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Maps of Nepal

File consists of maps which show the locations of the Area Welfare Centres (AWCs) of the Gurkha Welfare Scheme and the cultural and administrative territories of Nepal.

Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell fonds

  • F0678
  • Fonds
  • 1935-2015, predominant 1958-1988

Fonds consists of records created and accumulated by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, predominantly during her work as a guidance counselor and educator at Atkinson College, focusing on programs for continuing education for women re-entering the workforce or changing careers. Included are submissions and papers she authored, research notes, correspondence both personal and professional, clippings, reports pertaining to the work on the Status of Women, her Masters thesis which she submitted in 1976, and her diplomas. Also included are files pertaining to an educational bursary/scholarship established in her honour at Victoria College, University of Toronto.

Campbell, Sylvia Woodsworth

Speaking notes

File consists of typewritten notes for speeches which Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell delivered to various audiences. These notes include speeches delivered to: York University students, September 1969; the Canadian University Counselling Association, 18 June 1969; to the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), 3 September 1969; the Faculty Wives Association at York University, 11 February 1969; Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 9 February 1969; a panel discussion on the Status of Women held by the Catholic Women's League, 25 February 1969; the Queen's University Faculty Women's Club, 20 November 1968; the Canadian Federation of Women, Guelph, 28 March 1967; and a study club, 4 February 1967. File also includes a report written by Campbell describing the Second Career seminar, submitted to the Centre for Continuing Education at York University, 1968.

File also includes a brochure for a special program for women at Centennial College, entitled, "A Challenge to Change in '70," 1970; notes and a study guide to "Obedience," the film produced by Stanley Milgram, Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York based on his experiment on obedience to authority, clipped to a Globe and Mail article regarding concerns about fascism, 1969; the first page of a book review of "Dahlstrom: The Changing Roles of Men and Women" (1967) and Campbell's notes on the book; questionnaires for mature students, 7 February 1967; and a copy of the Bulletin, the newsletter of the Canadian Association of College and University Student Services, which includes an article by Campbell, "Implications of the Changing Role of Women for College Counselling," 1974.

Update on York community services for Status of Women

File consists of: a brief submitted by a group of individuals, including Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, to the Commission on Post-Secondary Education, regarding the Education of Women, 1 January 1971; a report on the Legal Problems of Employing Women in Universities, developed by the University of Michigan; and updates on recommendations made to York Community Services in 1975, submitted in June 1982.

Mature student advisors

File consists of records related to the establishment of the "Second Chance" program for mature students at York, which offered new mature students counselling and connected them with current mature students. Records include correspondence; book excerpts related to mature student education; notes for the Mature Student Services Committee; a newspaper clipping about the Committee from the York Gazette, 10 October 1980; a telephone directory for mature student services staff; a draft version and completed mature women students' questionnaire; and a copy of meeting notes for a meeting on Mature Women Students, held 2 April 1980.

Part-time employment

File consists of documents which describe the advantages and disadvantages of permanent employment of fewer than thirty-five hours a week, including a report written by Jean Hallaire for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which analyzes labour trends in Europe.

"Women's Days" : "Implications of the changing role for college counselling" : Etobicoke Public Library speeches

File consists of cue card notes for speaking to the Canadian University Counselling Association, spring 1977; handwritten notes of book titles; a schedule from Women's Days workshops 27-28 February 197-; a draft of notes on the study, "Why Women Return to College," by Barbara Doty; a draft and final version of a paper, "Implications of the Changing Role of Women for College Counselling," delivered as a lecture for the Canadian University Counselling Association, Windsor, Ontario, June 1972; correspondence with the CBC Toronto Women's Association, 1974; and speaking notes for a lecture delivered at the Changing World of Women lecture series sponsored by the Etobicoke Public Library, 1977.

Critical skills for the '80s

File consists of records related to public hearings for the Task Force on Employment Opportunities for the 1980s, which took place in Toronto, 26-27 January 1981. Records include a list of witnesses appearing for the hearings, a submission to the task force written by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, and print-out biographical notes of members of parliament.

OACE-Wuhan Friendship dinner, Atkinson College Council Report Ad Hoc Committee on Intercultural Relations, directories

File consists of: the schedule and attendance list of the Ontario Association for Continuing Education (OACE) and Wuhan, China, Friendship dinner, held at Hart House, 1 March 1985; a report on the programme committee of the Atkinson College Council, 19 March 1980; an attendance list and notes for the Ad Hoc Committee on Intercultural Relations, 14 January 1981; a directory of mature student services at York University and a list of resources for women at York University; lists of female faculty members at York University, 1977; and a list of women's groups at York University, 1976.

Nanjing University Library School

File consists of: records related to a visit to Canada by Tongqing Guo, a student from Nanjing University, China, including an itinerary, notes, and Guo's resume; a photograph of Guo and a postcard addressed to Harry Campbell; a bilingual brochure for Nanjing Library; clippings from Chinese-language newspapers; computer printouts of book catalogs written in Chinese; a circular describing the University of Toronto Faculty of Library and Information Science distributed by Nanjing University; a bilingual brochure of Nanjing University; and correspondence from Nanjing University regarding an invitation to Harry Campbell to lecture to students in the Department of Documentation and Information Science.

