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              9 Archival description results for Kawachikamach

              9 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              2022-002/021(01) · Item · 2016-02-15
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Consists of a a word document CheyenneT1-T4-reading.doc of transcriptions of the interview of Cheyenne Vachon on February 15, 2016.

              GeorgeT1 &T2-Reading.doc
              2022-002/024(01) · Item · 2016-02-16
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Consists of a word document GeorgeT1 &T2-Reading.doc containing transcriptions of interviews with George Guanish on February 16, 2016.

              2022-002/021(02) · Item · 2016-02-15
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Recording consists of Cheyenne talking in English. Topics include Cheyenne's experience of her Naskapi identity, belonging, and how learning the language and understanding her history helped her find the connection she was searching for. She shares how stories from her grandfather influenced her throughout her life.

              2022-002/021(04) · Item · 2016-02-15
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Recording consists of Cheyenne talking in English. Topics include the importance of Caribou and hunting as a form of education for future generations and how mining has influenced caribou migration movements.

              2022-002/024(03) · Item · 2016-02-16
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Recording consists of George Guanish speaking mostly in English, with a couple Naskapi words about the work he does in the community. Topics discussed include: the importance of keeping the language strong; changes in caribou populations over time and how the Naskapis, Crees and Innu have responded and the current roundtables; the importance of connecting youth and elders; and the impact of mining on the land.

              2022-002/044 · File · 2015-2023
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              File consists of an audio recording of an interview with Simon Einish talking in English. Topics discussed include: his growing up and the importance of spending time on the Land; the importance of sweats and his art; passing on Naskapi history and culture to the next generation.

              Simon Einish.mp3
              2022-002/044(02) · Item · 2015-06-09
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Item consists of a audio interview recorded between Celia Haig-Brown and Simon Einish on June 9, 2015. Topics discussed include his growing up and the importance of spending time on the Land, the importance of sweats and his art, passing on Naskapi history and culture to the next generation.

              transcription-simon 2023
              2022-002/044(01) · Item · 2023-05-02
              Part of Celia Haig-Brown fonds

              Item consists of a 2023 transcription of an interview with Simon Einish talking in English in May 9, 2015. Topics discussed include: his growing up and the importance of spending time on the Land; the importance of sweats and his art; passing on Naskapi history and culture to the next generation.