File consists of material related to the Project Information Sessions on Wife Assault in Three Portuguese Communities in Ontario, including: correspondence; invoices; reports; contracts; and related material.
Domestic Violence
18 Archival description results for Domestic Violence
File consists of a report on the Abrigo Centre for Victims of Family Violence, detialing the family service needs of the Portuguese-speaking community of Metropolitan Toronto, written by Eduarda Sousa.
File consists of a report titled, "Report on Services to Battered Women in the Portuguese Community with an Overview of Services to Battered Women in Other Ethnic Communities," written by Tereza Coutinho of PIN, prepared for the Ministry of Community and Social Services.
File consists of press releases of the television station, CFMT International, and the Department of Canadian Heritage, announcing a new multilingual public service announcement about family violence.
File consists of meeting minutes and other material related to the Family Violence Committee of PIN.
File consists of minutes of the family violence sub-committee.
File consists of a report on information sessions on domestic violence in three Portuguese communities in Ontario, conducted by the Ministry of Citizenship and PIN.
File consists of: photocopies of brochures and resource guides related to domestic violence; a list of resources on domestic violence available at PIN; a questionnaire distributed at an information workshop on domestic violence, held by PIN on 3 March; list of members of the Family Violence Sub-committee of PIN, meeting minutes of the sub-committee; a poster advertising "Uma tarde de informacao para a comunidade portuguesa: Agressao contra a mulher," [An afternoon information session for the Portuguese community on aggression against women], held by the Parkdale Intercultural Council, 2 June; and other related material.
File consists of a grant proposal for "Group Therapy for Battering Men," submitted to the Ministry of Health for Ontario by the Kensington Clinic, and a letter of endorsement for the program by PIN.
File consists of a report titled, "Woman Abuse: The Case for Surveys by Telephone," written by Michael D. Smith, York University, as part of the series, "LaMarsh Research Programme Reports On…" sponsored by the LaMarsh Research Programme on Violence & Conflict Resolution and the Institute for Social Research, York University.
File consists of records of the Advisory Committee of the Portuguese Pastoral Council, particularly related to the proposal for a Community-based Family Crisis Centre. File includes: drafts and a final version of "A Proposal for a Comprehensive Response to Family Violence in the Metropolitan Toronto Portuguese Community," by the Advisory Committee and the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Toronto; a copy of "Statistics Re: Cases Involving Dependent Children" by the Metropolitan Community Services Department; and "Report on Services to Battered Women in the Portuguese Community with an Overview of Services to Battered Women in Other Ethnic Communities," by Tereza Coutinho.
File consists of notes taken during a workshop on family violence, held 12 February.
File consists of photocopied pages comprising a book chapter titled, "Portuguese Families," written by Everett Moitoza, and other articles and resources related to domestic violence.
File consists of a document which describes six stories of domestic violence based on interviews with Portuguese-speaking women at St. Christopher House.
File consists of resource material with information about domestic violence.