University of Science and Techology : China

File consists of: samples of writing in English and completed introductory questionnaires by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell's Chinese students at the University of Science and Technology of China; correspondence in English and Chinese; bilingual brochures from Peking University, Da Hua Guest House, Hefei, and the University of Science and Technology of China; photocopied pages from a brochure on Anhui University; pencil sketches of places in China; two issues of Beijing Review magazine (Vol. 27, no. 11 and 12, 12-19 March 1984); and newspaper clippings.

AUCC Adam : paper proposal for 1971 meeting

File consists of a paper prepared for the annual meeting of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, titled, "A Profile of Women in Canadian Universities" by June Adam, a professor of psychology at the University of Calgary. File also includes a critique of the paper by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, and a letter from her colleague, Marion Royce, regarding her critique.

McMaster, Status of Women

File consists of a report and petition to McMaster University, created by the Group for Equal Rights at McMaster, titled, "The Status of Women at McMaster University," 1 October 1971. File also includes a letter and response from Dr. Lynn McDonald, associate professor of sociology at McMaster University and co-author of the report.


File consists of notes and correspondence relating to Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell's visit to Washington D.C., United States, to meet with Mary Hilton, the Deputy Director of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labour, Dr. Ruth Osborn of George Washington University, and the American Association of University Women.

Humber surveys

File consists of a report on a survey, completed at Humber College, of the education-training opportunities for women in the Boroughs of York and Etobicoke.

Y.W.C.A. report

File consists of: correspondence with Jean Campbell, assistant executive director of the Young Women's Christian Association of Canada (Y.W.C.A.) which includes a report with recommendations for the Y.W.C.A. regarding the training and employment of women; a report on a Y.W.C.A. conference on continuing education and re-training of women, held 18 November 1963; a schedule for the conference; Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell's notes on the conference; and a report on another conference on the same topic, held 2 November 1964.

Brief to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada

File consists of: a program for the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation's (UUWF) conference on women, held at Glendon College, York University, 5-7 June 1970; a press release from the UUWF regarding the conference; annotated copies of a brief to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, presented by the Canadian Association for Adult Education, March 1968; a copy of the Catholic Women's League of Canada's Submission to the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in Canada, July 1968; and newspaper clippings.

Home and school association

File consists of records related to the John Ross Robertson Home and School Association. Records include: a "Grade Mother List" of teachers, 1958-1959; lists of the members of the Home and School Association Executive Committee, 1959-1961; a memorandum to Jean Morrison, regarding parent education films; a description of the Parent Education Project, chaired by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, May-June 1963; memoranda from Mary Hornell, President of the John Ross Robertson Home and School Association, regarding after-school film showings organized by the Audio Visual Committee, 1963; notes on the four films shown in the program, "Preface to Life," "Roots of Happiness," "Are People Sheep?" and"Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?"; a generic mail-out letter from the York Centre New Democratic Party Riding Association; a document titled, "My Number is 29, My Name is Rajeswari" in which Campbell critiques the Home and School Association's care for its adopted children, 1962; a program for the Home and School Association's convention at the Royal York, 1962; speaking notes for a panel discussion on "The Home and School Association and its Responsibilities," 25 April 1962; and a memo on "Teacher's Training" for the Education Committee of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE).

Personal History

File consists of material related to Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell's personal history, including: copies of her resume; portrait photographs taken in her youth and in 1985; biographical sketches, undated; and a cover letter for her application to the Master's program in Adult Education.

European Library Study Tour

File consists of notes and photographs related to a tour of European libraries, guided by Sylvia and Harry Campbell, for a group of friends. File includes photographs taken by Mary Wilhelm.

Comparative Education Paper for discussion group

File consists of a draft and final version of a working paper by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell comparing educational systems in Europe and notes about the educational system and Home and School Association in France. File also includes a letter to the editor of the New Statesman and Nation, regarding the suicide of the Canadian diplomat Herbert Norman, 4 April 1957.

Talks on Canada : CCFA

File consists of notes and correspondence relating to a lecture by Norman Penner on "Canadian Politics and Political Parties," held at the International Student Centre, University of Toronto, 2 April 1986, and a discussion after showing the film "Helicopter Canada." The lectures were organized by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell and the Canada-China Friendship Association for Chinese students.

Piaget paper : article, drafts, editing

File consists of drafts and the final copy of the article, "An Introduction to the Work of Jean Piaget," written by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell, 24 November 1964. File also includes notes on Japanese art, written in her daughter Robin's exercise book, January 1963, and newspaper clippings.

