File consists of photographs, newspaper clippings, and certificates assembled by Sterghiou documenting her activities with the the Ladies Philanthropic Association (“Philoptochos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral, including group trips to Vancouver, Boston, Washington DC, Nova Scotia, New Orleans, and Kitchener. Photos also depict dances, and other social and ecclesiastical events. Women depicted in the photographs include Nina Mercouris (nee Spanos), Dina Poulos, Kathy Lainas, and Helen Espiridis.
File consists of a bound ledger book documenting the revenue and expenses of the Ladies Philanthropic Association (“Philoptohos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
File consists of a bound ledger book documenting the cash receipts and cash disbursements of the Ladies Philanthropic Association (“Philoptohos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
File consists of records collected by Sterghiou documenting the activities of the Greek Ladies Philanthropic Association (“philoptochos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral. File includes newspaper clippings, incoming correspondence and copies of outgoing correspondence, as well as meeting agendas.
File consists of records collected by Sterghiou documenting the activities of the Greek Ladies Philanthropic Association (“philoptochos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral. File includes financial statements, newspaper clippings, meeting agendas, and correspondence.
File consists of a draft of a 50th anniversary commemorative album produced by the Greek Community of Toronto as well as an icon distributed to Sunday School students.
File consists of the conference package given to Sterghiou at the 1988 Greek Orthodox Diocese of Toronto (Canada) Clergy-Laity assembly held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
File consists of the event program for a testimonial luncheon hosted by the Greek Orthodox Diocesan Philoptochos Board of Toronto in honour of Lucy Grigoriadis, past president of the Diocesan Philoptochos Board.
File consists of two bound volumes from the 12th biennial Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos assemblies held in Kingston, Ontario. The first volume is the event program for the Clergy-Laity assembly, and the second bound volume is the event program for the Philoptochos assembly. File also contains correspondence from the Greek Ladies’ Philanthropic Association “Evangelistria” that was tucked into the Philoptochos assembly program.
File consists of two bound volumes from the 11th biennial Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos assemblies held in Waterloo, Ontario. The first volume is the event program for the Clergy-Laity assembly, and the second bound volume is the event program for the Philoptochos assembly. File also contains correspondence from the Diocean Philoptochos Board and the Greek Ladies’ Philanthropic Association “Evangelistria” that was tucked into the Philoptochos assembly program.
File consists of two bound volumes from the 10th biennial Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos assemblies held in Markham, Ontario. The first volume is the event program for the Clergy-Laity assembly, and the second bound volume is the event program for the Philoptochos assembly.
File consists of the event program for the 9th biennial Philoptochos assembly held in London, Ontario.
File consists of two bound volumes from the 8th biennial Clergy-Laity Assembly of the Communities and Philoptochos held in Montreal, Quebec. The first volume is the event program for the Clergy-Laity assembly of the Communities, and the second bound volume is the event program for the Philoptochos assembly.
File consists of the event program for the 9th biennial Philoptochos assembly held in Toronto, Ontario.
File consists of two bound volumes from the 30th annual Biennial Clergy-Laity Congress held in Washington DC. The first bound volume is a program book with reports from the National Philoptochos Biennial Convention, and the other the program for a Salute to Canada event held during the convention.
Fonds consists of event programs from Greek Orthodox Clergy-Laity and Philoptochos assemblies, as well as records documenting the activities of the Greek Ladies’ Philanthropic Association (“philoptochos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral, such as financial statements, newspaper clippings, meeting agendas, and correspondence. Fonds also includes 2 ledger books documenting the revenue and expenses as well as the cash disbursement of the Ladies’ Philanthropic Association of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Fonds further includes a scrapbook documenting her activities with the the Ladies Philanthropic Association (“Philoptohos”) of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Cathedral.
Sterghiou, MarinaItem is a bound volume with a schedule of events for the 1983 state visit of former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and Mrs. Papandreou to Canada.
Item is a digitized copy of a bound volume with a detailed schedule of events for the 1983 state visit of former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and Mrs. Papandreou to Canada.
Collection consists of two bound volumes prepared by the Office of the Chief of Protocol, Department of External Affairs documenting the program for the 1983 state visit of former Greek Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou and Mrs. Papandreou to Canada.
Draenos, Stan SpyrosFile consists of a newsletter from the Friends of the Canadian Archeological Institute of Athens, correspondence from the Canadian Embassy in Athens and the Law Offices of John M. Tripidakis, and a transcribed article from Kathimerini newspaper dated July 28, 1996.
File consists of incoming correspondence addressed to John Sotos.
File consists of records from Sotos’ volunteer work with the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, including event budgeting, meeting minutes, and correspondence related to church renovations.
File consists of the 14 March 1990 issue of the Edmonton’s Hellenic Canadian Link (Ελληνοκαναδανικος Δεσμος του Εντμοντον).
File consists of speaker’s notes for a speech delivered to the Hellenic Canadian Business and Professional Association by r the Honourable John McDermid, Minister of Privatization and Regulatory Affairs.
