maid. She had contributed to the fashion pages of "The Daily News" under the name Aunt Medina. "Greenstreet did not fail to reach distinction; his name was well known to the whole mathematical world, and his monument was the Mathematical Gazette; but he did not reach a position to which his merit and ability entitled him. Luck was against him; his chance never came; and he was content. At the age of fifty he found that his ideals for his school were in opposition to those under whom he held his appointment, and in order not to sacrifice his freedom he resigned." " son, Surgeon-Commander B de M Greenstreet R.N., and his daughter, who spent her energy and strength and impaired her health in the cause of her Country."

Green Bush Inn Incorporated (Toronto, Ont.)

  • Corporate body
  • 1969-1975

The Green Bush Inn was created in 1969 as the first student pub on the York University campus. At one point, the corporation hoped to restore the historic Green Bush Inn which had been built in 1847, and was located at the corners of Steeles Avenue and Yonge Street, but the plan was abandoned once the costs became known.
In addition to providing management services to College pubs, the Green Bush Inn operated a weekly pub in one of the College dining halls. When the university acquired a canteen license from the Liquor Licensing Commission of Ontario in 1974, the Green Bush Inn lost its management role and also became redundant as a weekly pub. It ceased operations in 1975.


  • Person

Greek Community of Toronto

  • 119236032RR0001
  • Corporate body
  • 1909-

The Greek Community of Toronto (GCT) is a communal institution established in 1909, incorporated in 1965 and is a registered non-profit charitable organization.

Representing over 150,000 Canadians of Hellenic descent in the Greater Toronto Area, the GCT and its members share a common desire to serve and promote the objectives of our organization. They are committed to providing an environment for Greek culture and heritage to flourish, thus enriching the unique social and cultural fabric within a vibrant and diverse Canada.

The Greek Community of Toronto is governed by a hierarchy of decision-making bodies, principal among them the Board of Directors and The General Assembly.

Great Lake Swimmers

  • Corporate body
  • 2003-

"Great Lake Swimmers is a Canadian folk rock band from Wainfleet, Ontario, and currently based in Toronto. The current touring line-up includes Tony Dekker on lead vocals, acoustic guitar and harmonica, Erik Arnesen on banjo, electric guitar and harmonium, Joshua Van Tassel on drums, Bret Higgins on upright bass and Miranda Mulholland on violin and backing vocals. Past members included Julie Fader on backing vocals, Sandro Perri on guitar, and Greg Millson and Colin Huebert on drums. The band's style has been compared to Red House Painters, Nick Drake, Iron & Wine and Neil Young, as well as Will Oldham (Bonnie "Prince" Billy) and Sufjan Stevens. Dekker has cited influences including Gram Parsons and Hank Williams."

Graydon James and the Young Novelists

  • Corporate body
  • 2009-

“The Young Novelists are a Canadian folk-roots band, formed in Toronto, Ontario in August 2009. They play and tour as a five or six-piece band, or as a duo.” Members include Graydon James, John Law, Michael Paddags, and Laura Spink and previously included Noel DiTosto, Alex Dodd, and Shawn Jurek.

Granville, Evelyn B.

  • 76157097
  • Person
  • 1 May 1924 -

Born on May 1, 1924, in Washington, D.C., Evelyn Boyd Granville became only the second black woman to earn a Ph.D. in mathematics. After joining IBM in 1956, she created computer software for NASA's Project Vanguard and Project Mercury space programs. Granville embarked on a 30-year career as a professor in 1967, and continued to encourage mathematical studies after retiring from the classroom.

Grant, Jenn

  • Person

"Jenn Grant (born August 20, 1980) is a Canadian folk pop singer-songwriter based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. […] Grant's song "Dreamer", from Orchestra for the Moon, is featured as the theme song on CBC's Heartland. Her song "Make it Home Tonight" was played at the end of episode 12 of Flashpoint, "Haunting the Barn". Her album Compostela has been nominated for two Juno Awards."

Granatstein, J. L.

  • VIAF ID: 83991010 (Personal)
  • Person
  • 1939-

J. L. (Jack Lawrence) Granatstein is a historian, author, educator and defence and foreign policy commentator. He is the author of several works on Canadian military and political history, including 'Sacred trust? Brian Mulroney and the Conservatives in power,' (1986), 'Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau and Canadian foreign policy' (1990), and studies of Mackenzie King.

He was born in Toronto in 1939 and attended Toronto public schools, Le Collège Militaire Royal de St-Jean (Grad. Dipl., 1959), Royal Military College, Kingston (B.A., 1961), University of Toronto (M.A., 1962), and Duke University (PhD., 1966). He served in the Canadian Army (1956-1966), then joined the History Department at York University, Toronto (1966-1995) where, after taking early retirement in 1995, he is Distinguished Research Professor of History Emeritus.

His activities outside of York are numerous. In 1995, Jack Granatstein served as one of three commissioners on the Special Commission on the Restructuring of the Canadian Forces Reserves, and in 1997, he advised the Minister of National Defence on the future of the Canadian Forces. He served as the Director and CEO of the Canadian War Museum (1998-2001), after which he joined the museum's advisory council. Granatstein has served as a member of the Royal Military College of Canada's Board of Governors. He is also co-chair of the Council for Canadian Security in the 21st Century and co-chair of the Advisory Committee of the Canadian Defence and Foreign Affairs Institute. In 2003 Granatstein was the J. B. Smallman Visiting Professor at the University of Western Ontario. Granatstein has held the Canada Council's Killam senior fellowship twice (1982-4, 1991-3), was editor of the Canadian Historical Review (1981-1984), and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (1982- ). The Royal Society awarded him the J.B. Tyrell Historical Gold Medal (1992) "for outstanding work in the history of Canada," and his book The Generals (1993), won the J.W. Dafoe Prize and the UBC Medal for Canadian Biography. He has been awarded honorary doctorates by Memorial University of Newfoundland (1993), the University of Calgary (1994), Ryerson Polytechnic University (1999), the University of Western Ontario (2000) and McMaster University (2000). The Conference of Defence Associations Institute named him winner of The Vimy Award "for achievement and effort in the field of Canadian defence and security" in 1996. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada (1997).

