File includes Don Simpson's 54-page report, his speech at AMREF's annual meeting, correspondence, memoranda and the 1986 annual report.
File contains an audit for 1962-1963-1964, a 6th annual dinner programme and expense/profit calculations
File contains lists of co-ordinators, presidential address by Douglas G. Anglin, reports, memos, minutes, correspondence and other records.
File contains correspondence, news clippings, notes and other records pertaining to projects with Harry Lane relating to CABAG and the University of Western Ontario.
File contains a concept paper for an institutional development initiative, a draft of the African small mission strategy and a small report on "Intellectual infrastructure constraints to conducting research in developing countries."
File includes drafts of a chapter on education and human resources development (changing trends in Canadian international development assistance)
File consists of articles and lecture cards.
File contains overhead transparencies about education past, present and future.
File contains memoranda, reports and balance sheets regarding personnel, projects and company finances.
File contains correspondence, memoranda, magazines (African Business News), resumes and reports.
File includes AMREF's five year plan 1984-1988.
File contains notes, workshop outline and hand-outs, case studies and overhead transparencies
File includes notes, agenda for the management development seminar, and reports on AMREF's history, environment, external relations, leadership structure and internal structure.
File consists of the CUSO magazine.
File consists of an event programme, emails, web page print-outs, dinner guest list, two commemorative DVDs and a CUSO calendar featuring archival photographs.
File pertains to a Canada Council grant application.