Showing 363 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count Authority record count
Agriculture 4 0
Arts and culture (28) 14 0
Business and commerce 2 0
Children and youth 0 0
Communications 1 0
Community life 0 0
Education 86 1
Ice hockey 3 0
Cricket 2 0
Unemployment 7 0
Forestry 1 0
Motor scooters 1 0
Restaurants 1 0
Travel 1 0
Hostels 1 0
Portraits 1 0
Law (2) 31 0
Real estate 4 0
Elections 28 0
Parliamentary practice 1 0
Voters lists 1 0
Federal-provincial relations 6 0
Constitutional law 1 0
Delegations 2 0
Parliamentary procedure 1 0
Military bases 10 0
Military operations 1 0
Sovereignty 1 0
Visits of state 2 0
Management 2 0
Organizational effectiveness 2 0
Procurement 1 0
Strategy 1 0
Air interdiction 1 0
Stationery 1 0
Petroleum industry 18 0
Government ownership 2 0
Energy policy 34 0
Nuclear industry 4 0
Uranium industry 20 0
Crown corporations 3 0
Exports 7 0
Crown corporations 3 0
Foreign ownership 2 0
Imports 1 0
Synthetic lubricants 6 0
Pipelines 9 0
Gas industry 6 0
Ethylene 1 0
Exports 1 0
Natural gas 3 0
Energy policy 6 0
Electric power 3 0
Power supply 3 0
Tidal power 1 0
Fireworks 1 0
Potash 1 0
Airports 2 0
Governmental investigations 1 0
Royal visits 1 0
Awards 1 0
Oil crisis 1 0
Law of the sea 1 0
Maritime boundaries 1 0
Continental shelf 1 0
Conflict of interest (Public office) 2 0
Natural gas industry 1 0
Petroleum industry 1 0
Games 1 0
Oil well drilling rigs 1 0
Fiscal policy 4 0
Monetary policy 20 0
Inflation targeting 23 0
Wage-price policy 18 0
Banks and banking 13 0
Financial services industry 12 0
Securities 1 0
Transfer payments 1 0
Intergovernmental relations 7 0
Pensions 2 0
Trust companies 1 0
Tariffs 2 0
Pipelines 1 0
Foreign trade regulation 1 0
Textile industry 1 0
Income tax 6 0
Life insurance 3 0
Federal aid to the arts 1 0
Economic policy 12 0
Federal-provincial fiscal relations 2 0
Rent control 1 0
Marketing boards 1 0
Tax policy 4 0
Pensions 1 0
Inflation targeting 2 0
Fuel prices 1 0
Fuel prices 1 0
Pensions 1 0
Autonomy and independence movements 2 0
Economic indicators 2 0
Results 1 to 100 of 363