National Women's Organizations report, seminar, and report from US Dept of Labor

File consists of a report created by the Canadian Women's Bureau of the Department of Labour on national women's organizations; an article from Chatelaine magazine, "70 Best Jobs for Homemakers Returning to Work," November 1963; a report by the Women's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor, titled, "Why Continuing Education Programs for Women?"; and a program for a seminar on continuing education for women university graduates, held by the Canadian Federation of University Women, at York University, 29 May 1965.

Research notes

File consists of research notes, written on reused punch cards, which were likely created by Sylvia Woodsworth Campbell in the course of writing her master's thesis, "An Exploratory Study of Selected Canada Manpower Centres in Ontario."

Michael A. Gilbert fonds

  • F0706
  • Fonds
  • [196-?]-2014

Fonds consists of records pertaining to the work and activities of Michael A. Gilbert. These records document Gilbert’s work as a professor of philosophy and administrator at York University, as a writer and lecturer in the areas of argumentation theory and transgender theory, and as a writer of literary fiction. Records in this fonds include correspondence and day planners, academic papers and articles, draft manuscripts and screenplays, notes, course materials and lecture notes, photographs, and conference materials.

Gilbert, Michael A.

Letters sent

File consists of correspondence sent by Gilbert to friends and family, as well as some work-related correspondence.

Zack : bar mitzvah

File pertains to the bar mitzvah of Gilbert's son, Zachary, held in May 1986, and include letters, invoices, guest lists and photographs. Also included in the file are other materials pertaining to Zachary's childhood, including school assignments, report cards and a class photo, and a US certificate of birth abroad.

Student papers and notes

Series consists of Gilbert’s papers and notes from undergraduate courses taken at the City University of New York (Hunter College) and from his graduate studies at the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo and the University of Waterloo. Also included in the series are personal ephemera from this period and copies of letters pertaining to the formation of the journal “Telos” at SUNY Buffalo.

Abst. alg.

File consists of Gilbert's handwritten notes and class assignments for this course on abstract algebra.


File consists of handwritten notes and a draft student paper by Gilbert entitled "An Attempted Clarification of Analyticity".

Epistemology - perception

File pertains to an undergraduate course on analytic philosophy taken by Gilbert. Records in this file are handwritten notes, handouts, and two papers by Gilbert entitled "Malcolm and Chisholm" and "Malcolm on Certainty".

Ethics & theory of value

File pertains to an undergraduate course taken by Gilbert on the general theory of value. Records in this file are handwritten notes and papers by Gilbert.


File consists of Gilbert's handwritten notes for an undergraduate course.

All In A Tube

File consists of records related to the development of children's television programming by RTA colleague, Rita Deverell.

Zambia: The Struggle Continues

File consists of research notes and outline related to a collaborative film project between RTA and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), titled "A Luta Continua / The Struggle Continues"

CRTC challenge to CTV's W5: background materials

File consists of notes, drafts, and clippings related to a complaint to the CRTC by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada regarding a segment on the CTV show W5 titled, "A House Divided", which was critical of the Church. The Church's response to the matter was organized by Flemington and Douglas Barrett.

CBC licence challenge

File consists of notes, clippings and drafts related to a brief to the CRTC, written by Flemington and Doug Barrett on behalf of Interchurch Communications, challenging CBC's licence renewal.

Canadian Family Radio

File consists of correspondence, research notes and drafts related to the work of Flemington and Doug Barrett on behalf of Interchurch Communications, to challenge the radio licence awarded by the CRTC to Ralph Jacobson of British Columbia and his "Family Radio" station.

Correspondence with Polish Embassy re: permission to film "Child of the Holocaust"

File consists of correspondence with the Polish Embassy regarding a request to visit Poland to film the documentary, "Child of the Holocaust," based on the book of the same name by Jack Kuper. File also includes of correspondence with Hon. Mitchell Sharp, the Minister for External Affairs and a clipping from Time magazine regarding Polish antisemitism, March 14, 1969.

So You're Going To Be Interviewed

File consists of a notes, outline and draft script for a video written and directed by Flemington to assist United Church personnel who are being interviewed on television.

Covenant: WCC film

File consists of records related to Flemington's film "Covenant" about the 6th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, in Vancouver, BC.

Beginning and Belonging

File consists of notes and memos related to a film about baptism and the renewal of baptismal faith, for use by the United Church of Canada.

Spirit Connection' stories

File consists of research about the profiles featured on the television programme 'Spirit Connection'. Flemington wrote and directed the 4 profiles from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.


File consists of correspondence, notes, and report about the communication needs of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Flemington was part of a three-person consultency team for this project sponsored by the World Council of Churches.

Career Highlights

File consists of three DVD's of film recordings of significant events in Flemington's career.
Disc 1: Retirement Party (2001)
Disc 2:

  • 1993 Gemini Awards
  • Wiseman Day
  • Vision TV 5th birthday
  • Message to 10th Anniversary
  • Peter and Jean Flemington on their Retirement Day
    Disc 3:
  • The Man of Vision
  • "WIFT" video
Results 1 to 100 of 187533