Series consists of records documenting a variety of activities John Sotos was engaged in that fall outside or are tangentially related to the associations in the other series.
File is a copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario (HCFO)’s newsletter edition no. 3 (February 1984).
File is a copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario (HCFO)’s newsletter edition no. 4 (May 1984).
File is a copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario (HCFO)’s newsletter edition no. 5 (September 1984).
File is a copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario (HCFO)’s newsletter edition no. 7 (May 1985).
File is a copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario (HCFO)’s newsletter edition no. 8 (September 1985). File also includes conference program for the HCFO conference on multiculturalism and the ethnic media.
File consists of a copy of draft by-law no. 2-05 and a bound copy of the Letters Patent, Constitution, Rules and Procedures concerning nominations and elections of members of provincial council and resolution concerning membership fees and other assessments.
File consists of meeting minutes for the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario’s Steering Committee, dated May 26, 1982 to September 30, 1982
File consists of meeting minutes for the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario’s Steering Committee, dated October 26, 1982 to March 15, 1983.
File consists of meeting agendas and meeting minutes with associated documents from meetings of the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario Provincial Council.
File consists of an event program for an event hosted by the Hellenic Studies Committee.
File consists of a response submitted by the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario and the Hellenic Canadian Congress to the Hon. Otto Jelinek. Minister of State for Multiculturalism. The response was to a program review for the Multiculturalism Branch programs of the Secretary of State.
File consists of a letter distributed by the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario to its membership inviting them to an event called Justice for Cyprus commemorating the 12th anniversary of the Turkish occupation.
File consists of a bound and annotated copy of the Hellenic-Canadian Federation of Ontario’s Letters Patent, constitution, rules and resolutions.
File consists of a newsletter distributed to members of the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario.
Series consists of records documenting the activities of the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario and John Sotos’ membership, involvement, and contributions.
File consists of miscellaneous records related to the activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF), including roles and job descriptions, event planning, and an article on how to best structure meetings.
File consists of records related to the hiring of consultants to implement the development of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation’s strategic plan.
File consists of a grant application made to the Hellenic Heritage Foundation by Professor George Stubos.
File consists of miscellaneous records related to the activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF), including correspondence related to the development of a university-level Hellenic Studies program in metro Toronto, and records related to event planning for the 1998 annual gala.
File consists of information and application forms for various grants.
File consists of correspondence from Farr, Hall, and Lee chartered accountants on small business deductions for charities.
File consists of correspondence related to an appeal for financial support for the Limia local and regional research project.
File consists of meeting agendas, a copy of an article on charities in Ontario with handwritten notes, as well as correspondence on the International Plato Society.
File consists of correspondence, memorandums, and event itinerary for events organized by the Hellenic Heritage Foundation.
File consists of a brochure outlining the mandate and goals of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF).
File consists of a final copy and drafy version of a notice of annual meeting with a poxy voting form, as well as Executive and Council Election Information from the Canadian Bar Association Ontario chapter.
File consists of draft Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, as well as draft copies of General By-law no. 1. File also contains associated correspondence.
File consists of a speech made at a press conference on May 8, 1996 announcing the establishment of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation.
File consists of Nuans search results and correspondence around alternative names for what would become the Hellenic Heritage Foundation.
File consists of legal research compiled by Sotos related to the incorporation of charitable foundations.
File consists of a preliminary budget for a Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) gala.
File consists of results from Nuans searches for the names Hellenic Heritage Fund and Hellenic Heritage Foundation as well as related correspondence. File also includes a newspaper clipping on donations made by the Hellenic Foundation to Greek organizations.
File consists of a list of Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) Constitution Committee members, as well as a memo to the file.
File consists of the first draft of the Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF),copies of the first draft of the HHF’s General By-Law No. 1, and legal research on fundraising and by-laws of other charities.
File consists of copies of the Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Hellenic Heritage Fund and the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, as well as copies of General By-Law No. 1 and other related documents. File also contains a copy of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation’s Strategic Plan.
File consists of records from a corporate search for Hellenic Canadian Heritage Inc. File also includes 1 microfiche of unidentified documents.
File consists of the 1997 budget and related correspondence for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF).
File consists of a copy of the Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital and General By-Law no. 1 for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF).
File consists of correspondence to Sotos from the Hellenic Home and the Greek Community of Metropolitan Toronto.
File consists of an invitation from Orenstein & Partners to participate in their charity golf tournament.
File consists of a copy of the publication “Establishing a Private Foundation” by Wolfe Goodman and Howard Carr.
File consists of an outline of a proposal from KPMG for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, the curriculum vitae of George Christopoulos, and a list of national firm members.
File consists of a copy of a draft brochure for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation.
File consists of financial statement of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation’s 1996 Gala Dinner as well as copies of the invitation promoting the event.