Gradus, Lawrence

  • Person
  • 1936-2014

Lawrence Gradus, choreographer (born 30 October 1936 in the Bronx, New York; died 7 January 2014 in Ottawa, ON). Trained in New York City, he first performed with the American Ballet Theatre in 1951, rising from corps member to soloist. He joined Les Grands Ballets Canadiens in 1968 and cofounded with Ludmilla Chiriaeff Les Compagnons de la danse, an educational touring group. Gradus formed his own company, Entre-six (1974), and the following year received the Jean A. Chalmers Choreographic Award. In 1980, Gradus moved to Ottawa to become founding artistic director of Theatre Ballet of Canada. He resigned in 1989 and has since worked as a ballet master, teacher and occasional choreographer. (

Gott, John

  • Person
  • 25 December 1830 - 21 July 1906

(From Wikipedia entry)
John Gott (25 December 1830–21 July 1906) was the third Bishop of Truro from 1891 until his death in 1906.

Gott was born in Leeds on Christmas Day 1830, the third son of William Gott. He was educated at Winchester and Brasenose College, Oxford. He then embarked on an ecclesiastical career with a curacy at Great Yarmouth, after which he held incumbencies at Bramley, Leeds, 1871–76, and at Leeds Parish Church, where he also founded the Leeds Clergy School. His last post, before his ordination to the episcopate, was as Dean of Worcester from 1886.

For more information see Wikipedia entry at: .

Gorst, Harold Edward

  • Person
  • 1868-1950

Harold Edward Gorst (1868-1950) was a British author and journalist. He married Nina Cecilia Francesca Rose Kennedy (1869-1926) who was an author and dramatist. His works include: China (1899), The Curse of Education (1901), The Fourth Party (1906) and Much of Life is Laughter (1936).

Gore, Charles, 1853-1932

  • Person
  • 1853-1932

Charles Gore was one of the most influential Anglican theologians of the 19th century, helping reconcile the church to some aspects of biblical criticism and scientific discovery, while remaining Catholic in his interpretation of the faith and sacraments. He was bishop of Westminster, Worcester, Birmingham, and Oxford.

Gore, Charles

  • Person
  • 22 January 1853 - 17 January 1932

(from Wikipedia entry)

Charles Gore (22 January 1853 – 17 January 1932) was one of the most influential Anglican theologians of the 19th century, helping reconcile the church to some aspects of biblical criticism and scientific discovery, while remaining Catholic in his interpretation of the faith and sacraments.[citation needed] Also known for his social action, Gore became an Anglican bishop and founded the priestly Community of the Resurrection as well as co-founded the Christian Social Union. Charles Gore was born into an Anglo-Irish family as the third son of the Honourable Charles Alexander Gore and Augusta Lavinia Priscilla (née Ponsonby), a daughter of the fourth Earl of Bessborough. His eldest brother, Philip, became the fourth Earl of Arran, and his brother Spencer was the first winner of the Wimbledon Championships.

Gore's parents sent him to Harrow School, London, then to Balliol College, Oxford, where he supported the trade-union movement.

For more information, see Wkipedia entry at: .

Gordon, James

  • Person
  • 1955-

“James Gordon is a Canadian singer-songwriter, known as a founding member of Tamarack. He has also released more than 20 solo albums. [...] He wrote the weekly song for the CBC Radio program Basic Black. He is proficient on a variety of instruments including guitar, piano, banjo and mandola. [...] He is a co-founder of Guelph's annual Hillside Festival and was its first creative director, from 1985 to 1988. He also founded (and was the artistic director of) the Canadian Songwriters' Festival, and was a board member of the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals. Gordon is active in arts-, civics-, and environment-related causes in the Guelph region, for which he was given the Guelph Mayor's Award in 2008.”

Gordon, E.C.A, fl. 1856

  • Person

E.C.A. Gordon (fl. 1856), was a major-general in the Royal Engineers attached to the Navy at the Turkish port of Galatea and Pera during the Crimean War. He was in charge of supplies for the British Navy and commandant to the Russian prisoners of war.

Gordon Hall, Trevor

  • Person

“Since emerging on the fringe of the Philadelphia, USA, music scene as a young guitar virtuoso in the early 2000s, Trevor’s fingerpicking style of textured instrumentalism took little time to leave an impression on listeners. He was rated a top 30 under 30 guitarist by Acoustic Guitar Magazine and has shared the stage with or drawn praise from peers and guitar legends who helped blaze the path before him, including the likes of John Mayer, Steve Miller, Graham Nash, Steve Hackett, Dar Williams, Will Ackerman, Pat Martino, Stanley Jordan, Phil Keaggy, Tommy Emmanuel, Pierre Bensusan and Andy McKee to name a few. He’s also been featured on NPR, NBC, PBS, and many international outlets and publications around the world.”

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