File consists of an undated and untitled newspaper clipping discussing a calendar compiled by the European Travel Commission. Added to the file is a photocopy of an chapter titled “How to Raise Money for Worthwhile Causes and NonProfit Organizations” by Al Whitman.
File consists of meeting minutes for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF)’s Executive Committee.
File consists of a copy of a proposal to the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) from the National Campaign for York University in support of the Centre for Hellenic Studies at York University.
File consists of draft copies of General By-Law No. 1 for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF), a copy of a letter from the Hellenic Canadian Association of Constantinople Toronto soliciting fundraising from the HHF, as well as copies of proposed amendments to the draft by-laws and Application for Incorporation. File also includes correspondence from another HHF member regarding meeting attendance.
File consists of meeting minutes for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF)’s Founders Commitee and Fundraising Committee.
File consists of a copy of a Resolution to Establish the Constitution Committee, drafts of an Application for Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital, draft copies of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF)’s By-Law No. 1, as well as a photocopy of the Board of Trade of Toronto’s Consolidated and Revised Act of Incorporation and Bylaws.
File consists of the master copy of the Application for Supplementary Letters Patent for the Hellenic Heritage Fund.
File consists of correspondence related to the issuing of tax receipts for the 1996 Gala Dinner.
File consists of contact information for Hellenic Heritage foundation members.
File consists of the original and copies of the Application for the Incorporation of a Corporation Without Share Capital for the Hellenic Heritage Foundation.
File consists of legal research compiled by Sotos. File includes records related the incorporation of the United Community Fund of Greater Toronto and the Kitchener-Waterloo & Area Federated Appeal (later the United Way of Greater Toronto and the United Way of Kitchener-Waterloo and Area, respectively), as well as a copy of the original letters patent for the Ireland Fund. File also contains 6 microfiche of unidentified documents.
File consists of copies of the initial letterhead of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF).
File consists of copies of application forms and correspondence related to the establishment of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) as a corporation and registered charity. File also contains copies of the HHF’s constitution and by-laws, strategic plan, as well as financial statements and auditor’s report.
File consists of correspondence, meeting minutes, and memorandas related to the planning of various Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) golf tournament fundraisers.
File consists of financial campaign materials from Saint Vladimir’s Seminary in Crestwood, NY.
File consists of correspondence related to a sponsorship appeal to the Hellenic Heritage Foundation to support the Canadian portion of the Greek National Theatre’s North American tour.
File consists of correspondence related to a fundraising opportunity with the United Way.
File consists primarily of meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence related to the activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) Executive Committee and the Hellenic Studies Programme Committee. File also includes meeting minutes from the HHF Golf Committee, as well as information on a Business Number Account with Revenue Canada and application for a Lottery License.
File consists primarily of meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence related to the activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF) Executive Committee and the Hellenic Studies Programme Committee. File also includes meeting minutes from the HHF Golf Committee, as well as information on a Business Number Account with Revenue Canada and application for a Lottery License.
File consists of records related to the early activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, including the establishment of internal committees, fundraising initiatives, gala event planning, golf charity events, and others. File also includes the meeting minutes for the First Annual Meeting of Members. File consists primarily of meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and correspondence.
File consists of records related to the creation of the letters patent and establishing the charitable status of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF). File includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, and correspondence.
File consists of records related to the creation of the letters patent and esablishing the charitable status of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF). File includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, and correspondence.
File consists of records related to the charitable status, strategic plan, and initial fundraising initiatives of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF). File includes meeting minutes and meeting agendas, and correspondence.
File consists of records related to the incorporation and initial fundraising initiatives of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF). File includes meeting minutes, meeting agendas, and correspondence from Sotos’ involvement with the HHF Founder’s Committee and Fundraising Committee.
File consists of correspondence, meeting agendas, memorandums, and event contracts related to the planning of the 1998 HHF Gala.
File consists of records related to the planning of the 1999 Hellenic Heritage Foundation Gala, including outgoing and incoming correspondence between John Sotos and other members of the Gala Committee, meeting agendas, memorandums, and contract estimate. File also includes sponsor sign-up sheet, silent auction form, and list of attendees from the 1998 gala.
File consists of correspondence and meeting minutes related to Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF)’s involvement in a proposal to develop a Visiting Professorship at York University named in honour of Andreas Papandreou, in addition to a program for Hellenic Studies.
File consists of invitations, flyers, and calls for sponsorship for the second annual Hellenic Heritage Foundation Golf Classis.
File consists of the first and second draft of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation’s Strategic Plan, as well as related correspondence and meeting agendas.
File consists of records related to the incorporation of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (later the Hellenic Heritage Foundation), including a Certificate of Incumbency, Application for Supplementary Letters Patent, Notice of Annual Meeting, Board Nominations, as well as handwritten notes by Sotos. File also includes financial statements.
File consists of meeting agendas and meeting minutes with related records, as well as memorandums and correspondence related to the activities of the Hellenic Heritage Foundation (HHF)’s Executive Committee.